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Introdução: O burnout médico é uma realidade preocupante, pela sua elevada prevalência em
todo o mundo, pelas comorbilidades que acarreta para estes profissionais, os encargos
financeiros para os serviços de saúde e pelos riscos que apresenta para a segurança dos doentes.
É por isso essencial estudar formas de intervir sobre esta síndrome. As técnicas emergentes
baseadas na atenção plena (mindfulness) têm apresentado, nos últimos anos, evidência de
eficácia crescente em contexto de saúde mental.
Objetivos: Procurou-se avaliar a eficácia de técnicas de Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
(MBSR) e Mindfulness Based Cognitivity Therapy (MBCT) como formas de prevenção e
tratamento do burnout. Secundariamente, explorou-se a relação destas técnicas com outras
variáveis, nomeadamente a ansiedade e resiliência.
Métodos: Foi realizada uma revisão narrativa de literatura, de modo a incluir um extenso
conjunto de termos e fontes bibliográficas, admitindo também o apuramento de referências
cruzadas. As palavras-chave pesquisadas foram “physician”, “burnout”, “mindfulness” e
“MBCT” nas bases de dados eletrónicas Pubmed e SciELo. Foram incluídas todas as publicações
entre 2010 e 2020, escritas nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa ou espanhola, respeitantes apenas à
população médica. Após análise dos artigos integrais, foram selecionados seis para uma análise
comparativa entre diferentes programas de mindfulness e respetivos resultados quantitativos e
qualitativos, na recuperação do burnout.
Resultados: Os dados obtidos apontam para melhorias da síndrome de burnout através da
prática de mindfulness de forma presencial ou online, individual ou em grupo, e em intervalos
mais breves ou duradouros, independentemente do protocolo utilizado. Os parâmetros de stress
e ansiedade reduziram, e observou-se uma relação positiva entre a sua diminuição e uma
melhoria no cinismo e Exaustão Emocional (EE). Contudo, a Realização Pessoal (RP) apenas
melhorou num dos estudos. A prática de mindfulness foi responsável pela melhoria deste
fenómeno ocupacional de forma direta, mas também de forma indireta, através da gestão de
características como a resiliência e compaixão. Sob a perspetiva qualitativa, os médicos
associaram a intervenção a uma maior sensação de bem-estar, melhor relação com colegas e
pacientes, e um maior autocuidado.
Conclusão: A técnica de mindfulness na abordagem ao burnout médico apresenta resultados
promissores quanto à sua prevenção e tratamento mas estes não são consensuais. Os métodos
dos estudos são bastante díspares e há limitações importantes, pelo que são necessários mais
estudos randomizados controlados (Randomized Controlled Trials, RCT) com métodos
rigorosos e amostras maiores para obtenção de resultados mais fiáveis.
Background: Medical burnout is a worrisome reality, given its high prevalence around the world, the associated comorbidities for these professionals, the financial burden for the health services, and the security risks for the patients. Therefore, it is primal to study management strategies for this syndrome. Lately, emerging techniques based on mindfulness have shown good efficacy in the mental health setting. Objectives: We assessed the efficacy of Mindfulness Stress Based Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitivity Therapy (MBCT) in the prevention and treatment of burnout. We also explored the relationship of some variables such as anxiety and resilience with the outcomes. Methods: A narrative literature review was carried out, to include an extensive set of terms and bibliographic sources, also admitting cross-referencing. The Keywords “physician”, “burnout”, “MBCT” and “mindfulness” were searched, in the electronic databases PubMed and SciELo. All publications between 2010 and 2020, written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, referring only to the medical population were included. After full articles analysis, six were selected for a comparison. Results: Data points to improvements in burnout through the practice of mindfulness, either in person or online, individually or in groups, in shorter or longer periods, regardless of the protocol used. Stress and anxiety lowered, and a positive relationship was observed between their decrease and the improvement in cynicism and Emotional Exhaustion. However, personal achievement has only increased in one of the studies. Mindfulness was responsible for improvements in this occupational phenomenon, both directly and indirectly, through the management of resilience and compassion. From a qualitative perspective, doctors associated the practice with a greater sense of wellbeing, a better relationship with colleagues and patients, and greater self-care. Conclusions: Mindfulness interventions for medical burnout show promising, yet not consensual, results in terms of prevention and treatment. Study methodologies are quite heterogeneous and show some shortcomings. More Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT), with rigorous methods and larger samples are needed to strengthen results
Background: Medical burnout is a worrisome reality, given its high prevalence around the world, the associated comorbidities for these professionals, the financial burden for the health services, and the security risks for the patients. Therefore, it is primal to study management strategies for this syndrome. Lately, emerging techniques based on mindfulness have shown good efficacy in the mental health setting. Objectives: We assessed the efficacy of Mindfulness Stress Based Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitivity Therapy (MBCT) in the prevention and treatment of burnout. We also explored the relationship of some variables such as anxiety and resilience with the outcomes. Methods: A narrative literature review was carried out, to include an extensive set of terms and bibliographic sources, also admitting cross-referencing. The Keywords “physician”, “burnout”, “MBCT” and “mindfulness” were searched, in the electronic databases PubMed and SciELo. All publications between 2010 and 2020, written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, referring only to the medical population were included. After full articles analysis, six were selected for a comparison. Results: Data points to improvements in burnout through the practice of mindfulness, either in person or online, individually or in groups, in shorter or longer periods, regardless of the protocol used. Stress and anxiety lowered, and a positive relationship was observed between their decrease and the improvement in cynicism and Emotional Exhaustion. However, personal achievement has only increased in one of the studies. Mindfulness was responsible for improvements in this occupational phenomenon, both directly and indirectly, through the management of resilience and compassion. From a qualitative perspective, doctors associated the practice with a greater sense of wellbeing, a better relationship with colleagues and patients, and greater self-care. Conclusions: Mindfulness interventions for medical burnout show promising, yet not consensual, results in terms of prevention and treatment. Study methodologies are quite heterogeneous and show some shortcomings. More Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT), with rigorous methods and larger samples are needed to strengthen results
Burnout Mbct Mindfulness Physician