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O presente relatório, para obtenção do grau de mestre, é composto por três capítulos distintos: o Capítulo I refere-se à componente de investigação, o Capítulo II à vertente de Farmácia Hospitalar e o Capítulo III à vertente de Farmácia Comunitária.
Do Capítulo I consta a investigação desenvolvida no âmbito do novo paradigma Quality by Design (QbD). Este conceito declara que, por forma a garantir a qualidade pré-definida do produto, melhorar a qualidade da performance da manufatura e garantir a satisfação das necessidades dos consumidores, todos os processos inerentes terão de ser totalmente compreendidos. As guidelines da ICH Q8, Q9, Q10 e mais recentemente Q11, providenciam uma base sólida para melhor compreensão deste paradigma.
Foi objetivo deste estudo determinar o grau de perceção da indústria farmacêutica em Portugal acerca da utilidade de uma estratégia de desenvolvimento, otimização da produção e controlo/gestão da qualidade seguindo o conceito QbD, o seu grau de implementação e as dificuldades sentidas pelas empresas. Para tal, foi aplicado um inquérito, no período de 16/12/2013 a 1/06/2014 a uma população de 27 indústrias farmacêuticas, obtendo-se resposta de 12.
Constatou-se que apenas uma indústria não implementou o conceito, embora todas elas o conhecessem. Das 11 que o implementaram, 4 (36,4%) começaram a usar as suas ferramentas antes da sua recomendação para adoção no anexo à guideline ICH Q8 (antes de 2008). Todas as indústrias já se encontram no grau de implementação médio, testando algumas ferramentas próprias do conceito (63,11%) ou no grau alto, usando-as de forma sistemática e contínua (36,4%). Quanto à perceção da importância do QbD em termos de recursos humanos e orçamento atribuídos, 7 (63,7%) empresas classificaram-na como importante ou muito importante e 4 (36,4%) como pouco importante. Ficou ainda estatisticamente comprovado que o QbD tem importância nas indústrias que fazem I&D (p-value=0,024 assumindo um nível de significância de 5%).
Os métodos de avaliação e gestão do risco na qualidade foram as ferramentas do QbD mais usadas (27%). O âmbito de utilização/implementação do QbD mais frequente foi em melhorias de processo com submissão de alguns pedidos de “alteração aos termos de AIM” e no desenvolvimento/melhorias de métodos analíticos de controlo de qualidade (ambos com 28%). O setor das indústrias mais influenciado pelo QbD foi o da gestão da qualidade (27,5%). O benefício mais vezes referido com o QbD foi o de maior robustez na qualidade do produto final, com diminuição dos riscos de “não-conformidade” e custos associados (32,1%). A maior desvantagem referida pelas empresas foi a impossibilidade/dificuldade de alocação de tempo e pessoal qualificado (42,9%).
Em suma, as indústrias farmacêuticas em Portugal estão a par do novo paradigma, cujos procedimentos regulamentares são focados na harmonização e melhoria global da manufatura, mas ainda desejam dominar melhor o “know-how” e skills subjacentes ao QbD. Não são só as agências reguladoras e os peritos desta área que deverão cooperar e fomentar a implementação deste novo paradigma. Torna-se também essencial que a academia acompanhe esta evolução e que comece a dotar os estudantes de Ciências Farmacêuticas das competências necessárias para utilização dos conceitos e ferramentas do QbD.
O Capitulo II relata o estágio em Farmácia Hospitalar realizado entre 3 de fevereiro e 28 de março de 2014, nos serviços farmacêuticos do Centro Hospitalar de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Vila Real), sob orientação da Dra. Almerinda Alves. Para além da descrição da organização, funcionamento e das funções desempenhadas na farmácia, são também abordadas as experiências e conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do estágio, essenciais para um bom desempenho farmacêutico a nível hospitalar.
No Capítulo III é descrito o estágio curricular em Farmácia Comunitária realizado na Farmácia Vale D’Álvaro (Bragança). Este decorreu sob a orientação da Dra. Isabel Carolina Serra, durante o período de 31 de março a 20 de junho de 2014. Sendo a farmácia comunitária a face mais visível do trabalho dum farmacêutico, as aprendizagens, competências e autonomia adquiridas foram essenciais para o meu futuro profissional. Pretende-se com este capítulo descrever a organização, o funcionamento e as atividades desenvolvidas ao abrigo deste estágio.
