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Introdução: A osteoporose é uma doença caracterizada pela diminuição da densidade
mineral óssea e pela deterioração da microarquitetura do tecido ósseo, tornando os ossos
mais frágeis e suscetíveis a fraturas. Representa uma das principais doenças crónicas da
atualidade. Dada a sua prevalência a nível mundial e nacional, consideramos pertinente
analisar e caracterizar a população de doentes com osteoporose seguida na consulta de
reumatologia/doenças osteometabólicas da Unidade Local de Saúde da Cova da Beira por
faixa etária e sexo, de forma a possibilitar uma melhoria da prestação de cuidados de saúde.
Materiais e métodos: O estudo é observacional, longitudinal e retrospetivo. A recolha de
dados foi conduzida mediante consulta dos registos clínicos dos doentes no SClínico. A
análise estatística foi realizada com recurso ao programa Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences, tendo sido efetuada a análise descritiva dos dados (médias, desvios padrão,
valores máximos e mínimos, frequências e percentagens) e a análise inferencial com recurso
a Teste-T emparelhado, teste paramétrico ANOVA, testes não paramétricos de Wilcoxon e
Kruskal-Wallis e regressões.
Resultados: A amostra é constituída por 177 doentes, seguidos durante uma média de
29,20 meses. Destes, 32 (18,10%) apresentam idade inferior a 65 anos e 145 (81,90%) idade
igual ou superior a 65 anos, sendo 156 (88,14%) do sexo feminino e 21 (11,86%) do sexo
masculino. Houve uma redução significativa no número de novas fraturas de fragilidade
após a implementação do tratamento osteoporótico (151 versus 78), no entanto houve
refraturas em 7 (3,95%) doentes. A maioria dos doentes foi tratado com bifosfonatos
(70,98%), e entre estes, 14 (30,43%) apresentaram falência terapêutica. Não se verificou
falência terapêutica em doentes tratados com denosumab ou teriparatide. Verificou-se que
o primeiro tratamento anti osteoporótico teve impacto nas fraturas de fragilidade das
vértebras dorsais e em outras localizações. Observaram-se diferenças positivas,
estatisticamente significativas, entre os valores de DMO e T-score da coluna lombar e DMO
do colo do fémur antes e durante seguimento, não havendo superioridade de uma classe
terapêutica sobre outra na contribuição para este aumento. Verificaram-se associações
médias moderadas (valores de 0,566 e 0,603, respetivamente) entre fraturas de fragilidade
nas vértebras dorsais e lombares e o desenvolvimento de dor na região correspondente.
Também se identificou uma associação entre fraturas de fragilidade femoral e mobilidade
reduzida (valor= 0,391). Realizou-se uma regressão linear múltipla que demonstrou uma
correlação baixa (coeficiente de determinação de 0,282), mas significativa, entre o número total de fraturas de fragilidade, DEXA da coluna lombar inicial (DMO, T-score e Z-score) e
total de fatores de risco não modificáveis, no entanto não é possível realizar inferências para
outras populações.
Conclusão: Nesta amostra, composta por 177 doentes diagnosticados com osteoporose,
predominam mulheres com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos. A implementação do
tratamento anti osteoporótico resultou numa redução significativa do número de novas
fraturas de fragilidade, sendo os bifosfonatos a terapêutica farmacológica predominante. A
dor e a diminuição da mobilidade foram as complicações associadas às fraturas de
fragilidade, ressaltando a necessidade de abordagens terapêuticas multidisciplinares e
abrangentes no tratamento destes doentes. Neste estudo, verificou se a associação de
fraturas de fragilidade com os resultados da densitometria óssea da coluna lombar inicial
(DMO, T-score e Z-score) e o total de fatores de risco não modificáveis, não sendo possível
comprovar, nesta amostra, a associação com outras variáveis. Recomenda-se que
investigações futuras tenham uma base de dados mais alargada de forma a progredir-se na
análise, nomeadamente com avaliação de preditores de fratura e de aumento de
mortalidade, bem como análise diferencial entre doentes com e sem refratura.
