Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2024-07-09"
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- Angular Atomic Components ArchitecturePublication . Pena, Nuno Rodrigo Lopes; Pombo, Nuno Gonçalo Coelho Costa; Aniceto, Alexandre Miguel CoelhoO principal objetivo deste relatório passa por expor todo o trabalho realizado durante o estágio na empresa Emvenci. Este incide na realização de uma reformulação/criação de diversas páginas da aplicação web da empresa utilizando a metodologia de Atomic Design. Através desta reestruturação, um dos principais objetivos é permitir uma melhoria de performance do website, realizando otimizações ao nível do tempo de carregamento de conteúdo, número de linhas de código e tamanho que cada ficheiro ocupa. Desta forma, o documento começa por expor o universo de trabalho da empresa e os seus respetivos objetivos. De seguida, é feita uma descrição da plataforma utilizada pela empresa e uma explicação da metodologia a ser aplicada. No terceiro capítulo, são apresentadas as ferramentas utilizadas, bem como uma explicação das mesmas. Por fim, é retratado o desenvolvimento do estágio, referindo os aspetos mais importantes que foram realizados.
- ML Orchestrator: Development and Optimization of Machine Learning Pipelines and PlatformsPublication . Marques, Pedro Joel da Silva Miroto; Neves, João Carlos Raposo; Lopes, Vasco Ferrinho; Degardin, Bruno ManuelMachine Learning Pipelines play a crucial role in the efficient development of large-scale models, which is a complex process that involves several stages and faces intrinsic challenges. This document seeks to explore the depth of these structures, from the initial preparation of datasets to the final stage of model implementation, as well as the importance of optimizing these structures. Emphasis is also placed on the critical relevance of this process in Cloud Computing environments, where flexibility, scalability and efficiency are imperative. By understanding and properly applying optimized strategies, we not only improve model performance, but also maximize the benefits offered by cloud computing, thus shaping the future of Machine Learning development at scale. The Google Cloud Platform, more specifically the Vertex AI tool, offers a comprehensive solution for building and implementing Machine Learning Pipelines, as it allows development teams to take advantage of pre-trained models, automation of tasks and management of tasks and resources in a simplified way, leading to improved scalability, enabling efficient processing of large volumes of data. In addition, an analysis is made of how the Google Kubernetes Engine tool plays a key role in the management and scaling of these structures, since the ability to manage containers on a large scale guarantees an efficient execution of Machine Learning processes, providing a dynamic response to requests from clients. To efficiently build and optimize a ML pipeline, essential objectives were set to ensure robustness and efficiency. This includes creating a Google Kubernetes Cluster with its complementary services in GKE for the Playground Tool service, employing scalability strategies like KEDA and deploying the DeepNeuronicML model for objects and actions predictions from real-time video streams. Additionally, a Copilot is used to monitor computational resources, ensuring the ML pipeline can manage multiple clients and their AI models in an optimized and scalable manner. To conclude, it’s important to note that optimizing Machine Learning Pipelines in cloud environments is not just a necessity, but a strategic advantage. By adopting innovative approaches and integrating the tools mentioned above (Vertex AI and Google Kubernetes Engine), business organizations can overcome the complex challenges of these structures and boost efficiency and innovation in their Machine Learning services.
