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O presente Relatório de Estágio Pedagógico é o culminar de todo o trabalho
realizado no ano letivo 2020/2021 na Escola Secundária Campos Melo, na
Covilhã, assim como uma reflexão crítica sobre as diferentes temáticas para o
papel de um Professor de Educação Física. O presente documento apresenta as
principais atividades realizadasao longo do Estágio com especial destaque para
o planeamento, a intervenção, as avaliações, as atividades desenvolvidas, o
acompanhamento da Direção de Turma, bem como reflexões sobre o Estágio e as
áreas do mesmo.
Foi também desenvolvido no âmbito do Estágio um trabalho de investigação com
o objetivo de verificar os eventuais efeitos de um programa de treino durante o
aquecimento nas aulas de Educação Física na Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção
(PHDA). Participaram neste estudo 7 alunos com PHDA divididos em dois grupos
(experimental (4) e controlo (3)). Durante 10 semanas o grupo experimental
realizou um programa de treino com exercícios de concentração durante o
aquecimento nas aulas de Educação Física. Verificou-se que os alunos que
realizaram o programa de treino melhoraram nos aspetos relativos à inquietação
e atenção, apesar de as melhorias não terem sido muito significativas. Podemos
assim concluir que parecem existir melhorias no comportamento dos alunos com
PHDA ao realizarem exercícios que requerem maior concentração no
aquecimento nas aulas de Educação Física, o que poderá ser importante
considerar pelos Professores no trabalho a realizar com este tipo de alunos.
This pedagogical internship report is the culmination of all the work done in school thisyear of 2020/2021, at Campos Melo High School Covilhã, as well as a critical reflection on the different themes for the role of a Physical Education Teacher. The internship had as main points the planning, evaluations, intervention and reflections of all areas. A research work was developed with the purpose of verifying the effect of a training program during the warm-up in Physical Education classes with Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD). Seven students with ADHD participated in this study divided into two groups (experimental (4) and control (3)). For 10 weeks the experimental group carried out a training program with concentration exercises during the warm-up in physical education classes. The results show that the students who did the training program improved in the aspects of restlessness and attention, althoughthe improvement was not very significant. Attending those results we can conclude that there seem to be improvements in the behavior of students with ADHD when performing exercises that require greater concentration in the warm-up in physical education classes, which may be important for teachers to consider when working with this type of students.
This pedagogical internship report is the culmination of all the work done in school thisyear of 2020/2021, at Campos Melo High School Covilhã, as well as a critical reflection on the different themes for the role of a Physical Education Teacher. The internship had as main points the planning, evaluations, intervention and reflections of all areas. A research work was developed with the purpose of verifying the effect of a training program during the warm-up in Physical Education classes with Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD). Seven students with ADHD participated in this study divided into two groups (experimental (4) and control (3)). For 10 weeks the experimental group carried out a training program with concentration exercises during the warm-up in physical education classes. The results show that the students who did the training program improved in the aspects of restlessness and attention, althoughthe improvement was not very significant. Attending those results we can conclude that there seem to be improvements in the behavior of students with ADHD when performing exercises that require greater concentration in the warm-up in physical education classes, which may be important for teachers to consider when working with this type of students.
Aquecimento Educação Física Estágio Pedagógico Phda Programa de Treino