This report consists of three separate chapters: Chapter I refers to the research component, Chapter II to the component of Hospital Pharmacy and Chapter III to the component of Community Pharmacy. Chapter I describes the research developed within the new paradigm Quality by Design (QbD). This concept states that in order to ensure predefined product quality, improve manufacturing quality performance and serve customers’ needs, one must fully understand the processes behind it. ICH’s guidelines Q8, Q9 and Q10, and more recently Q11, provide a solid foundation for better understanding and applying this new paradigm. The aim of this study was to assess the Portuguese pharmaceutical companies’ perception about the usefulness of a strategy of development, production optimization and control/quality management according to the QbD concept, its level of implementation and the difficulties felt by those companies. A survey was applied between 16/12/2013 and 1/06/2014 to a population of 27 pharmaceutical companies, 12 of which answered it. It was found that only one industry has not yet implemented the concept, although all of them knew it. Of the 11 who implemented it, 4 (36,4%) began using its tools before their recommendation for adoption in the annex to guideline ICH Q8 (before 2008). All of the industries were already on the medium degree of implementation, testing some tools of this concept (63,11%) or high degree of implementation, using them in a systematic and continuous way (36,4%). Regarding the perception of QbD’s importance in terms of allocated human resources and budget, 7 (63,7%) classified it as important or very important and 4 (36,4%) as somewhat important. It was statistically proven that QbD was considered of greater importance among the industries having R&D activities (p-value=0,024, assuming a significance level of 5%). The industries’ most used QbD tool was “Quality Risk Assessment and Quality Risk Management” (27%). The most frequently pointed scopes of use and implementation of QbD were “the development and improvement of analytical methods for quality control” and “process improvements” (both with 28%). Quality management (27,5%) was the most relevant industry sector under QbD’s influence. The greatest benefit achieved by QbD was “greater robustness in the final product quality and reduction of the risks of non-compliance and costs”. The main obstacle towards QbD’s implementation was “inability/difficulty of allocating time and qualified staff” (42,9%). Summarily, Portuguese industries are aware of this new paradigm, whose regulatory procedures are focused on global harmonization and improvement of manufacturing. However, those industries still feel the need to better learn the “know how” and master the skills underlying QbD. Regulatory agencies and experts of this field should cooperate and foment the implementation of this new paradigm. It is also essential that the Portuguese academy keeps pace with this evolution and begins to equip Pharmaceutical Sciences´ students of the skills needed to use the concepts and tools of QbD. Chapter II reports the traineeship in Hospital Pharmacy conducted between February 3rd and March 28th of 2014, in the Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro Hospital Centre (Vila Real), under the guidance of Dra. Almerinda Alves. Besides the description of the organization, operation and duties performed in the pharmacy, the experiences and knowledge acquired over this stage (which are essential for a good performance in a hospital level) are also addressed. Chapter III describes the traineeship in Community Pharmacy that took place in Vale D’Álvaro Pharmacy (Bragança), conducted under guidance of Dra. Isabel Carolina Serra. It occurred between March 31th and June 20th in 2014. The acquired autonomy, skills and knowledge gained in this internship are essential to my professional future, since the community pharmacy is the most visible face of the work of a pharmacy. The aim of this chapter is to describe the organization, the functioning and the activities developed under this stage.
This report consists of three separate chapters: Chapter I refers to the research component, Chapter II to the component of Hospital Pharmacy and Chapter III to the component of Community Pharmacy. Chapter I describes the research developed within the new paradigm Quality by Design (QbD). This concept states that in order to ensure predefined product quality, improve manufacturing quality performance and serve customers’ needs, one must fully understand the processes behind it. ICH’s guidelines Q8, Q9 and Q10, and more recently Q11, provide a solid foundation for better understanding and applying this new paradigm. The aim of this study was to assess the Portuguese pharmaceutical companies’ perception about the usefulness of a strategy of development, production optimization and control/quality management according to the QbD concept, its level of implementation and the difficulties felt by those companies. A survey was applied between 16/12/2013 and 1/06/2014 to a population of 27 pharmaceutical companies, 12 of which answered it. It was found that only one industry has not yet implemented the concept, although all of them knew it. Of the 11 who implemented it, 4 (36,4%) began using its tools before their recommendation for adoption in the annex to guideline ICH Q8 (before 2008). All of the industries were already on the medium degree of implementation, testing some tools of this concept (63,11%) or high degree of implementation, using them in a systematic and continuous way (36,4%). Regarding the perception of QbD’s importance in terms of allocated human resources and budget, 7 (63,7%) classified it as important or very important and 4 (36,4%) as somewhat important. It was statistically proven that QbD was considered of greater importance among the industries having R&D activities (p-value=0,024, assuming a significance level of 5%). The industries’ most used QbD tool was “Quality Risk Assessment and Quality Risk Management” (27%). The most frequently pointed scopes of use and implementation of QbD were “the development and improvement of analytical methods for quality control” and “process improvements” (both with 28%). Quality management (27,5%) was the most relevant industry sector under QbD’s influence. The greatest benefit achieved by QbD was “greater robustness in the final product quality and reduction of the risks of non-compliance and costs”. The main obstacle towards QbD’s implementation was “inability/difficulty of allocating time and qualified staff” (42,9%). Summarily, Portuguese industries are aware of this new paradigm, whose regulatory procedures are focused on global harmonization and improvement of manufacturing. However, those industries still feel the need to better learn the “know how” and master the skills underlying QbD. Regulatory agencies and experts of this field should cooperate and foment the implementation of this new paradigm. It is also essential that the Portuguese academy keeps pace with this evolution and begins to equip Pharmaceutical Sciences´ students of the skills needed to use the concepts and tools of QbD. Chapter II reports the traineeship in Hospital Pharmacy conducted between February 3rd and March 28th of 2014, in the Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro Hospital Centre (Vila Real), under the guidance of Dra. Almerinda Alves. Besides the description of the organization, operation and duties performed in the pharmacy, the experiences and knowledge acquired over this stage (which are essential for a good performance in a hospital level) are also addressed. Chapter III describes the traineeship in Community Pharmacy that took place in Vale D’Álvaro Pharmacy (Bragança), conducted under guidance of Dra. Isabel Carolina Serra. It occurred between March 31th and June 20th in 2014. The acquired autonomy, skills and knowledge gained in this internship are essential to my professional future, since the community pharmacy is the most visible face of the work of a pharmacy. The aim of this chapter is to describe the organization, the functioning and the activities developed under this stage.
Farmácia Comunitária Farmácia Hospitalar Indústria Farmacêutica Portugal Quality By Design Questionário