A temática relacionada às transformações ocorridas nas áreas rurais, é, sem dúvida uma
questão contemporânea pertinente. O enfoque pretendido neste estudo privilegia uma
abordagem múltipla sobre as novas formas de encarar estes espaços, destacando as
experiências vivenciadas por indivíduos que decidem neles habitar, assim como essas
experiências se cruzam com outras esferas do social.
Cada vez mais o bem-estar emocional e as relações com a natureza são entendidas como
um elemento central na vida dos indivíduos e, simultaneamente, com o espaço de
interação e de construção social.
Dada a relevância destes aspetos, acreditamos ser de grande pertinência perceber o que
leva diversos indivíduos na procura destes espaços, como efetuam esse percursos e que
formas de vida perspetivam, tal como são por eles percebidas.
Pretende-se discutir e investigar em que medida as novas formas de sentir os espaços
poderão contradizer o despovoamento e contribuir para o desenvolvimento dos locais.
A presente investigação apresenta os resultados de um estudo exploratório, realizado
com diversos indivíduos que trocaram as suas vidas urbanas por experiências em meio
rural. Tendo-se optado por uma metodologia qualitativa, foram realizadas 8 entrevistas.
A análise das diferentes dimensões enunciadas resultou da elaboração de um corpo
teórico que serviu de base às questões realizadas nas entrevistas.
The issue related to the transformations that have occurred in rural areas is undoubtedly a relevant contemporary issue. The focus of this study privileges a multiple approach on the new ways of seeing these spaces, emphasizing the experiences lived by individuals who decide to live in them, as well as these experiences cross with other social areas. More and more the emotional well-being and relationships with nature are understood as a central element in the life of individuals and, simultaneously, with the space of interaction and social construction. Given the relevance of these aspects, we believe it is of great pertinence to perceive what drives several individuals in the search for these spaces, how they carry out these journeys and how they envisage this lifestyle, as they are seen by them. We intend to discuss and investigate in what way the new ways of feeling the spaces around them can contradict depopulation and contribute to the development of the places. This study aims to present the results of an exploratory study carried out with several individuals who exchanged their urban lives for experiences in rural areas. Choosing a qualitative methodology, 8 interviews were conducted. The analysis of the different opinions resulted in the elaboration of a theoretical structure that served as a basis for the questions asked in the interviews.
The issue related to the transformations that have occurred in rural areas is undoubtedly a relevant contemporary issue. The focus of this study privileges a multiple approach on the new ways of seeing these spaces, emphasizing the experiences lived by individuals who decide to live in them, as well as these experiences cross with other social areas. More and more the emotional well-being and relationships with nature are understood as a central element in the life of individuals and, simultaneously, with the space of interaction and social construction. Given the relevance of these aspects, we believe it is of great pertinence to perceive what drives several individuals in the search for these spaces, how they carry out these journeys and how they envisage this lifestyle, as they are seen by them. We intend to discuss and investigate in what way the new ways of feeling the spaces around them can contradict depopulation and contribute to the development of the places. This study aims to present the results of an exploratory study carried out with several individuals who exchanged their urban lives for experiences in rural areas. Choosing a qualitative methodology, 8 interviews were conducted. The analysis of the different opinions resulted in the elaboration of a theoretical structure that served as a basis for the questions asked in the interviews.
Contraurbanização Desenvolvimento
Local Neorrural Neorruralidade Rural