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O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo perceber a importância do
treino técnico complementar específico, no sentido de potenciar o pé não
dominante nas ações técnicas mais solicitadas/específicas no jogo.
A amostra é constituída por 32 jovens futebolistas do sexo masculino com
idade compreendida entre os 10 e os 11 anos (10,29±0,45), referentes a duas
das três equipas que constituíam o escalão de sub11 do Futebol Clube do
Porto na época desportiva 2011/2012. A preferência pedal dos futebolistas no
universo de 32 é: direita, n=23 (72%) e pedal esquerda, n=9 (28%). Uma equipa
constituiu-se como grupo de intervenção (GI), que foi sujeito a um trabalho
técnico especifico para o pé não dominante durante 4 meses, e um grupo de
controlo (GC) onde não houve qualquer intervenção específica relacionada
com o pé não dominante. A avaliação das habilidades técnicas específicas no
Futebol foi efetuada com base no protocolo, nas considerações metodológicas
(Oliveira, 2010), e com o Departamento das Capacidades Individuais da
formação F.C.Porto. Os procedimentos estatísticos para as comparações
foram realizados entre pré e pós teste para cada grupo com o t-teste de
medidas repetidas e para comparação entre grupos foi utilizado o t-teste de
medidas independentes.
Os resultados sugerem que: (i) não existem diferenças entre o GI e GC para o
pé dominante no pré-teste, (ii) no pós-teste existem diferenças significativas
entre os dois grupos, devido ao decréscimo nos resultados do grupo de
intervenção sobre o pé dominante, (iii) em relação ao pé não dominante não
se verificaram resultados significativos entre os dois grupos no pré e pós
teste, (iv) o GI registou diferenças significativas relativamente ao pé
dominante e não dominante (p <.05), do pré para o pós – teste.
This study aims at understanding the importance of a complementary specific technical training to improve the non dominant foot in the most applied and specific technical actions in a game. The sample is composed of thirty-two ten/eleven-year-old young male football players(10,29±0,45),who were part of two of the three under eleven teams of “Futebol Clube do Porto” during the season 2011/2012. Among these players, their foot preference was organized this way: right foot preference: n=23(72%) and left foot preference N=9(28%). A team was constituted as the intervention group (IG), wich was subject to a specific thecnical work for the non-dominant foot for 4 months, and a control group (CG) where there was no specific intervention related. The evaluation of the specific technical football abilities was based on the methodological considerations, Oliveira (2010) and on the F.C. Porto individual capacities Department of training. The statistic procedures used for the comparisons were done between the pre and the post test for each group with the t-test of repeated measures and for the comparison between groups the t test of independent measures was used. The results suggest that (i) there are no differences between the IG and CG for the dominant foot in the pre-test (ii) the pos-test significant differences between the two groups, due to the large decrease in the results of the intervention group on the dominant foot, (iii) in relation to the non-dominant foot there were no significant results between the two groups in the pre and pos test, (iv) the IG noted significant differences in the dominant and non-dominant leg (p<.05), from pre to post test.
This study aims at understanding the importance of a complementary specific technical training to improve the non dominant foot in the most applied and specific technical actions in a game. The sample is composed of thirty-two ten/eleven-year-old young male football players(10,29±0,45),who were part of two of the three under eleven teams of “Futebol Clube do Porto” during the season 2011/2012. Among these players, their foot preference was organized this way: right foot preference: n=23(72%) and left foot preference N=9(28%). A team was constituted as the intervention group (IG), wich was subject to a specific thecnical work for the non-dominant foot for 4 months, and a control group (CG) where there was no specific intervention related. The evaluation of the specific technical football abilities was based on the methodological considerations, Oliveira (2010) and on the F.C. Porto individual capacities Department of training. The statistic procedures used for the comparisons were done between the pre and the post test for each group with the t-test of repeated measures and for the comparison between groups the t test of independent measures was used. The results suggest that (i) there are no differences between the IG and CG for the dominant foot in the pre-test (ii) the pos-test significant differences between the two groups, due to the large decrease in the results of the intervention group on the dominant foot, (iii) in relation to the non-dominant foot there were no significant results between the two groups in the pre and pos test, (iv) the IG noted significant differences in the dominant and non-dominant leg (p<.05), from pre to post test.
Futebol Futebol - Treino técnico Futebol - Pé dominante Futebol - Pé não dominante Futebol - Jogadores jovens Futebol - Lateralidade