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O período da Guerra Fria ficou marcado pelas fases de tensão elevada entre os Estados Unidos
da América e a União Soviética. Um dos catalisadores para esse estado foi a corrida ao espaço
e a continuada hegemonia soviética nesse campo. Em 1966 os Estados Unidos da América
promoveram a criação do Tratado do Espaço Exterior (TEE) que visava proteger o espaço e os
corpos celestes, como a Lua, de atividades militares que não tivessem fins pacíficos, proibindo
também reivindicação territorial de um corpo celeste por um país. Assim com o tratado em
vigor nenhum dos blocos podia atingir o máximo propagandístico da corrida ao espaço de tornar
um corpo celeste como parte da sua soberania.
O nosso objetivo passa por analisar a reação dos Estados Unidos da América face aos avanços
da União Soviética na conquista do espaço, procurando evidenciar de que modo a modelação
do TTE foi condicionada perante o ambiente vivido na Guerra Fria.
The Cold War period was marked by phases of elevated tension between the United States of America and the Soviet Union. One of the catalysts for this state of affairs was the space race and the continued soviet hegemony in that field. In 1966 the United States of America promoted the creation of the Outer Space Treaty (OST) which aimed to protect space and celestial bodies, like the Moon, of military activities that did not have peaceful purposes, while also prohibiting countries from claiming the territory of celestial bodies as their own. Thus with the treaty in force none of the blocs could achieve the highest propagandistic objective of the space race of claiming a celestial body as part of their sovereignty. Our objective is to analyze the reaction of the United States of America in the face of the continuous advances by the Soviet Union in the conquest of space, trying to evince in how the OST was conditioned by the Cold War environment.
The Cold War period was marked by phases of elevated tension between the United States of America and the Soviet Union. One of the catalysts for this state of affairs was the space race and the continued soviet hegemony in that field. In 1966 the United States of America promoted the creation of the Outer Space Treaty (OST) which aimed to protect space and celestial bodies, like the Moon, of military activities that did not have peaceful purposes, while also prohibiting countries from claiming the territory of celestial bodies as their own. Thus with the treaty in force none of the blocs could achieve the highest propagandistic objective of the space race of claiming a celestial body as part of their sovereignty. Our objective is to analyze the reaction of the United States of America in the face of the continuous advances by the Soviet Union in the conquest of space, trying to evince in how the OST was conditioned by the Cold War environment.
Armas Nucleares Espaço Exterior Fobs Icbm Nasa.