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Introdução: É importante estudar em Medicina Geral e Familiar o ganho que os consulentes adquirem após contacto com o médico de família, avaliando-se alterações da capacitação após este contacto e diferenças consoante o tempo decorrido desde a última consulta. O estudo teve como base um instrumento validado para o efeito, o Instrumento de Capacitação do Consulente, que resultou da tradução do Patient Enablement Instrument para a língua portuguesa.
Metodologia: Este foi um estudo observacional, transversal, em que o Instrumento de Capacitação do Consulente foi aplicado oralmente a 290 utentes que aguardavam, na sala de espera do Centro de Saúde da Covilhã, por consulta com o(a) médico(a) de família. Registaram-se também os dados de cada paciente relativamente ao tempo decorrido desde a última consulta com o mesmo médico, idade, sexo, toma diária de medicamentos, grau de instrução, atividade profissional e se vivia, ou não, acompanhado(a).
Resultados: Em 5 das 6 questões, as respostas mais vezes registadas foram “igual ou pior” e “igual ou menos”, com exceção da pergunta “capaz de se manter saudável”, em que os inquiridos responderam em igual número “melhor” e “igual ou pior”. Invariavelmente, as respostas menos vezes assinaladas foram “muito melhor” e “muito mais”. Nas questões “capaz de compreender a sua doença” (58,5% vs. 40,3%;p=0,018), “capaz de lidar com a sua doença” (62,8% vs. 45,2%;p=0,044) e “capaz de se ajudar a si próprio” (52,5% vs. 33,9%;p=0,028), os pacientes consultados há menos de 3 meses sentiam-se mais vezes “igual ou pior” ou “igual ou menos” comparativamente com os que haviam sido há mais de 6 meses. Identificaram-se também diferenças nas variáveis “grupo etário” (p=0,030), “toma diária de medicamentos” (p<0,001) e “ativo(a) profissionalmente” (p=0,039), em função do tempo decorrido desde a última consulta. Na pergunta “capaz de lidar com a sua doença” (71,3% vs. 38,5%;p=0,047), entre os utentes com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, sentiam-se também eles mais vezes “igual ou pior” quando tinham tido consulta há menos tempo comparativamente com os que haviam tido há mais tempo.
Discussão e conclusão: O aumento da capacitação após consulta com o(a) médico(a) de família é baixo de uma forma geral, apesar de mais marcado nos utentes que tinham tido pelo menos uma consulta nos últimos 3 meses, provavelmente devido a patologias crónicas. O Instrumento de Capacitação do Consulente está subaproveitado, sugerindo-se mais estudos para perceber melhor as alterações da capacitação na população portuguesa após uma consulta médica.
Introduction: It is important to study in General Practice/Family Medicine the enablement after a patient doctor encounter, evaluating changes in the enablement as time goes by. The Patient Enablement Instrument translated to portuguese language was used for such purpose. Methodology: We performed an observational, transversal study, in 2014 using the Portuguese version of the Patient Enablement Instrument. The instrument was orally applied to 290 patients who were waiting in the waiting room of the Health Centre in Covilhã for consultation with the General Practitioner/Family Doctor. We specifically addressed the date of the last encounter as well as age, gender, taking drugs everyday, education, occupation and living alone or accompanied. Results: In 5 of the 6 questions, the most registered answer was "same or less", with the exception of question "able to keep yourself healthy," in which the respondents answered in equal numbers "better" and "same or less". Invariably the less chosen answers were "much better" and "much more". In the questions "able to understand your illness" (58,5% vs. 40,3%;p=0,018), "able to cope with your illness" (62,8% vs. 45,2%;p=0,044) and "able to help yourself" (52,5% vs. 33,9%;p=0,028), the consulted patients for less than three months felt more times "same or less", compared with those who had been there more than 6 months. There were also identified differences in variables "age group" (p=0,030), "taking drugs everyday" (p<0.001) and "active professionally" (p=0,039), depending on the time elapsed since the last consultation. In the question "able to cope with your illness" (71,3% vs. 38,5%;p=0,047) among users aged over 65 years, they also felt more often "same or less" when they had been consulted less time ago compared with those who had been consulted more time before. Discussion and Conclusion: The increase of enablement after consultation with the family doctor is low in general, although more marked on patients who had at least one visit to the doctor in the last 3 months, probably due to chronic pathologies. As this instrument is underused, we suggest that more studies are done to better understand the changes in enablement in the portuguese population after a medical consultation.
Introduction: It is important to study in General Practice/Family Medicine the enablement after a patient doctor encounter, evaluating changes in the enablement as time goes by. The Patient Enablement Instrument translated to portuguese language was used for such purpose. Methodology: We performed an observational, transversal study, in 2014 using the Portuguese version of the Patient Enablement Instrument. The instrument was orally applied to 290 patients who were waiting in the waiting room of the Health Centre in Covilhã for consultation with the General Practitioner/Family Doctor. We specifically addressed the date of the last encounter as well as age, gender, taking drugs everyday, education, occupation and living alone or accompanied. Results: In 5 of the 6 questions, the most registered answer was "same or less", with the exception of question "able to keep yourself healthy," in which the respondents answered in equal numbers "better" and "same or less". Invariably the less chosen answers were "much better" and "much more". In the questions "able to understand your illness" (58,5% vs. 40,3%;p=0,018), "able to cope with your illness" (62,8% vs. 45,2%;p=0,044) and "able to help yourself" (52,5% vs. 33,9%;p=0,028), the consulted patients for less than three months felt more times "same or less", compared with those who had been there more than 6 months. There were also identified differences in variables "age group" (p=0,030), "taking drugs everyday" (p<0.001) and "active professionally" (p=0,039), depending on the time elapsed since the last consultation. In the question "able to cope with your illness" (71,3% vs. 38,5%;p=0,047) among users aged over 65 years, they also felt more often "same or less" when they had been consulted less time ago compared with those who had been consulted more time before. Discussion and Conclusion: The increase of enablement after consultation with the family doctor is low in general, although more marked on patients who had at least one visit to the doctor in the last 3 months, probably due to chronic pathologies. As this instrument is underused, we suggest that more studies are done to better understand the changes in enablement in the portuguese population after a medical consultation.
Capacitação Cuidados de Saúde Primários Instrumento de Capacitação do Consulente Medicina Geral e Familiar Patient Enablement Instrument