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Introdução: No final dos anos pré-clínicos é importante que os estudantes de medicina
tenham adquirido os princípios básicos da ciência biomédica e da patofisiologia da doença,
e desenvolvido diversas competências, como observacionais e de raciocínio clínico, para
aplicação em diferentes situações clínicas. Por um lado, as instituições de ensino devem
garantir a aquisição das competências essenciais para as novas aprendizagens no ciclo
clínico e, por outro lado, a instituição deve ter os instrumentos que lhe permitam avaliar se
os estudantes estão a adquirir aquelas competências.
Objetivo: Estudar a perceção dos alunos sobre o conhecimento adquirido e as
competências desenvolvidas nos três primeiros anos do curso de medicina e a sua
preparação para os anos clínicos, identificando pontos fortes e pontos fracos do currículo,
bem como sobre a eficácia das metodologias utilizadas.
Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo transversal retrospetivo baseado na aplicação de
um questionário aplicado aos estudantes que frequentaram o 3º ano do curso de medicina
na Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde (FCS), na Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI)
(N=1001) nos anos letivos de 2014/2015 a 2020/2021. No questionário estavam incluídas
perguntas que permitiam avaliar a perceção dos estudantes sobre a sua preparação para os
anos clínicos respondidas numa escala de Likert de 4 ou 5 pontos. Foram analisados
parâmetros da estatística descritiva (frequência relativa e absoluta, média, desvio padrão e
mediana). Foram comparadas as medianas dos diferentes grupos e anos letivos analisados
(testes de Kruskal-Wallis e Wilcoxon), tendo sido consideradas diferenças estatísticas
significativas para valores de p<0,05.
Resultados: 637 estudantes completaram o questionário (63,6%). A maioria (74,3%)
considerou que o currículo dos anos pré-clínicos permitiu uma boa preparação (6-8 em 10)
para os anos clínicos. Especificamente, relativamente ao desenvolvimento de competências,
a maioria concordou possuir as competências necessárias para começar as residências
clínicas (54,9%), para interagir com pacientes e profissionais de saúde (82,4%) e para
compreender as condições sociais dos pacientes (88,9%). Verificou-se também que a
maioria dos estudantes mantém-se indiferente em relação a dominar os mecanismos de
doença, os indicadores e os princípios de diagnóstico e monitorização da apresentação das
patologias comuns (42,5%) além das competências básicas necessárias às decisões clínicas
(43,3%). Conclusão: No geral, os estudantes que terminam os anos pré-clínicos têm uma perceção
positiva sobre a sua preparação para iniciar a sua aprendizagem clínica. Existem, no
entanto, áreas de competência em que eles se sentem menos confiantes, sendo necessário
identificar essas áreas no sentido da melhoria curricular. A realização deste tipo de estudos
deve ser continuada pois é importante para se obter feedback da parte dos estudantes sobre
os pontos fortes e fracos do currículo e assim melhorar o desenvolvimento das suas
Introduction: At the end of pre-clinical years, it is important that medical students have acquired basic principles of biomedical science and pathophysiology of disease, and developed different competencies, such as observation skills and clinical reasoning for application in various clinical settings. On one hand, the institution must guarantee their students are well prepared for new learning in the clinical cycle, and on the other hand, the institution must have tools to evaluate whether students are acquiring those competencies. Objective: Evaluate students’ perceptions of the knowledge acquired and skills developed for in the first three years of the medical course and their preparation for the clinical years, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum, as well as verifying the effectiveness of the methodologies used. Methodology: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted based on the application of a questionnaire administered to students who attended the third year of the medical course at Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde (FCS), of Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) (N=1001) from the academic years 2014/2015 to 2020/2021. The questionnaire included questions that allowed the evaluation of students’ perception of their preparation for the clinical years, answered on a 4 or 5-point Likert scale. Descriptive statistics parameters (relative and absolute frequency, mean, standard deviation, and median) were analyzed. The medians of the different groups and academic years analyzed were compared (Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests), with statistical differences considered significant for values of p<0.05. Results: 637 of 1001 students completed the questionnaire (63,6%). Most students (74,3%) considered that pre-clinical curriculum provided a good preparation (6-8 in 10) for clinical years. Specifically, regarding skills developed, most students agreed to have those needed to start clinical residencies (54,9%), to interact with patients and health professionals (82,4%) and to understand patients’ social conditions (88,9%). However, most remain neutral in relation to mastering the mechanisms of disease, indicators and principles of diagnosis and monitoring of common pathologies (42,5%), and basic competencies necessary for clinical decision-making (43,3%). Conclusion: Overall, students who complete the preclinical years have a positive perception of their preparation to begin their clinical learning. However, there are areas of competency where they feel less confident, and it is necessary to identify these areas for curriculum improvement. This type of studies should be continued, as it is important to collect feedback from students about the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum and improve the development of their competencies.
Introduction: At the end of pre-clinical years, it is important that medical students have acquired basic principles of biomedical science and pathophysiology of disease, and developed different competencies, such as observation skills and clinical reasoning for application in various clinical settings. On one hand, the institution must guarantee their students are well prepared for new learning in the clinical cycle, and on the other hand, the institution must have tools to evaluate whether students are acquiring those competencies. Objective: Evaluate students’ perceptions of the knowledge acquired and skills developed for in the first three years of the medical course and their preparation for the clinical years, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum, as well as verifying the effectiveness of the methodologies used. Methodology: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted based on the application of a questionnaire administered to students who attended the third year of the medical course at Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde (FCS), of Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) (N=1001) from the academic years 2014/2015 to 2020/2021. The questionnaire included questions that allowed the evaluation of students’ perception of their preparation for the clinical years, answered on a 4 or 5-point Likert scale. Descriptive statistics parameters (relative and absolute frequency, mean, standard deviation, and median) were analyzed. The medians of the different groups and academic years analyzed were compared (Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests), with statistical differences considered significant for values of p<0.05. Results: 637 of 1001 students completed the questionnaire (63,6%). Most students (74,3%) considered that pre-clinical curriculum provided a good preparation (6-8 in 10) for clinical years. Specifically, regarding skills developed, most students agreed to have those needed to start clinical residencies (54,9%), to interact with patients and health professionals (82,4%) and to understand patients’ social conditions (88,9%). However, most remain neutral in relation to mastering the mechanisms of disease, indicators and principles of diagnosis and monitoring of common pathologies (42,5%), and basic competencies necessary for clinical decision-making (43,3%). Conclusion: Overall, students who complete the preclinical years have a positive perception of their preparation to begin their clinical learning. However, there are areas of competency where they feel less confident, and it is necessary to identify these areas for curriculum improvement. This type of studies should be continued, as it is important to collect feedback from students about the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum and improve the development of their competencies.
Competências Educação Médica Estudantes Medicina Perceção