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O presente relatório para a obtenção do grau de mestre é composto por dois capítulos distintos, sendo o Capítulo I referente à parte de investigação e na segunda parte a experiência profissionalizante em Farmácia Comunitária (Capítulo II).
No Capítulo I consta a componente de investigação onde foi realizada uma revisão sistemática sobre modelos ex vivo para poder avaliar a permeação de fármacos pela via nasal e rectal. Um dos aspetos fundamentais que determinam a absorção de um fármaco é a capacidade de permeação do mesmo e, como tal, para o estudo e desenvolvimento de novos candidatos a fármacos ou de novas formulações farmacêuticas incluindo fármacos já conhecidos, é útil a realização de ensaios de permeação. Para os estudos de permeação ex vivo, podem ser utilizadas câmaras de Ussing e células de Franz.
Os estudos de permeação nasal e rectal em câmaras de Ussing e células de Franz têm sido realizados em mucosas de origem humana, de rato, porco, bovino, coelho e ovelha. Na otimização destes ensaios implica ter em consideração inúmeras variáveis, como a temperatura, o tipo de tampão a utilizar, o tempo do ensaio, entre muitas outras, considerando-se, por isso, ser útil uma avaliação das condições que têm vindo a ser usadas em muitos trabalhos experimentais já publicados e tentar entender o impacto destas variáveis na qualidade dos resultados gerados.
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se nos estudos reportados na literatura científica existem métodos de ensaios de permeação ex vivo em mucosas nasais e rectais, em câmaras de Ussing and Franz, que possam ser considerado padrão ou preferíveis.
Para encontrar publicações sobre ensaios de permeação em mucosa nasal e rectal, foram realizadas pesquisas na base de dados Pubmed, revistos 42 artigos que reportam a realização de ensaios de permeação nos modelos pretendidos.
Em conclusão, existe uma grande falta de uniformidade nas condições experimentais usadas em ensaios de permeação ex vivo, com modelos de mucosa nasal e retal. Tal facto poderá significar que mesmo condições experimentais diversas são adequadas aos objetivos de cada investigador. Outra interpretação possível, é de que muitas vezes os estudos de permeação são efetuados em condições não otimizadas. Sobretudo, desconhece-se o impacto que toda esta variabilidade poderá trazer aos resultados obtidos, pelo que os investigadores deverão ter o cuidado de não comparar os seus resultados com os de outros autores, e investir algum esforço no desenvolvimento e controlo dos seus ensaios. Adicionalmente, poder-se-á afirmar que haveria interesse em se desenvolver um ensaio uniformizado e validado, que facilitasse a sua implementação e utilização por diferentes laboratórios, ou em considerar modelos alternativos de mais fácil uniformização e validação.
No Capítulo II é descrito o estágio curricular em Farmácia Comunitária realizado na Farmácia Diamantino no Fundão, de 3 de Fevereiro a 20 de Junho. No estágio fui integrado na equipa de trabalho da Farmácia Diamantino que me proporcionaram todos os conhecimentos técnicos e práticos e me familiarizaram com a dinâmica de uma farmácia comunitária. O presente capítulo tem como objetivo descrever as atividades realizadas durante o estágio.
This report for the degree of master consists on two different chapters, Chapter I which concerns research and the second part the professional internship in community pharmacy (Chapter II). Chapter I refers to the research component, where a systematic review of ex vivo models was performed to assess the permeation of drugs through the nasal and rectal routes. One of the main features that determines a drug’s absorption is its permeation and, as such, for the study and development of new drug candidates or new pharmaceutical formulations including known drugs, it is useful to perform permeation assays. For ex vivo permeation studies, Ussing chambers, and Franz cells may be used. Rectal and nasal permeation studies on Ussing chambers and Franz cells have been conducted in humans, rats, pigs, bovine, rabbit and sheep mucosa. The optimization of these assays involves taking into account many variables, such as temperature, type of buffer, the duration of the test, among many others, and so it’s useful to make an assessment of conditions that have been used in already published experimental works and try to understand the impact of these variables on the results quality. This work’s main objective is to check if there are default methods to test nasal and rectal mucosa permeation in Ussing chambers and Franz cells in the scientific literature. To find publications on nasal and rectal mucosa permeation essays, surveys were conducted in the Pubmed database, with 42 articles that truly report permeation essays in the wanted models. In conclusion, there is a great lack of consistency in the experimental conditions used in ex vivo permeation essays with nasal and rectal mucosa models. This might mean that even several experimental conditions are appropriate to the objectives of each investigator. Another possible interpretation is that the permeation studies are often performed under not optimized conditions. Above all, it is unknown what impact all this variability may bring, so researchers should be careful to not compare their obtained results with others, and invest some effort in the development and control of their trials. Additionally, it would be of great interest if a standardized and validated assay was developed which could facilitate its implementation and use by different laboratories or to consider alternative models that could be easier to standardize and validate. Chapter II describes the internship in Community Pharmacy held at Farmácia Diamantino in Fundão from 3 February to 20 June. In the internship I was integrated into the team working in Farmácia Diamantino which gave me all the technical and practical knowledge and allowed me to acquaint myself with the dynamics of a community pharmacy. This chapter aims to describe the activities performed during the internship.
This report for the degree of master consists on two different chapters, Chapter I which concerns research and the second part the professional internship in community pharmacy (Chapter II). Chapter I refers to the research component, where a systematic review of ex vivo models was performed to assess the permeation of drugs through the nasal and rectal routes. One of the main features that determines a drug’s absorption is its permeation and, as such, for the study and development of new drug candidates or new pharmaceutical formulations including known drugs, it is useful to perform permeation assays. For ex vivo permeation studies, Ussing chambers, and Franz cells may be used. Rectal and nasal permeation studies on Ussing chambers and Franz cells have been conducted in humans, rats, pigs, bovine, rabbit and sheep mucosa. The optimization of these assays involves taking into account many variables, such as temperature, type of buffer, the duration of the test, among many others, and so it’s useful to make an assessment of conditions that have been used in already published experimental works and try to understand the impact of these variables on the results quality. This work’s main objective is to check if there are default methods to test nasal and rectal mucosa permeation in Ussing chambers and Franz cells in the scientific literature. To find publications on nasal and rectal mucosa permeation essays, surveys were conducted in the Pubmed database, with 42 articles that truly report permeation essays in the wanted models. In conclusion, there is a great lack of consistency in the experimental conditions used in ex vivo permeation essays with nasal and rectal mucosa models. This might mean that even several experimental conditions are appropriate to the objectives of each investigator. Another possible interpretation is that the permeation studies are often performed under not optimized conditions. Above all, it is unknown what impact all this variability may bring, so researchers should be careful to not compare their obtained results with others, and invest some effort in the development and control of their trials. Additionally, it would be of great interest if a standardized and validated assay was developed which could facilitate its implementation and use by different laboratories or to consider alternative models that could be easier to standardize and validate. Chapter II describes the internship in Community Pharmacy held at Farmácia Diamantino in Fundão from 3 February to 20 June. In the internship I was integrated into the team working in Farmácia Diamantino which gave me all the technical and practical knowledge and allowed me to acquaint myself with the dynamics of a community pharmacy. This chapter aims to describe the activities performed during the internship.
Ensaio Farmácia Comunitária Franz Mucosa Nasal Permeação Rectal Ussing