- Development of a Salesforce Solution: From Discovery to ImplementationPublication . Martins, Rita Ribeiro; Silva, Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da; Dinkhuysen, Gabriela LevyThis report details the internship experience focused on learning and implementing Salesforce, a prominent platform in the realm of CRM. The initial phase emphasizes an in- -depth immersion into Salesforce, covering essential knowledge assimilation, architectural understanding, and tool familiarization. Concurrently, practical skills in conducting project discoveries are honed, emphasizing the significance of the Discovery phase in a project’s lifecycle. As the internship progresses, the objectives shift towards the hands-on application of Salesforce knowledge and discovery methodologies. The intern is challenged to develop diverse functionalities to fulfill the goals identified during the Discovery phase. This later stage not only requires the application of theoretical knowledge but also demands effective translation of identified requirements into functional and efficient solutions. The overarching objectives of the internship seamlessly intertwine Salesforce proficiency, a deep comprehension of the discovery process, and the skillful application of this knowledge to create functionalities. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the internship journey, capturing the learning curve and practical applications in the dynamic environment of Salesforce and project discovery
- Fábrica de Automação de TestesPublication . Matos, Ana Bárbara Simões Mota Antunes de; Muranho, João Manuel da Silva Fernandes; Couto, Nuno SáO presente documento visa apresentar o estágio na no âmbito da unidade curricular Dissertação ou de Estágio em Engenharia Informática, do mestrado em Engenharia Informática na Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI). É apresentada a caracterização da empresa na qual o estágio será realizado, incluindo alguns detalhes acerca do plano de certificação oferecido aos seus colaboradores. A contextualização do estagio, apresenta uma breve descrição de projetos de referência em que tive a oportunidade de participar e que contribuíram para a maturidade tecnológica requerida no projeto descrito mais a diante. Por fim é apresentado o cronograma, dentro da janela temporal de estagio, envolvendo etapas de Arquitetura, Automação de Testes, Formação e Certificação e por fim Gestão. São apresentados os conceitos teóricos e as tecnologias aplicadas no trabalho desenvolvido. Por sua vez são também descritas em detalhe quais as principais atividades de arquitetura envolvidas, que contaram com fases de pesquisa, proposta e desenvolvimento da solução. As conclusões finais visam realizar uma revisão do estágio, a apresentar pontos de melhora e desafios futuros.
- Impacto da Violência Baseada no Género na Saúde Mental da MulherPublication . Canedo, Ana Carolina da Silva; Pinto, Maria Teresa Salgado Lameiras Carvalhão Santos; Santos, Vítor Hugo JesusA violência Baseada no Género (VBG), reconhecida pela OMS como uma violação dos direitos humanos, tem-se revelado um problema de saúde pública global. Para além do impacto na saúde física, a violência baseada no género provoca efeitos a curto e longo prazo na saúde mental. Os Profissionais de Saúde devem estar preparados para prevenir, identificar e responder de forma eficaz à violência praticada contra as mulheres, nomeadamente, no que diz respeito às formas mais comuns de violência: violência em relações de intimidade e violência sexual. Com este trabalho, pretende-se analisar o impacto da VBG na Saúde Mental da mulher e as suas principais manifestações psiquiátricas, bem como avaliar os fatores de risco e protetores inerentes a esta problemática, identificando de que forma podem os médicos desenvolver um papel mais ativo na diminuição dos efeitos da Violência Baseada no Género na Saúde Mental da Mulher.
- Preventing Data Exfiltration eBPF-based approachPublication . Pinto, Carlos Francisco Caramelo; Sousa, Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de; Sousa, André Passos; Simão Melo deThis internship report addresses the challenges and solutions associated with the data exfiltration problems identified by Scalabit. The research carried out during the course of this internship is based on eBPF, which is an emerging technology. The aim of this research is to study the feasibility of a solution based on this technology for the data exfiltration problem on machines whose users have sudo access. The document is organized into several crucial sections, starting with an introduction outlining the problem, the solution to be studied and a contextualization of the company where the internship was carried out. This is followed by a review of the state of the art of tools that make use of kernel-based security and eBPF itself. Some classic tools are also presented in this review and compared with eBPF. A preliminary case study is then presented, focusing on the implementation of an eBPF application that can list a user and the directory in which they are present when a specific system call is made. This study serves as a preliminary proof that eBPF would be a suitable tool for the problem at hand, providing valuable insights about eBPF and the kernel itself. The core work of this internship is the development of an eBPF application, which limits system calls on a per user and directory basis, effectively using data hiding as a method to prevent data exfiltration. This tool is intended to be deployed on several machines where users have sudo access. The expected use case and tests ran are presented alongside the tool itself. Finally, the report presents a critical analysis of the tool developed and the work carried out during this internship period. The vulnerabilities of the application itself and the way in which they were dealt with are analyzed. In summary, this report aims to present the research and development work carried out during my internship at Scalabit.
