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Objetivos: Uma vez que na cavidade uterina acontecem fenómenos importantes como os relacionados com o estabelecimento da gravidez, o ambiente endometrial começou cedo a ser estudado, tendo sido evidenciado que no endométrio existe um processo inflamatório basal que possibilita que tudo ocorra como é suposto, ou seja que todas as funções do sistema reprodutor feminino sejam desempenhadas. Mais tarde, tentou-se perceber o que acontecia a esse mesmo processo inflamatório em situações patológicas, infertilidade inexplicada, ou simplesmente em mulheres que apresentavam queixas sintomatológicas. De uma maneira geral, os estudos demonstraram que algumas células inflamatórias, de que são exemplo os macrófagos, os mastócitos e os eosinófilos, se encontravam aumentadas na maioria dessas situações clínicas anómalas. Uma vez que a inflamação faz parte de processos fisiológicos e patológicos será interessante tentar relacionar de forma qualitativa e quantitativa as células com as situações clínicas, a fim de tentar definir padrões que sirvam de marcadores biológicos. Neste trabalho, procurou-se avaliar metodologias de estudo das células inflamatórias (macrófagos, mastócitos, neutrófilos, eosinófilos e basófilos), em quadros ginecológicos diversos (pólipos endometriais, metrorragias, infertilidade, miomas uterinos, septo uterino, sinéquias, atrofia quística do endométrio, adenomiose e grupo sem patologia), e tentar relacioná-los.
Materiais e Métodos: após consentimento informado, 34 mulheres com indicação para exame histeroscópico aceitaram participar no estudo. 2 delas não toleraram a realização completa do exame, impossibilitando a recolha do lavado endometrial. Assim, foram recolhidas 32 amostras, que foram fixadas com álcool a 50%, em partes iguais, e posteriormente refrigeradas. De seguida, foram centrifugados, durante 5 minutos a 1500 rotações por minuto, cerca de 3mL da amostra que fora anteriormente colocada no cytospin. Após a centrifugação foram projetados em lâminas e coradas de May Grunwald Giemsa para visualização ao microscópio ótico.
Resultados: das 32 amostras recolhidas, 6 estavam em avançado estado de degradação impossibilitando a sua leitura. Nas restantes 26 amostras, foi possível identificar células epiteliais em quase todas, mas também, embora menos frequentemente e em menor quantidade, macrófagos, mastócitos, eosinófilos, que eram o objeto de estudo, e ainda neutrófilos e basófilos. Os macrófagos estavam em maior quantidade em casos de pólipos endometriais, e de seguida em casos de infertilidade; os mastócitos surgiram mais raramente, apenas em casos de pólipos endometriais, infertilidade e miomas uterinos. Os neutrófilos estavam presentes sobretudo em casos de miomas uterinos, enquanto os eosinófilos foram encontrados em número escasso em casos de pólipos endometriais, miomas uterinos, adenomiose e no grupo sem patologia. Os basófilos foram visualizados em casos de pólipos endometriais, metrorragias e miomas uterinos. Estes resultados estão de acordo, em grande parte, com os da literatura.
Conclusões: Podemos concluir que a metodologia utilizada permite identificar as células inflamatórias de interesse nas amostras recolhidas e ter uma ideia aproximada da sua frequência em cada situação clínica apresentada pelas mulheres que constituíram a amostra. Uma vez testado o modelo, para melhor exatidão dos resultados e para melhor correlação com as situações patológicas, seria importante, no futuro, constituir uma amostra de maiores dimensões, comparar com o estudo em material fresco sem fixador e quantificá-las, utilizando a citometria de fluxo.
