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O aumento da esperança média de vida, resultante dos avanços da medicina e da melhoria das condições de vida das populações, trouxe consigo o aumento de doenças crónicas, sendo algumas delas profundamente incapacitantes numa fase terminal. Gradualmente foi sendo exigido, a todos os níveis, respostas para esta nova realidade – às políticas sociais, aos hospitais e aos profissionais de saúde. Surgiram, assim, os cuidados paliativos, que estão orientados por objectivos muito particulares.
A medicina paliativa privilegia uma abordagem holística, de cuidados totais, centrada não só no doente terminal como também na sua própria família. Esses cuidados devem ser prestados por uma vasta equipa de profissionais com formação específica em cuidados paliativos, possibilitando desta forma a estes doentes o cuidado e a qualidade de vida que merecem.
O foco da presente investigação incide, sobretudo, nestes profissionais de saúde e na formação que adquiriram a nível académico e readquiriram em cuidados paliativos. O presente trabalho sobre os profissionais de saúde da equipa de cuidados paliativos (mais concretamente, os médicos e enfermeiros) do Serviço de Medicina Paliativa do Hospital do Fundão.
Nesta investigação foram realizadas 9 entrevistas: uma à médica/directora do serviço, uma ao fundador do serviço, e sete aos enfermeiros do serviço. Este serviço foi seleccionado a nível nacional, não só pelo fácil acesso geográfico, mas também por ser o serviço pioneiro de cuidados paliativos em Portugal, que remonta ao ano de 1992.
Embora a temática da presente investigação se centre nos cuidados paliativos, a análise situa-se, mais precisamente, no modo como a socialização/formação académica destes profissionais de saúde os dotou (ou não) de competências e em que medida se encontra direccionada para a área dos cuidados paliativos, incorporando os valores e os princípios subjacentes a este tipo de cuidados.
The life expectancy increase, as the result of advancements in medicine and the improving livelihood conditions of the population, brought the increase in chronic diseases, some of them deeply disabling at a terminal phase. Gradually was required at all levels - social policies, hospitals, and health professionals, answers to this new reality. Emerged, thus the palliative care, which are bounded by many particular objectives. Palliative medicine favours an holistic view of total care, focused not only in the terminal patient but also in his own family. Care is provided by a large professional team with specific training in palliative medicine, giving these patients the care and the quality life they deserve. Having said this, this investigation mainly focus on health workers and their academic background and the training they gained on palliative cares. This investigation involves the health workers of the palliative care team (doctors and nurses) at the Palliative Medicine Service of Fundão Hospital. Nine interviews were conducted: one with the director in charge of the service, one with the founder of palliative care service and seven with nurses. The abovementioned palliative care service, selected on a national level, was the first palliative care created in Portugal, dating back to 1992 and has an easy geographical access. Although the subject of this investigation is focused on palliative care, its analysis stands, more precisely, on how the socialization/academic background of these health professionals endowed them (or not) with the proper skills and to what extent was directed to the palliative care field, incorporating the values and principles underlying this type of care.
The life expectancy increase, as the result of advancements in medicine and the improving livelihood conditions of the population, brought the increase in chronic diseases, some of them deeply disabling at a terminal phase. Gradually was required at all levels - social policies, hospitals, and health professionals, answers to this new reality. Emerged, thus the palliative care, which are bounded by many particular objectives. Palliative medicine favours an holistic view of total care, focused not only in the terminal patient but also in his own family. Care is provided by a large professional team with specific training in palliative medicine, giving these patients the care and the quality life they deserve. Having said this, this investigation mainly focus on health workers and their academic background and the training they gained on palliative cares. This investigation involves the health workers of the palliative care team (doctors and nurses) at the Palliative Medicine Service of Fundão Hospital. Nine interviews were conducted: one with the director in charge of the service, one with the founder of palliative care service and seven with nurses. The abovementioned palliative care service, selected on a national level, was the first palliative care created in Portugal, dating back to 1992 and has an easy geographical access. Although the subject of this investigation is focused on palliative care, its analysis stands, more precisely, on how the socialization/academic background of these health professionals endowed them (or not) with the proper skills and to what extent was directed to the palliative care field, incorporating the values and principles underlying this type of care.
Cuidados paliativos Doente terminal