Introduction: Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by decreased bone mineral density and deterioration of bone microarchitecture, rendering bones more fragile and susceptible to fractures. It represents one of the main chronic diseases of contemporary times. Given its worldwide and national prevalence, we considered it pertinent to analyze and characterize the population of patients with osteoporosis followed in the rheumatology/metabolic bone diseases clinic at the Unidade Local de Saúde da Cova da Beira by age group and gender, aiming to enable an improvement in healthcare provision. Materials and Methods: The study is observational, longitudinal, and retrospective. Data collection was conducted by consulting patients' clinical records in SClínico. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program, including descriptive analysis of the data (means, standard deviations, maximum and minimum values, frequencies, and percentages), and inferential analysis using paired Ttest, parametric ANOVA, non-parametric Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallis tests and regressions. Results: The sample consists of 177 patients, followed for an average of 29.20 months. Among these, 32 (18.10%) are under the age of 65 and 145 (81.90%) are aged 65 or older, with 156 (88.14%) females and 21 (11.86%) males. There was a significant reduction in the number of new fragility fractures after the implementation of osteoporotic treatment (151 versus 78), however, refractures occurred in 7 (3.95%) patients. The majority of patients were treated with bisphosphonates (70.98%), among which, 14 (30.43%) experienced therapeutic failure. No therapeutic failure was observed in patients treated with denosumab or teriparatide. The first anti-osteoporotic treatment was found to impact fragility fractures of the dorsal vertebrae and other locations. Positive, statistically significant differences were observed between BMD and T-score values of the lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD before and during follow-up, with no superiority of one therapeutic class over another in contributing to this increase. Moderate associations (values of 0.566 and 0.603, respectively) were found between fragility fractures in the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae and the development of pain in the corresponding region. An association between femoral fragility fractures and reduced mobility was also found (value= 0.391). Multiple linear regression was performed demonstrating a low, but significant, correlation (coefficient of determination of 0.282) between the total number of fragility fractures, initial lumbar spine DEXA (BMD, T-score, and Z-score), and total non-modifiable risk factors, however, inferences for other populations cannot be made. Conclusion:In this sample, consisting of 177 patients diagnosed with osteoporosis, elderly women aged 65 years or older predominate. The implementation of anti-osteoporotic treatment resulted in a significant reduction in the number of new fragility fractures, with bisphosphonate being the predominant pharmacological therapy. Pain and decreased mobility were complications associated with fragility fractures, highlighting the need for multidisciplinary and comprehensive therapeutic approaches in the treatment of these patients. In this study, the association of fragility fractures with initial lumbar spine bone densitometry results (DMO, T-score, and Z-score) and total non-modifiable risk factors was verified, but the association with other variables could not be proven in this sample. It is recommended that future research should utilize a broader database to further progress in the analysis, particularly with the evaluation of predictors of increased mortality due to fractures, as well as differential analysis between patients with and without refracture.
Introduction: Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by decreased bone mineral density and deterioration of bone microarchitecture, rendering bones more fragile and susceptible to fractures. It represents one of the main chronic diseases of contemporary times. Given its worldwide and national prevalence, we considered it pertinent to analyze and characterize the population of patients with osteoporosis followed in the rheumatology/metabolic bone diseases clinic at the Unidade Local de Saúde da Cova da Beira by age group and gender, aiming to enable an improvement in healthcare provision. Materials and Methods: The study is observational, longitudinal, and retrospective. Data collection was conducted by consulting patients' clinical records in SClínico. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program, including descriptive analysis of the data (means, standard deviations, maximum and minimum values, frequencies, and percentages), and inferential analysis using paired Ttest, parametric ANOVA, non-parametric Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallis tests and regressions. Results: The sample consists of 177 patients, followed for an average of 29.20 months. Among these, 32 (18.10%) are under the age of 65 and 145 (81.90%) are aged 65 or older, with 156 (88.14%) females and 21 (11.86%) males. There was a significant reduction in the number of new fragility fractures after the implementation of osteoporotic treatment (151 versus 78), however, refractures occurred in 7 (3.95%) patients. The majority of patients were treated with bisphosphonates (70.98%), among which, 14 (30.43%) experienced therapeutic failure. No therapeutic failure was observed in patients treated with denosumab or teriparatide. The first anti-osteoporotic treatment was found to impact fragility fractures of the dorsal vertebrae and other locations. Positive, statistically significant differences were observed between BMD and T-score values of the lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD before and during follow-up, with no superiority of one therapeutic class over another in contributing to this increase. Moderate associations (values of 0.566 and 0.603, respectively) were found between fragility fractures in the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae and the development of pain in the corresponding region. An association between femoral fragility fractures and reduced mobility was also found (value= 0.391). Multiple linear regression was performed demonstrating a low, but significant, correlation (coefficient of determination of 0.282) between the total number of fragility fractures, initial lumbar spine DEXA (BMD, T-score, and Z-score), and total non-modifiable risk factors, however, inferences for other populations cannot be made. Conclusion:In this sample, consisting of 177 patients diagnosed with osteoporosis, elderly women aged 65 years or older predominate. The implementation of anti-osteoporotic treatment resulted in a significant reduction in the number of new fragility fractures, with bisphosphonate being the predominant pharmacological therapy. Pain and decreased mobility were complications associated with fragility fractures, highlighting the need for multidisciplinary and comprehensive therapeutic approaches in the treatment of these patients. In this study, the association of fragility fractures with initial lumbar spine bone densitometry results (DMO, T-score, and Z-score) and total non-modifiable risk factors was verified, but the association with other variables could not be proven in this sample. It is recommended that future research should utilize a broader database to further progress in the analysis, particularly with the evaluation of predictors of increased mortality due to fractures, as well as differential analysis between patients with and without refracture.
Densidade Mineral Óssea Fatores de Risco Osteoporose Risco de Fratura Tratamentos Anti-Osteoporóticos