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Introdução: A neoplasia maligna gástrica tem uma taxa de incidência alta e um prognóstico adverso. Apesar da sua tendência decrescente, continua ainda com incidência elevada em certas áreas geográficas nomeadamente em Portugal e em certos países asiáticos como o Japão e a Coreia. A sobrevivência é negativamente afetada pelos sintomas por vezes inespecíficos contribuindo para um diagnóstico tardio.
Objetivos: Analisar as características epidemiológicas da neoplasia gástrica e/ou displasia na população abrangida pelo Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, E.P.E. (CHCB); estudar a sobrevivência dos pacientes tratados neste mesmo hospital consoante as características tumorais e do paciente.
Método: Estudo retrospetivo dos pacientes tratados no CHCB diagnosticados com neoplasia maligna gástrica e/ou displasia entre janeiro de 2010 e dezembro de 2012. Para a recolha de dados procedeu-se à consulta dos processos clínicos destes pacientes no SClínico. Os dados foram estatisticamente trabalhados no programa informático SPSS.
Resultados: A amostra consistiu na análise de 116 pacientes. De todas as neoplasias, o adenocarcinoma é o tipo mais frequente na região em estudo e os pacientes do sexo masculino os mais afetados. Os linfomas, GIST e tumores de tipo desconhecido, constituem apenas 13,8% do total. Dos adenocarcinomas, o tipo intestinal é aquele com uma idade média de diagnóstico mais alta (76,16 anos) e o tipo difuso contém a pior sobrevida, com 13% de sobrevivência aos 4 anos. A maior parte das displasias/adenocarcinomas estavam localizadas no antro pilórico (54%). Mais de um quarto (27%) dos pacientes com adenocarcinoma tinham metástases no momento do diagnóstico. A presença de metastização acarreta um risco de morte de 3,61 vezes mais do que para aqueles pacientes sem metástases. Apenas 7,4% dos pacientes com metástases se encontravam vivos no final do estudo.
Conclusões: A neoplasia gástrica continua a ter, como demostrado neste estudo, uma taxa de sobrevivência baixa. O adenocarcinoma do tipo intestinal é a neoplasia com a maior incidência nesta região, seguida pelo adenocarcinoma de tipo difuso. A sobrevida é pior no adenocarcinoma de tipo difuso. Fatores que influenciam a sobrevida são o envolvimento ganglionar, a presença de metástases, o estadiamento no momento de diagnóstico, o tipo de tratamento, a presença de outras doenças malignas e a depressão.
Introduction: Gastric cancer has a high incidence rate and often a poor prognosis. Despite its downward trend, its incidence remains high in some geographical areas, namely in Portugal and certain Asian countries like Japan and Korea. The often non-specific symptoms, in its early stages, results in delayed diagnosis and therefore a negatively impact on survival. Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the epidemiological characteristics of gastric cancer and/or dysplasia in the population area of Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, E.P.E. (CHCB) and to evaluate the factors that influence patient survival according to patient characteristics and the tumor itself. Methods: Retrospective evaluation of patients treated in CHCB with gastric cancer and/or dysplasia between January 2010 and December 2012. Data collection from the clinical records in SClínico. Data was statistically analyzed using SPSS software. Results: The sample consisted of 116 patients. Of all cancers, adenocarcinoma is the most common type in the study region. Male patients are the most affected. Lymphomas, GIST and unknown type of tumours account for only 13,8% of the total number. Intestinal type adenocarcinomas are presented with highest average age of diagnosis (average of 76,16 years). Diffuse type adenocarcinoma has the worst survival: 13% at 4 years. Most adenocarcinomas tended to occur in the pyloric antrum (54%). Over a quarter of patients (27%) with adenocarcinoma presented metastasis at the time of diagnosis, which was associated with a higher mortality risk of 3,61 times that of patients without metastasis. Only 7,4% of patients with metastasis were alive at the end of the study. Conclusions: Gastric cancer has a low survival rate, as demonstrated in the current study. Intestinal type adenocarcinoma is the commonest type of tumour in the study region, followed by diffuse type adenocarcinoma. Diffuse type of adenocarcinoma was shown to have the worst survival rate. The survival rate is affected by nodal involvement, presence of metastasis, the tumour staging at the time of diagnosis, treatment type, the presence of other malignant diseases and depression.
Introduction: Gastric cancer has a high incidence rate and often a poor prognosis. Despite its downward trend, its incidence remains high in some geographical areas, namely in Portugal and certain Asian countries like Japan and Korea. The often non-specific symptoms, in its early stages, results in delayed diagnosis and therefore a negatively impact on survival. Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the epidemiological characteristics of gastric cancer and/or dysplasia in the population area of Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, E.P.E. (CHCB) and to evaluate the factors that influence patient survival according to patient characteristics and the tumor itself. Methods: Retrospective evaluation of patients treated in CHCB with gastric cancer and/or dysplasia between January 2010 and December 2012. Data collection from the clinical records in SClínico. Data was statistically analyzed using SPSS software. Results: The sample consisted of 116 patients. Of all cancers, adenocarcinoma is the most common type in the study region. Male patients are the most affected. Lymphomas, GIST and unknown type of tumours account for only 13,8% of the total number. Intestinal type adenocarcinomas are presented with highest average age of diagnosis (average of 76,16 years). Diffuse type adenocarcinoma has the worst survival: 13% at 4 years. Most adenocarcinomas tended to occur in the pyloric antrum (54%). Over a quarter of patients (27%) with adenocarcinoma presented metastasis at the time of diagnosis, which was associated with a higher mortality risk of 3,61 times that of patients without metastasis. Only 7,4% of patients with metastasis were alive at the end of the study. Conclusions: Gastric cancer has a low survival rate, as demonstrated in the current study. Intestinal type adenocarcinoma is the commonest type of tumour in the study region, followed by diffuse type adenocarcinoma. Diffuse type of adenocarcinoma was shown to have the worst survival rate. The survival rate is affected by nodal involvement, presence of metastasis, the tumour staging at the time of diagnosis, treatment type, the presence of other malignant diseases and depression.
Análise de Sobrevivência Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira Epe Epidemiologia Neoplasia Gástrica