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No âmbito do 2.º ciclo do Curso de Psicologia, área de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde apresenta-se a presente dissertação, que está organizada em formato de artigo, com apresentação na parte final da mesma, do anexo teórico, tal como previsto no regulamento do grau de mestre em Psicologia, da Universidade da Beira Interior.
A pertinência da realização deste estudo prende-se com o facto de que cada vez mais as relações entre indivíduos do mesmo sexo aparecem de forma mais visível na nossa sociedade, no entanto, independentemente de alguns avanços no reconhecimento das mesmas, há questões sociais e legais que se mantêm, assim é necessário dar a conhecer, de forma científica e rigorosa, os indicadores e as evidências, resultantes de estudos particulares com a população LGB, em detrimento do simples derivar de investigações exclusivas com população heterossexual.
O presente estudo apresenta como objetivos: 1) Avaliar os níveis de identidade, estilos de vinculação, satisfação na relação, suporte social e o bem-estar sexual subjetivo em casais LGB; 2) Comparar diferenças de identidade, estilos de vinculação, satisfação na relação, suporte social e bem-estar sexual subjetivo em casais LGB entre género e orientação sexual, idade e país de residência; 3) Determinar a correlação entre identidade, estilos de vinculação, satisfação na relação, suporte social e o bem-estar sexual subjetivo em casais LGB e 4) Descrever as relações explicativas da qualidade do relacionamento em casais LGB.
Participaram neste estudo casais LGB ibéricos (Portugal e Espanha) (N=388), através do preenchimento de questionário online, disponível em língua portuguesa e espanhola.
Relativamente aos resultados obtidos verificamos que os mesmos não permitem suportar a ideia de que a cultura em Portugal e Espanha interfere em constructos como a identidade total, a satisfação com a relação, o suporte social na relação, o suporte social fora da relação e o bem-estar geral. No entanto, em relação aos estilos de vinculação são os participantes espanhóis que apresentam em maior número o estilo seguro. No que concerne às dimensões prazer físico, prazer emocional e importância do sexo, embora, não se verifiquem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os participantes portugueses e espanhóis, em termos de satisfação com a vida sexual atual existem diferenças significativas e observamos que são os portugueses que demonstram nível superior de satisfação.
This dissertation is presented under the Masters’ program in Clinical and Health Psychology and it is organized as a scientific paper, with a theoretical extension at the end, according to the regulations of the University of Beira Interior master's degree in Psychology. The relevance of this study is related to the fact that same-sex relationships seem to getting more and more visibly in our society, however, although there have been some advances in recognizing them, social and legal issues remain. To overcome them it is necessary to scientifically and rigorously inform, and provide indicators and particular evidence, resulting from specific studies with the LGB population. Therefore, the main goals of this study are: 1) To evaluate the identity, adult attachment styles, relationship satisfaction, social support and subjective sexual well-being of LGB couples; 2) Compare differences in identity, adult attachment styles, relationship satisfaction, social support and subjective sexual well-being of LGB couples between gender and sexual orientation, age and country; 3) Determine the correlation between identity, adult attachment styles, relationship satisfaction, social support and subjective sexual well-being of LGB couples and 4) Describe the relationship quality in LGB couples. This Iberian LGB study focuses on Portuguese and Spanish same-sex couples (N = 388) who completed an online survey. Results show that, both in Portugal and Spain, culture does not interfere in constructs such as identity, relationship satisfaction, social support inside and outside of the relationship and general well-being. In what attachment styles are concerned, Spanish participants mainly show a secure style. Differences between LGB Portuguese and Spanish couples concerning physical pleasure, emotional pleasure and the importance of sex are not statistically relevant but there are meaningful differences related to current sexual life, Portugueses participants showing a higher level of satisfaction.
This dissertation is presented under the Masters’ program in Clinical and Health Psychology and it is organized as a scientific paper, with a theoretical extension at the end, according to the regulations of the University of Beira Interior master's degree in Psychology. The relevance of this study is related to the fact that same-sex relationships seem to getting more and more visibly in our society, however, although there have been some advances in recognizing them, social and legal issues remain. To overcome them it is necessary to scientifically and rigorously inform, and provide indicators and particular evidence, resulting from specific studies with the LGB population. Therefore, the main goals of this study are: 1) To evaluate the identity, adult attachment styles, relationship satisfaction, social support and subjective sexual well-being of LGB couples; 2) Compare differences in identity, adult attachment styles, relationship satisfaction, social support and subjective sexual well-being of LGB couples between gender and sexual orientation, age and country; 3) Determine the correlation between identity, adult attachment styles, relationship satisfaction, social support and subjective sexual well-being of LGB couples and 4) Describe the relationship quality in LGB couples. This Iberian LGB study focuses on Portuguese and Spanish same-sex couples (N = 388) who completed an online survey. Results show that, both in Portugal and Spain, culture does not interfere in constructs such as identity, relationship satisfaction, social support inside and outside of the relationship and general well-being. In what attachment styles are concerned, Spanish participants mainly show a secure style. Differences between LGB Portuguese and Spanish couples concerning physical pleasure, emotional pleasure and the importance of sex are not statistically relevant but there are meaningful differences related to current sexual life, Portugueses participants showing a higher level of satisfaction.
Bem-Estar Sexual Subjetivo Casais Lgb Estilos de Vinculação Identidade Qualidade das Relações Íntimas Satisfação Na Relação Suporte Social