Objectives: Once important phenomena occur in the uterine cavity such as the ones related to the establishment of pregnancy, the endometrial environment began early to be studied, having been shown that there is a basal endometrial inflammatory process that enables that everything happens as it is supposed to, that is all the functions of the female reproductive system are performed. Later, we tried to understand what happened to the same inflammatory process in pathological situations, unexplained infertility, or simply women who had symptomatic complaints. In general, studies have shown that some inflammatory cells, such as, macrophages, mast cells and eosinophils were increased in the majority of these abnormal clinical situations. Since inflammation is part of physiological and pathological processes it will be interesting to try to relate qualitative and quantitative the cells with the clinical situations in order to try to set standards that serve as biological markers. In this study we tried to evaluate methodologies for the study of inflammatory cells (macrophages, mast cells, neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils), in various gynecological situations (endometrial polyps, metrorrhagia, infertility, uterine fibroids, uterine septum, synechia, cystic endometrial atrophy, adenomyosis and group without pathology), and tried to relate them. Materials and Methods: After informed consent, thirty-four women with indication for hysteroscopy exam agreed to participate in the study. Two of them did not tolerate a complete examination, not permiting the collection of endometrial washed. Thus, thirty-two samples were collected, which were fixed with 50% alcohol, in equal parts, and then refrigerated. Then, 3 ml of the sample, which were previously placed in the cytospin, were centrifuged for 5 minutes at 1500 rotations per minute. After centrifugation they were projected on slides and stained with May Grunwald Giemsa to be visualized through an optical microscope. Results: Of the thirty-two samples collected, six of them were in an advanced state of degradation, making it impossible to read them. In the remaining twenty-six samples it was possible to identify epithelial cells in most of them, but also, macrophages, mast cells, eosinophils, which were object of study, less frequently and to a lesser extent, and neutrophils and basophils. The macrophages were more significant in cases of endometrial polyp, and in cases of infertility; mast cells appeared more rarely, only in cases of endometrial polyps, infertility and uterine fibroids. Neutrophils were present mainly in cases of uterine fibroids, while eosinophils were found in small number in endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis and the group without pathology situations. Basophils were seen in cases of endometrial polyps, metrorrhagia and uterine fibroids. These results fulfill at large what was expected, taking in consideration the papers already published on the subject. Conclusions: We can conclude that the methodology used allows to identify the inflammatory cells of interest in the samples collected, and enable to have a rough idea of their frequency in each clinical situation presented by the women who were part of the sample. Once the model was tested, and in order to achieve better accurate results and better correlation with pathological situations it would be important, in the future, to constitute a larger sample, analyze the samples without fixation and quantify them using flow cytometry.
Objectives: Once important phenomena occur in the uterine cavity such as the ones related to the establishment of pregnancy, the endometrial environment began early to be studied, having been shown that there is a basal endometrial inflammatory process that enables that everything happens as it is supposed to, that is all the functions of the female reproductive system are performed. Later, we tried to understand what happened to the same inflammatory process in pathological situations, unexplained infertility, or simply women who had symptomatic complaints. In general, studies have shown that some inflammatory cells, such as, macrophages, mast cells and eosinophils were increased in the majority of these abnormal clinical situations. Since inflammation is part of physiological and pathological processes it will be interesting to try to relate qualitative and quantitative the cells with the clinical situations in order to try to set standards that serve as biological markers. In this study we tried to evaluate methodologies for the study of inflammatory cells (macrophages, mast cells, neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils), in various gynecological situations (endometrial polyps, metrorrhagia, infertility, uterine fibroids, uterine septum, synechia, cystic endometrial atrophy, adenomyosis and group without pathology), and tried to relate them. Materials and Methods: After informed consent, thirty-four women with indication for hysteroscopy exam agreed to participate in the study. Two of them did not tolerate a complete examination, not permiting the collection of endometrial washed. Thus, thirty-two samples were collected, which were fixed with 50% alcohol, in equal parts, and then refrigerated. Then, 3 ml of the sample, which were previously placed in the cytospin, were centrifuged for 5 minutes at 1500 rotations per minute. After centrifugation they were projected on slides and stained with May Grunwald Giemsa to be visualized through an optical microscope. Results: Of the thirty-two samples collected, six of them were in an advanced state of degradation, making it impossible to read them. In the remaining twenty-six samples it was possible to identify epithelial cells in most of them, but also, macrophages, mast cells, eosinophils, which were object of study, less frequently and to a lesser extent, and neutrophils and basophils. The macrophages were more significant in cases of endometrial polyp, and in cases of infertility; mast cells appeared more rarely, only in cases of endometrial polyps, infertility and uterine fibroids. Neutrophils were present mainly in cases of uterine fibroids, while eosinophils were found in small number in endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis and the group without pathology situations. Basophils were seen in cases of endometrial polyps, metrorrhagia and uterine fibroids. These results fulfill at large what was expected, taking in consideration the papers already published on the subject. Conclusions: We can conclude that the methodology used allows to identify the inflammatory cells of interest in the samples collected, and enable to have a rough idea of their frequency in each clinical situation presented by the women who were part of the sample. Once the model was tested, and in order to achieve better accurate results and better correlation with pathological situations it would be important, in the future, to constitute a larger sample, analyze the samples without fixation and quantify them using flow cytometry.
Células Inflamatórias Eosinófilos Fluído Endometrial Macrófagos Mastócitos