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Atualmente, um dos grandes desafios deste século consiste na transição para um futuro de
energia elétrica sustentável proveniente de fontes endógenas renováveis.
Essa sustentabilidade, exigirá mudanças não apenas no modo como a energia elétrica é produzida
e distribuída, mas também no modo como é usada.
Como resultado o setor de energia elétrica tem vindo a sofrer profundas transformações. Em
particular, o regime Português de auto consumidor permitiu que os clientes da rede elétrica de
média e de baixa tensão podem ser produtores/consumidores de energia elétrica, contribuindo
de forma ativa para uma maior eficiência energética.
É neste contexto, onde se aposta na diversificação e na produção de energia através de fontes
endógenas renováveis e numa maior participação do produtor/consumidor, que a complementaridade
dos recursos renováveis (sistemas híbridos de energia elétrica) vai desempenhar um
papel fundamental.
Assim, o trabalho apresentado nesta tese refere-se a um estudo de investigação sobre vários
temas relacionados com os sistemas híbridos de energia elétrica com capacidade de armazenamento.
Em concreto, na tecnologia de produção de energia fotovoltaica (mais utilizada pelos produtores/
consumidores) foram desenvolvidas técnicas de modelação de confiança que permitam
prever com rigor a produção de energia elétrica. Além disso, por forma maximizar a produção
de energia, em todo o instante de tempo, foram desenvolvidas e testadas diversas técnicas de
procura do ponto de máxima de potência com base em algoritmos de otimização.
Outra questão de grande interesse num futuro próximo é a inclusão de sistemas de armazenamento
de energia que possibilitem ao produtor/consumidor o controlo das suas instalações, de
forma a gerirem os seus recursos e consumos consoante as suas próprias estratégias de atuação.
Nesse sentido, foi desenvolvido um sistema capaz de monitorizar um sistema de armazenamento
de potência infinita (teoricamente) e proposto um método de carregamento que possui a capacidade
de se adaptar às condições das células.
Por outro lado, para permitir que os produtores/consumidores retirem benefícios do seu sistema
de produção com armazenamento, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta computacional permitindo
avaliar diferentes arquiteturas e tecnologias de produção/armazenamento de um sistema híbrido
de energia elétrica. Além disso, é proposta uma estratégia de operação diária para um
sistema híbrido de energia interligado com a rede elétrica com base na previsão dos preços de
energia elétrica.
Today, one of the greatest challenges of this century is the transition to a future of sustainable electricity from endogenous renewable sources. This sustainability will require changes not only in how electricity is produced and distributed, but also in the way it is used. As a result, the electric power sector has undergone profound changes. In particular, the Portuguese self-consumption regime has allowed medium and low voltage electricity customers to be producers/consumers of electricity, actively contributing to greater energy efficiency. It is in this context, where there is a commitment to diversify the production of energy through endogenous renewable sources and a greater participation of the producer/consumer, the complementarity of renewable resources (hybrid energy systems) will play an important role. Thus, the work presented in this thesis refers to a research on several topics related with hybrid energy systems with storage capacity. In particular, in the photovoltaic energy production (more used by the producers/consumers), reliable modelling techniques have been developed which allow to rigorously predict the energy production. Also, in order to maximize energy production, at any instant of time, several maximum power tracking techniques were developed and tested based on optimization algorithms. Another question of great interest in the near future is the inclusion of energy storage systems that enable the producer/consumer to control their facilities in order to manage their resources and consumption according to their own operation strategies. Thus, a battery management system was developed capable of monitoring an energy storage system. Also, a novel charging method with the capacity to adapt to the conditions of the cells is proposed. On the other hand, to allow producers/consumers to take advantage of their facilities, a computational tool was developed to evaluate different architectures and production/storage technologies of a hybrid energy system. In addition, a daily operating strategy is proposed for a hybrid energy system interconnected with the grid based on electricity price forecast.
Today, one of the greatest challenges of this century is the transition to a future of sustainable electricity from endogenous renewable sources. This sustainability will require changes not only in how electricity is produced and distributed, but also in the way it is used. As a result, the electric power sector has undergone profound changes. In particular, the Portuguese self-consumption regime has allowed medium and low voltage electricity customers to be producers/consumers of electricity, actively contributing to greater energy efficiency. It is in this context, where there is a commitment to diversify the production of energy through endogenous renewable sources and a greater participation of the producer/consumer, the complementarity of renewable resources (hybrid energy systems) will play an important role. Thus, the work presented in this thesis refers to a research on several topics related with hybrid energy systems with storage capacity. In particular, in the photovoltaic energy production (more used by the producers/consumers), reliable modelling techniques have been developed which allow to rigorously predict the energy production. Also, in order to maximize energy production, at any instant of time, several maximum power tracking techniques were developed and tested based on optimization algorithms. Another question of great interest in the near future is the inclusion of energy storage systems that enable the producer/consumer to control their facilities in order to manage their resources and consumption according to their own operation strategies. Thus, a battery management system was developed capable of monitoring an energy storage system. Also, a novel charging method with the capacity to adapt to the conditions of the cells is proposed. On the other hand, to allow producers/consumers to take advantage of their facilities, a computational tool was developed to evaluate different architectures and production/storage technologies of a hybrid energy system. In addition, a daily operating strategy is proposed for a hybrid energy system interconnected with the grid based on electricity price forecast.
Rede Elétrica - Sistemas de armazenamento de energia Energias renováveis Sistemas de energia elétrica - Controlo óptimo