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Este relatório descreve as atividades e experiências adquiridas durante os oito meses do
estágio curricular realizadas no Serviço de Patologia Clínica na Unidade Local de Saúde
do Centro Hospitalar Universitário Cova da Beira, no âmbito do Mestrado em
Bioquímica da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade da Beira Interior. O presente
relatório retrata a passagem nos principais setores do laboratório de patologia clínica,
estes setores incluem a microbiologia, hematologia e imunoquímica. O relatório
destaca, principalmente, as metodologias e características de cada um dos setores e os
exames mais solicitados na rotina diária de um laboratório de análises clínicas
hospitalar. Em paralelo, foi realizado um projeto de investigação que teve como
objetivo principal comparar a eficácia de dois kits para a pesquisa de sangue oculto nas
fezes, um teste cromatográfico qualitativo e um teste turbidimétrico quantitativo. Foi
feita uma análise comparativa onde foram utilizadas amostras de fezes provenientes da
rotina do laboratório. As amostras foram testadas com ambos os kits, destacando-se o
número de resultados positivos para um valor de cut-off de 50 ng/mL no teste
turbidimétrico. Este teste demonstrou maior sensibilidade, pois resultou num maior
número de amostras positivas, em comparação com o teste cromatográfico qualitativo.
Contudo, a impossibilidade de confirmar os diagnósticos clínicos limitaram a
capacidade de realizar uma análise estatística completa e de validar a superioridade
clínica do teste FOB Turbilatex® Combo (CerTest) quantitativo. Os resultados
mostraram que o teste quantitativo pode ser mais eficaz na deteção de sangue oculto
nas fezes do que o teste qualitativo já utilizado no laboratório de microbiologia do
serviço de patologia clínica, o NADAL® FOB cromatográfico (cut-off 40 ng/mL). Isto
indica que tem um maior potencial para a deteção precoce de condições
gastrointestinais, como o cancro colorretal (CCR). Apesar das limitações encontradas
ao longo deste projeto, estes resultados estão de acordo com a literatura existente, que
indica para a melhor sensibilidade e especificidade dos métodos quantitativos. Futuras
pesquisas devem incluir diagnósticos clínicos confirmados para se poder avaliar a
eficácia dos testes, e é também essencial uma maior quantidade de amostras na região
local da Covilhã e Fundão. Estudos adicionais devem avaliar a taxa de falsos positivos e
negativos, e uma análise de custo-benefício é necessária para determinar a viabilidade
económica da implementação do novo teste. Avaliar o impacto do teste quantitativo
num programa de rastreio populacional ajudará a determinar a eficácia na deteção precoce do CCR e outras condições gastrointestinais, influenciando a taxas de
This report describes the activities and experiences acquired during the eight-month curricular internship carried out at the Clinical Pathology Service of the Local Health Unit of the Cova da Beira University Hospital Center, as part of the Master's Degree in Biochemistry at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Beira Interior. This report depicts the rotation through the main sectors of the clinical pathology laboratory, which include microbiology, hematology, and immunochemistry. The report primarily highlights the methodologies and characteristics of each sector and the most requested tests in the daily routine of a hospital clinical analysis laboratory. In parallel, a research project was conducted with the main objective of comparing the efficacy of two kits for detecting occult blood in feces, a qualitative chromatographic test, and a quantitative turbidimetric test. A comparative analysis was performed using stool samples from the laboratory routine. The samples were tested with both kits, with the number of positive results for a cut-off value of 50 ng/mL in the turbidimetric test standing out. This test demonstrated greater sensitivity as it resulted in a higher number of positive samples compared to the qualitative chromatographic test. However, the inability to confirm clinical diagnoses limited the capacity to perform a complete statistical analysis and validate the clinical superiority of the quantitative FOB Turbilatex® Combo (CerTest) test. The results showed that the quantitative test might be more effective in detecting occult blood in feces than the qualitative test already used in the microbiology laboratory of the clinical pathology service, the NADAL® FOB chromatographic (cutoff 40 ng/mL). This indicates a greater potential for the early detection of gastrointestinal conditions, such as colorectal cancer (CRC). Despite the limitations encountered throughout this project, these results are in line with existing literature, which indicates better sensitivity and specificity of quantitative methods. Future research should include confirmed clinical diagnoses to assess the efficacy of the tests, and a larger sample size from the local regions of Covilhã and Fundão is also essential. Additional studies should evaluate the rate of false positives and negatives, and a costbenefit analysis is necessary to determine the economic feasibility of implementing the new test. Assessing the impact of the quantitative test in a population screening program will help determine its effectiveness in the early detection of CRC and other gastrointestinal conditions, influencing mortality rates.
This report describes the activities and experiences acquired during the eight-month curricular internship carried out at the Clinical Pathology Service of the Local Health Unit of the Cova da Beira University Hospital Center, as part of the Master's Degree in Biochemistry at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Beira Interior. This report depicts the rotation through the main sectors of the clinical pathology laboratory, which include microbiology, hematology, and immunochemistry. The report primarily highlights the methodologies and characteristics of each sector and the most requested tests in the daily routine of a hospital clinical analysis laboratory. In parallel, a research project was conducted with the main objective of comparing the efficacy of two kits for detecting occult blood in feces, a qualitative chromatographic test, and a quantitative turbidimetric test. A comparative analysis was performed using stool samples from the laboratory routine. The samples were tested with both kits, with the number of positive results for a cut-off value of 50 ng/mL in the turbidimetric test standing out. This test demonstrated greater sensitivity as it resulted in a higher number of positive samples compared to the qualitative chromatographic test. However, the inability to confirm clinical diagnoses limited the capacity to perform a complete statistical analysis and validate the clinical superiority of the quantitative FOB Turbilatex® Combo (CerTest) test. The results showed that the quantitative test might be more effective in detecting occult blood in feces than the qualitative test already used in the microbiology laboratory of the clinical pathology service, the NADAL® FOB chromatographic (cutoff 40 ng/mL). This indicates a greater potential for the early detection of gastrointestinal conditions, such as colorectal cancer (CRC). Despite the limitations encountered throughout this project, these results are in line with existing literature, which indicates better sensitivity and specificity of quantitative methods. Future research should include confirmed clinical diagnoses to assess the efficacy of the tests, and a larger sample size from the local regions of Covilhã and Fundão is also essential. Additional studies should evaluate the rate of false positives and negatives, and a costbenefit analysis is necessary to determine the economic feasibility of implementing the new test. Assessing the impact of the quantitative test in a population screening program will help determine its effectiveness in the early detection of CRC and other gastrointestinal conditions, influencing mortality rates.
Architect C8000 Análises Clínicas Cromatográfico Cut-Off Fobt Ifobt Imunoquímico Microbiologia Quantitativo Relatório de Estágio Turbidimétrico