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As organizações apresentam um considerável poder de influência na sociedade,
especialmente à medida que se posicionam face à adesão e à comunicação de causas
sociais. Essencialmente a partir de 2010, diferentes públicos têm demandado um
posicionamento ativista mais pragmático dessas empresas. Tal comportamento é,
também, verificado por funcionários dessas organizações, visto que podem vir a ser
advogados da mudança social do seu próprio local de trabalho, no chamado ativismo
corporativo. Desse modo, partindo do pressuposto de que as organizações são atores
sociais que influenciam a agenda pública, o desafio desta investigação é compreender se
é possível garantir o envolvimento dos empregados em causas sociais de maneira
legítima a partir da comunicação interna, assim como verificar e perceber as razões,
motivações e significados atrelados ao fenômeno do ativismo corporativo.
Para alcançar tais objetivos, foram exploradas as temáticas voltadas ao ativismo
corporativo e à comunicação estratégica durante a revisão de literatura. Já na etapa
empírica deste estudo, a metodologia qualitativa utilizada para a coleta de dados
primários foi a realização de entrevistas em profundidade e semiestruturada, que foram
analisadas a partir do modelo da Análise de Conteúdo. Verificou-se, após a discussão dos
dados, a presença de desafios relevantes que os setores de responsabilidade social e de
comunicação enfrentam atualmente na tentativa de engajar os funcionários da empresa
em ações de caráter ativista.
Este estudo destaca a importância dos profissionais de relações públicas, que no contexto
da Comunicação Estratégica, possuem papel crucial no desenvolvimento de uma cultura
de propósito e na construção de uma conscientização coletiva e ativa nos colaboradores.
Organizations wield considerable influence in society, especially as they take a stance on social causes and engage in communication. Essentially since 2010, various stakeholders have demanded a more pragmatic activist stance from these companies. This behavior is also observed among the organization's employees, as they may become advocates for social change within their own workplace, known as corporate activism. Thus, assuming that organizations are social actors that significantly impact the public agenda, the challenge of this investigation is to understand if it is possible to legitimately ensure employee involvement in social causes through internal communication. It also aims to examine and comprehend the reasons, motivations, and meanings associated with the phenomenon of corporate activism. To achieve these objectives, the study explored topics related to corporate activism and strategic communication during the literature review. In the empirical stage of this research, the methodology employed for primary data collection involved conducting indepth and semi-structured interviews, which were analyzed using the Content Analysis model. Following the discussion and reflection on the data, the presence of significant challenges facing the social responsibility and communication sectors in engaging employees in activist actions was observed. Finally, the importance of public relations professionals is emphasized. Within the context of Strategic Communication, they play a crucial role in developing a purposedriven culture and fostering collective and active awareness among employees
Organizations wield considerable influence in society, especially as they take a stance on social causes and engage in communication. Essentially since 2010, various stakeholders have demanded a more pragmatic activist stance from these companies. This behavior is also observed among the organization's employees, as they may become advocates for social change within their own workplace, known as corporate activism. Thus, assuming that organizations are social actors that significantly impact the public agenda, the challenge of this investigation is to understand if it is possible to legitimately ensure employee involvement in social causes through internal communication. It also aims to examine and comprehend the reasons, motivations, and meanings associated with the phenomenon of corporate activism. To achieve these objectives, the study explored topics related to corporate activism and strategic communication during the literature review. In the empirical stage of this research, the methodology employed for primary data collection involved conducting indepth and semi-structured interviews, which were analyzed using the Content Analysis model. Following the discussion and reflection on the data, the presence of significant challenges facing the social responsibility and communication sectors in engaging employees in activist actions was observed. Finally, the importance of public relations professionals is emphasized. Within the context of Strategic Communication, they play a crucial role in developing a purposedriven culture and fostering collective and active awareness among employees
Comunicação Interna Ativismo Corporativo Ativismo de Funcionários Comunicação Estratégica Engajamento Liderança Mudança Social