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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência do aquecimento específico para a produção
da força durante a realização do exercício de supino, analisando variáveis mecânicas
(velocidade média propulsiva, potência média propulsiva, índice de esforço e perda de
velocidade), fisiológicas (frequência cardíaca) e psicofisiológicas (perceção subjetiva de
esforço) em população jovem. Para isso, 28 indivíduos voluntários do sexo masculino, entre os
18 e os 28 anos de idade (22.48 ± 1.90 anos de idade) fizeram parte da amostra que realizou
uma sessão de treino do exercício de supino, constituída por 3 séries de 6 repetições com a
carga de 80% do seu máximo (1RM). Estas séries de treino foram realizadas duas vezes, em
dias diferentes e de forma aleatória, sendo que numa das vezes foi precedida de aquecimento
e na outra não foi realizado qualquer aquecimento prévio. O aquecimento realizado foi
composto por 1 série de 6 repetições com a carga de 40% da carga da série a ser realizada e
em seguida, 1 série de 6 repetições com a carga de 80% da carga da série a ser realizada.
Verificamos que o aquecimento realizado permitiu a realização da primeira série de treino
com um valor de velocidade média propulsiva superior (0.45 ± 0.08 vs 0.41 ± 0.08, p = 0.05,
ES = 0.49) e com potência média propulsiva também ela superior à não realização de
aquecimento (273.68 ± 83.93 vs 248.23 ± 74.81, p = 0.05, ES = 0.32). Para além disso, os
valores máximos de velocidade e potência média propulsivas no conjunto das três séries
foram superiores após a realização de aquecimento (0.53 ± 0.07 vs 0.50 ± 0.08, p = 0.06, ES =
0.39 e 324.52 ± 92.66 vs 304.18 ± 86.23, p = 0.05, ES = 0.22, respetivamente). Quanto à
frequência cardíaca e à perceção subjetiva de esforço os resultados não foram significativos.
Podemos assim sugerir que um aquecimento específico progressivo antes de uma sessão de
treino de força de supino em população masculina jovem parece ser necessário para o
desempenho máximo desde a primeira série de treino de força no exercício do supino, assim
como essencial para obter os valores mais elevados de rendimento no mesmo.
The main purpose of the present study was to verify the influence of the specific warming-up for the production of the force during the exercise of a bench press exercise, analyzing mechanical variables (average propulsive velocity, average propulsive power, effort index and speed loss), physiological (heart rate) and psychophysiological (subjective perceived effort) in a young population. So, 28 male volunteers between the ages of 18 and 28 (22.48 ± 1.90 years of age) were part of the sample that performed a session of bench press exercise consisting of 3 sets of 6 repetitions with the load of 80% of their maximum (1RM). These training sets were performed twice, on different days and randomly, one of which was preceded by warm-up and in the other, no previous warm-up was performed. The warm-up was composed of 1 series of 6 repetitions with a load of 40% of the series load to be performed and then 1 series of 6 repetitions with the load of 80% of the series load to be performed. We verified that the warm-up allowed the first training series to be performed with a higher value of mean propulsive velocity (0.45 ± 0.08 vs 0.41 ± 0.08, p = 0.05, ES = 0.49) and with mean propulsive power higher than without warm-up (273.68 ± 83.93 vs 248.23 ± 74.81, p = 0.05, ES = 0.32). In addition, the maximum values of propulsive velocity and power in the 3 sets were higher after warming-up (0.53 ± 0.07 vs 0.50 ± 0.08, p = 0.06, ES = 0.39 and 324.52 ± 92.66 vs 304.18 ± 86.23, p = 0.05, ES = 0.22, respectively). Regarding the heart rate and the subjective perceived effort, the results were not significant. Thus, it is suggested that a specific progressive warm-up prior to a bench press training session in a young male population appears to be required for maximum performance since the first series of strength training in bench press exercise, as well as essential to obtain the highest yield values.
The main purpose of the present study was to verify the influence of the specific warming-up for the production of the force during the exercise of a bench press exercise, analyzing mechanical variables (average propulsive velocity, average propulsive power, effort index and speed loss), physiological (heart rate) and psychophysiological (subjective perceived effort) in a young population. So, 28 male volunteers between the ages of 18 and 28 (22.48 ± 1.90 years of age) were part of the sample that performed a session of bench press exercise consisting of 3 sets of 6 repetitions with the load of 80% of their maximum (1RM). These training sets were performed twice, on different days and randomly, one of which was preceded by warm-up and in the other, no previous warm-up was performed. The warm-up was composed of 1 series of 6 repetitions with a load of 40% of the series load to be performed and then 1 series of 6 repetitions with the load of 80% of the series load to be performed. We verified that the warm-up allowed the first training series to be performed with a higher value of mean propulsive velocity (0.45 ± 0.08 vs 0.41 ± 0.08, p = 0.05, ES = 0.49) and with mean propulsive power higher than without warm-up (273.68 ± 83.93 vs 248.23 ± 74.81, p = 0.05, ES = 0.32). In addition, the maximum values of propulsive velocity and power in the 3 sets were higher after warming-up (0.53 ± 0.07 vs 0.50 ± 0.08, p = 0.06, ES = 0.39 and 324.52 ± 92.66 vs 304.18 ± 86.23, p = 0.05, ES = 0.22, respectively). Regarding the heart rate and the subjective perceived effort, the results were not significant. Thus, it is suggested that a specific progressive warm-up prior to a bench press training session in a young male population appears to be required for maximum performance since the first series of strength training in bench press exercise, as well as essential to obtain the highest yield values.
Aquecimento Supino Treino de Força