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Os últimos anos têm sido marcados por uma crescente tendência nostálgica na sociedade, que parece ter invadido a área do design e resultado numa gama de produtos com referências emocionais a tempos passados. A utilização deste recurso aparenta focar-se na sua visibilidade, forçando a sua inclusão num mercado de design distintivo, que eleva o preço dos seus produtos e os torna inacessíveis a grande parte das pessoas. Por contraste, o mercado dos objetos do dia-a-dia parece ter-se concentrado apenas no aumento de vendas, disparando produtos em todas as direções e inundando o mundo em objetos que sacrificam a sua qualidade e ligação com o utilizador, alimentando um sistema de consumo e descarte.
O trabalho aqui defendido formou parte integrante da vertente Escolas + Aldeias do projeto Agricultura Lusitana, tema central da participação das Aldeias do Xisto na ENIQUE 2015, em Karlsruhe, Alemanha, cujo propósito recai na comunicação da cultura e identidade destes locais através da produção de objetos e serviços. Neste caso, da Aldeia das Dez.
Este trabalho procura, através de uma posição pessoal e assumidamente autoral, refletir e explorar a identidade local, percebendo de que forma pode ser inserida no universo do dia-a-dia, mais voltado para usar que para expor. Em primeiro lugar, a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica e reflexão crítica, identificando abordagens e caminhos que possibilitem a recuperação do passado e da tradição a partir de uma perspetiva evolutiva, definindo conceitos menores como arquétipo e memória. Em segundo lugar, a partir dos conceitos definidos, procurar relacionar e aplicar ideias defendidas no desenvolvimento do projeto destinado à participação das Aldeias do Xisto na EUNIQUE 2015, com Agricultura Lusitana.
O produto resultante deste projeto não pretende oferecer uma visão absoluta ou encerrada sobre a memória e tradição da Aldeia das Dez, mas antes uma visão daquilo que é provisório, característico e de uma época e não de todo o panorama, refletindo a esperança por um futuro melhor.
Society in last few years has been defined by a growing nostalgic tendency that seems to have invaded specifically the design world, resulting in a range of products with emotional references to older times. The use of this feature appears to be conspicuous in its visibility, fixing its place in the high end spectrum of the design market and making the resulting products inaccessible to a vast majority due to its high prices. By contrast, the market of day-to-day objects appears to have focused only in increased number sales, constantly offering new products and flooding the world with products that sacrifice the quality and connection with the user, feeding a system of consumption and disposal. The proposal here presented is integrated in Escolas + Aldeias, a part of the project Agricultura Lusitana which was the central theme of the participation of Aldeias do Xisto in the fair Eunique 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany, in which the main goal is to communicate the culture and identity of this region through objects and services. In this case, Aldeia das Dez. The present project aims to, through a personal and assumed authorial position, reflect and explore the local identity, understanding the ways in which they could be inserted in the day-to-day universe, more interested in usability than exposition. Firstly, based on a bibliographic revision and critical reflection, identifying approaches and paths that make possible the recovery of the past and the tradition from an evolutionary perspective, defining minor concepts such as archetype and memory. Secondly, from the defined concepts, to seek to relate and apply ideas defended in the development of the project for the participation of Aldeias do Xisto in EUNIQUE 2015, with Agricultura Lusitana. The resulting product from this project doesn’t pretend to offer an absolute or closed view about the memory and tradition of Aldeia das Dez, but rather a vision of what is provisional, characteristic of an era and not the whole panorama, reflecting hope for a better future.
Society in last few years has been defined by a growing nostalgic tendency that seems to have invaded specifically the design world, resulting in a range of products with emotional references to older times. The use of this feature appears to be conspicuous in its visibility, fixing its place in the high end spectrum of the design market and making the resulting products inaccessible to a vast majority due to its high prices. By contrast, the market of day-to-day objects appears to have focused only in increased number sales, constantly offering new products and flooding the world with products that sacrifice the quality and connection with the user, feeding a system of consumption and disposal. The proposal here presented is integrated in Escolas + Aldeias, a part of the project Agricultura Lusitana which was the central theme of the participation of Aldeias do Xisto in the fair Eunique 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany, in which the main goal is to communicate the culture and identity of this region through objects and services. In this case, Aldeia das Dez. The present project aims to, through a personal and assumed authorial position, reflect and explore the local identity, understanding the ways in which they could be inserted in the day-to-day universe, more interested in usability than exposition. Firstly, based on a bibliographic revision and critical reflection, identifying approaches and paths that make possible the recovery of the past and the tradition from an evolutionary perspective, defining minor concepts such as archetype and memory. Secondly, from the defined concepts, to seek to relate and apply ideas defended in the development of the project for the participation of Aldeias do Xisto in EUNIQUE 2015, with Agricultura Lusitana. The resulting product from this project doesn’t pretend to offer an absolute or closed view about the memory and tradition of Aldeia das Dez, but rather a vision of what is provisional, characteristic of an era and not the whole panorama, reflecting hope for a better future.
Arquétipo Autoria Consumo Design Memória Projeto Tradição