- A Model for Optimizing the Life Cycle of Physical Assets based on a Circular Economy ApproachPublication . Pais, José Edmundo de Almeida e; Cardoso, António João Marques; Farinha, José Manuel TorresIn the past years, Asset Management (AM) was normally described as maintenance management; their focus was on programs, procedures, and other tasks to optimize the organization’s assets uptime. Nowadays, when considering asset management, an active life cycle management of the major assets must be taken in consideration and components considered from the cradle to the grave. On the other side, some other points must be taken into consideration when performing asset management. In the past, only a few assets were considered to be managed; this old approach brings a few weaknesses. A new approach must consider all the assets as part of the organization. Even if their role after analyses is not pivotal, it is important to know them, and plans must be made for those assets, even if they are not complex or detailed. When considering AM, there is a need to apply a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). While doing so, many factors must be taken into consideration, focusing on reducing expenses and increasing sustainability in several aspects. Equipment with less environmental impact must always be considered and developed, while improving sustainability broadly. The principal function of asset management is to realize value from assets, but where to start? To obtain their major value, the ISO 55001 presents a set of plans. One of them is the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP), which details the asset management objectives and explains their relationship with the organizational objectives and the framework required to achieve the asset management objectives. The SAMP needs to have a set of processes to realize the expected value. Asset management deals with different areas. It must have a clear way to communicate inside and outside the organization because every sector plays a vital role in the whole. On the other hand, the SAMP must provide tools to manage physical assets' life cycle. Those tools need to be quantitative to be easily measured. On the other side, the SAMP must be aligned with the organization's objectives., This alignment is communicated to ensure that external and internal stakeholders, at all levels of the organization, understand why asset life cycle activities and asset management activities are implemented. While building a SAMP, it is fundamental that it can be measured with the use of tools such as Balanced Scorecard (BSC) with adequate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can bring a quantitative approach that can easily measure the quality of the SAMP. While using BSC there are four perspectives: Financial, Customer, Internal Process, and Learning and Growth, which perfectly fit the SAMP requirements.
- Internship in the company RedOcean - Software Thinking & Digital Marketing: Development of a CRM Software ApplicationPublication . Carmo, David José Alberto; Pombo, Nuno Gonçalo Coelho CostaThis report offers a detailed exploration of the work carried out in the context of an internship at the company RedOcean to develop a new version of the CRM application. This is used by the company to monitor the requirements necessary for modern companies to interact with their customers, simplify internal operations and contribute in a general way to the company’s success. The availability of integrating various plugins into the platform make it versatile and increase its value for future clients from diferent work environments. This made the developing project from a professional and educational point of view even more interesting to work on, additionally the opportunity to work as a team and receive constructive feedback from mo
- Contribuição para a Implementação do Projeto Transportes Públicos FlexíveisPublication . Pina, Francisco Miguel Galvão; Muranho, João Manuel da Silva Fernandes; Gouveia, João José TelesEste relatório visa documentar todo o processo de estágio realizado na unidade curricular de Estágio, referente ao segundo semestre do segundo ano do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática na Universidade da Beira Interior. O documento detalha as diversas fases do estágio, incluindo as atividades propostas e realizadas, bem como as tecnologias e ferramentas utilizadas. O estágio decorreu na empresa Latitudde - Digital Enablers, LDA, e envolveu a minha contribuição para a implementação do Projeto Transportes Públicos Flexíveis. Este projeto abrangeu, desde a formação inicial, planeada pela empresa, pontos necessários para a aprendizagem de várias tecnologias, até à integração numa equipa de desenvolvimento dedicada à implementação de soluções tecnológicas para o referido projeto.
- Um caso de estudo sobre o desenvolvimento de aplicações Web com Angular e .NET em ambiente empresarialPublication . Matos, Miguel dos Santos Serôdio Serrano de; Pombo, Nuno Gonçalo Coelho Costa; Gouveia, João José TelesEste relatório de estágio foi elaborado no âmbito da cadeira de 2º semestre, Dissertação ou Estágio em Engenharia Informática. O documento dá uma visão geral da jornada do estagiário como um Full Stack Developer na empresa Latitudde - Digital Enablers, LDA, descrevendo os obstáculos enfrentados e as lições aprendidas durante o desenvolvimento de aplicações web. Durante este estágio Angular foi usado para frontend, .NET para backend, SQL Server para a base de dados e GitLab para a organização e gestão do código. Além de uma visão geral dos projetos, o relatório aprofunda-se em aspetos técnicos específicos, como a utilização do ASP.NET Identity para a gestão de utilizadores e o uso de componentes do PrimeNG para a construção de plataformas responsivas e eficientes. Durante este estágio, procurou-se aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do curso de Engenharia Informática, enfrentando desafios práticos e desenvolvendo competências essenciais na área da engenharia informática.