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A presente dissertação consiste numa intervenção no edifício da Torre de Santo António,
localizado no Bairro de Santo António, Covilhã, com vista a apresentar uma proposta de usos
temporários para este espaço.
O edifício a intervir situa-se na parte alta da cidade, mais precisamente no bairro de Santo
António, perto da Reitoria da Universidade da Beira Interior. Este encontra-se a 700 metros de
altitude e apresenta uma área de aproximadamente 3700 m2.
A Torre de Santo António e a sua integração são controversos a vários níveis:
- Detém um por grande impacto visual tanto na paisagem urbana como na envolvente, devido
à sua verticalidade (20 pisos), concentrando a construção nesta área apenas e unicamente na
sua verticalidade;
- Pelo fato de a sua execução não ter sido terminada (apesar de terem sido apresentados vários
projetos para esse efeito). O seu aspeto degradado e inacabado acentua a sua não integração;
- Ao nível programático é extremamente limitado e redutor arquitetonicamente, precisamente
por apresentar unicamente usos de habitação, o que, a ser terminado, dificultaria ainda mais a
sua integração – sendo que poderia integrar múltiplos usos como serviços, equipamentos, entre
Para colmatar estas lacunas, a presente Dissertação tem como objetivo primordial repensar e
reabilitar o edificado dinamizando-o através de novos usos e da adaptação dos mesmos na sua
arquitetura. Pretendem-se criar novos espaços, usos e apropriações e gerar uma cooperação
entre espaços comuns e privados, através desta adição. Pretende-se beneficiar da estrutura
existente, colocando assim em prática uma economia circular, com vista à preservação,
otimização de recursos e sustentabilidade construtiva. Paralelamente, tenciona-se impulsionar
novas dinâmicas na envolvente e na cidade simultaneamente, criando um equilíbrio entre
arquitetura e comunidade.
The present dissertation consists of an intervention in the Torre de Santo António building, located in Bairro de Santo António, Covilhã, with a view to presenting a proposal for temporary uses for this space. The building to be intervened is located in the upper part of the city, more precisely in the Santo António neighbourhood, close to the Rectory of the University of Beira Interior. This is at 700 meters altitude and has an area of approximately 3700 m2. The Santo António Tower and its integration are controversial on several levels: - It has a great visual impact both in the urban landscape and in the surroundings, due to its verticality (20 floors), concentrating the construction in this area only and solely in its verticality; - Due to the fact that its implementation has not been completed (although several projects have been presented for this purpose). Its degraded and unfinished appearance accentuates its non-integration; - At the programmatic level, it is extremely limited and architecturally reductive, precisely because it presents only housing uses, which, if completed, would make its integration even more difficult – since it could integrate multiple uses such as services, equipment, among others. In order to fill these gaps, this Dissertation has as its main objective to rethink and rehabilitate the building, streamlining it through new uses and adapting them in its architecture. It is intended to create new spaces, uses and appropriations and to generate cooperation between common and private spaces, through this addition. It is intended to benefit from the existing structure, thus putting into practice a circular economy, with a view to preservation, optimization of resources and constructive sustainability. At the same time, it is intended to boost new dynamics in the surroundings and in the city simultaneously, creating a balance between architecture and community.
The present dissertation consists of an intervention in the Torre de Santo António building, located in Bairro de Santo António, Covilhã, with a view to presenting a proposal for temporary uses for this space. The building to be intervened is located in the upper part of the city, more precisely in the Santo António neighbourhood, close to the Rectory of the University of Beira Interior. This is at 700 meters altitude and has an area of approximately 3700 m2. The Santo António Tower and its integration are controversial on several levels: - It has a great visual impact both in the urban landscape and in the surroundings, due to its verticality (20 floors), concentrating the construction in this area only and solely in its verticality; - Due to the fact that its implementation has not been completed (although several projects have been presented for this purpose). Its degraded and unfinished appearance accentuates its non-integration; - At the programmatic level, it is extremely limited and architecturally reductive, precisely because it presents only housing uses, which, if completed, would make its integration even more difficult – since it could integrate multiple uses such as services, equipment, among others. In order to fill these gaps, this Dissertation has as its main objective to rethink and rehabilitate the building, streamlining it through new uses and adapting them in its architecture. It is intended to create new spaces, uses and appropriations and to generate cooperation between common and private spaces, through this addition. It is intended to benefit from the existing structure, thus putting into practice a circular economy, with a view to preservation, optimization of resources and constructive sustainability. At the same time, it is intended to boost new dynamics in the surroundings and in the city simultaneously, creating a balance between architecture and community.
Adaptabilidade Adição Covilhã Re-Uso Torre de Santo António Usos Temporários