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O presente relatório visa apresentar o trabalho realizado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular
de Estágio Pedagógico do Mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e
Secundário. O estágio pedagógico decorreu na Escola Básica e Secundária Tomás de Borba,
na ilha Terceira (Açores) durante o ano letivo 2022/2023.
O seguinte relatório contemplará dois capítulos principais, capítulo 1 - Intervenção
Pedagógica e o capítulo 2 - Investigação e Inovação Pedagógica. No capítulo 1 será
apresentada uma introdução, contextualização da escola, apresentação do núcleo de
estágio, e intervenção em três áreas relevantes, tais como: organização e gestão do ensino e
aprendizagem, participação na escola e relação com a comunidade, e desenvolvimento
profissional. No capítulo 2 apresentará o projeto investigação desenvolvido, “Treino Tabata
na força em adolescentes do sexo feminino” onde se procurou investigar os efeitos de um
programa de treino para a obtenção de melhores resultados nos Testes FitEscola,
nomeadamente nos testes flexões, abdominais e salto de impulsão horizontal. Para a
avaliação dos resultados houve dois momentos: Avaliação Inicial (AI) sem intervenção do
programa de treino e Avaliação Final (AF) após aplicação do programa de treino. Os
resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a implementação deste programa de treino
tabata levou a resultados significativamente positivos nas variáveis de força de resistência
ao contrário da força explosiva onde houve uma pequena diminuição. Assim, parece que o
programa de treino na tabata poderá ter uma influência positiva na força de jovens
raparigas, sendo uma possibilidade de treino seguro e motivador para incluir em contexto
This report aims to present the work carried out within the scope of the pedagogical internship course of the Master's in Physical Education Teaching in Basic and secondary Education. The pedagogical internship took place at the Tomás de Borba Basic and Secondary School on the island of Terceira (Azores) during the 2022/2023 school year. The following report will consist of two main chapters: Chapter 1 - Pedagogical Intervention and Chapter 2 - Research and Pedagogical Innovation. Chapter 1 will present an introduction, the school context, the internship team, and the intervention in three relevant areas, such as: organization and management of teaching and learning, participation in the school and relationship with the community, and professional development. Chapter 2 concerns the research project developed, “Tabata Training for Strength in Adolescent Females,” which aimed to investigate the effects of a training program, such as Tabata, on achieving better results in the FitEscola tests, particularly in push-ups, sit-ups, and horizontal broad jump tests. To assess the results, two moments were considered: Initial Assessment (IA) without the training program intervention and Final Assessment (FA) after the training program was applied. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that the implementation of this training program led to significantly positive results in the endurance strength variables, unlike explosive strength, where there was a slight decrease. Thus, it appears that the Tabata training program can have a positive influence on the strength of young girls, being a safe and motivating training possibility to include in a school context.
This report aims to present the work carried out within the scope of the pedagogical internship course of the Master's in Physical Education Teaching in Basic and secondary Education. The pedagogical internship took place at the Tomás de Borba Basic and Secondary School on the island of Terceira (Azores) during the 2022/2023 school year. The following report will consist of two main chapters: Chapter 1 - Pedagogical Intervention and Chapter 2 - Research and Pedagogical Innovation. Chapter 1 will present an introduction, the school context, the internship team, and the intervention in three relevant areas, such as: organization and management of teaching and learning, participation in the school and relationship with the community, and professional development. Chapter 2 concerns the research project developed, “Tabata Training for Strength in Adolescent Females,” which aimed to investigate the effects of a training program, such as Tabata, on achieving better results in the FitEscola tests, particularly in push-ups, sit-ups, and horizontal broad jump tests. To assess the results, two moments were considered: Initial Assessment (IA) without the training program intervention and Final Assessment (FA) after the training program was applied. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that the implementation of this training program led to significantly positive results in the endurance strength variables, unlike explosive strength, where there was a slight decrease. Thus, it appears that the Tabata training program can have a positive influence on the strength of young girls, being a safe and motivating training possibility to include in a school context.
Açores Contexto Escolar Educação Física Ensino Fitescola® Força Muscular Tabata