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A presente dissertação tem por objectivos comparar os nĂveis de inteligĂȘncia emocional, e de mindfulness, em função da nacionalidade, do gĂ©nero e da percepção de religiosidade, e analisar as associaçÔes entre inteligĂȘncia emocional e mindfulness.
Ă parte integrante desta dissertação um capĂtulo em formato de artigo cientĂfico para submeter a uma revista com revisĂŁo por pares, o qual descreve o estudo transcultural desenvolvido. Os instrumentos utilizados foram um questionĂĄrio sociodemogrĂĄfico, a Escala de InteligĂȘncia Emocional de Schutte (Schutte, Malouff & Bhullar, 2009) e o InventĂĄrio de Mindfulness de Freiburg (Walach, Buchheld, ButtenmĂŒller, Kleinknecht & Schmidt, 2006). A amostra do estudo foi constituĂda por 1395 indivĂduos, dos quais 624 eram portugueses e 750 eram brasileiros. Dos resultados obtidos destacam-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas em inteligĂȘncia emocional (nas dimensĂ”es GestĂŁo das PrĂłprias EmoçÔes e Utilização das EmoçÔes) em função da nacionalidade, e diferenças estatisticamente significativas em mindfulness e em inteligĂȘncia emocional (na escala total e em todas as suas dimensĂ”es) em função do gĂ©nero e da percepção de religiosidade. Verificam-se tambĂ©m associaçÔes positivas e moderadas, estatisticamente significativas, entre inteligĂȘncia emocional e mindfulness.
The present work aims to compare the emotional intelligence and the mindfulness levels as a function of nationality, gender and perception of religiosity and analyze the associations between emotional intelligence and mindfulness. It is an integral part of this work a chapter in a scientific article format to submit to a journal with peer review which describes the cross-cultural study developed. The instruments used were a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (Schutte, Malouff & Bhullar, 2009) and the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (Walach, Buchheld, ButtenmĂŒller, Kleinknecht & Schmidt, 2006). The sample of the study was composed by 1395 individuals from which 624 were Portuguese and 750 were Brazilian. Of the results obtained stands out statistically significant differences in emotional intelligence (in the dimensions Managing Own Emotions and Utilization of Emotion) as a function of nationality and statistically significant differences in mindfulness and in emotional intelligence (in the total scale and in all of its dimensions) as a function of gender and perception of religiosity. Positive and moderate associations, statistically significant, between emotional intelligence and mindfulness are also verified.
The present work aims to compare the emotional intelligence and the mindfulness levels as a function of nationality, gender and perception of religiosity and analyze the associations between emotional intelligence and mindfulness. It is an integral part of this work a chapter in a scientific article format to submit to a journal with peer review which describes the cross-cultural study developed. The instruments used were a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (Schutte, Malouff & Bhullar, 2009) and the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (Walach, Buchheld, ButtenmĂŒller, Kleinknecht & Schmidt, 2006). The sample of the study was composed by 1395 individuals from which 624 were Portuguese and 750 were Brazilian. Of the results obtained stands out statistically significant differences in emotional intelligence (in the dimensions Managing Own Emotions and Utilization of Emotion) as a function of nationality and statistically significant differences in mindfulness and in emotional intelligence (in the total scale and in all of its dimensions) as a function of gender and perception of religiosity. Positive and moderate associations, statistically significant, between emotional intelligence and mindfulness are also verified.
Estudo Transcultural InteligĂȘncia Emocional Mindfulness