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A Insuficiência Cardíaca é uma doença de prevalência e custos crescentes que tem um
grande impacto no orçamento da saúde em Portugal e no mundo. É uma patologia com
uma taxa de mortalidade de 50% a 5 anos e cuja progressão é necessário abrandar. Tal
só se consegue com uma monitorização apertada da doença que tem de inevitavelmente
passar por meios de diagnóstico mais rápidos e eficientes que consigam antever a sua
descompensação e fazer um ajuste terapêutico mais eficaz.
Os biomarcadores são, atualmente, meios imprescindíveis de diagnóstico, estadiamento,
prognóstico da insuficiência cardíaca e, por isso, muito importantes no seu diagnóstico
e gestão. Com a saliva como microfluido de diagnóstico em Point-Of-Care Testing
(POCT) esta pesquisa é facilitada, uma vez que este fluido é de fácil obtenção,
armazenamento e não necessita de profissionais especializados para a sua recolha. Em
ambulatório, cuidados de saúde primários e consulta domiciliar, os Point-Of-Care
Testing trazem a possibilidade de medição de biomarcadores em diferentes locais e que
até agora só estavam disponíveis por estudo analítico sanguíneo e se pedidos em meio
hospitalar. É, portanto, essencial tomar em conta estas novas ferramentas de diagnóstico
para que se consiga intervenções diagnósticas e terapêuticas mais precoces a todos os
níveis de cuidados de saúde e aumentar a qualidade de vida destes doentes.
Heart failure is a disease of increasing prevalence and represents a big part of health budget in Portugal and worldwide. It is a pathology with a mortality rate of 50% to 5 years and whose progression is necessary to slow down. This can only be achieved with tight monitoring of the disease and that means a more efficient and rapid diagnosis that can prevent its decompensation in order to be able to make therapeutical adjustments more efficiently. Biomarkers are a really important tool of diagnosis, staging and prognosis of heart failure. Using Saliva as a microfluid in Point-Of-Care Testing (POCT) easies this task, since this fluid is easy to obtain, store and does not require specialized professionals for its collection. In outpatient clinics, primary health care and home consultation, POCT brings the possibility of measuring biomarkers in different places, which until now, was only possible be requested in a hospital laboratory. These reasons made us believe that it is of highest importance to consider these new diagnostic tools in order to achieve earlier diagnostic and therapeutic interventions at all levels of health care and increase the quality of life of these patients.
Heart failure is a disease of increasing prevalence and represents a big part of health budget in Portugal and worldwide. It is a pathology with a mortality rate of 50% to 5 years and whose progression is necessary to slow down. This can only be achieved with tight monitoring of the disease and that means a more efficient and rapid diagnosis that can prevent its decompensation in order to be able to make therapeutical adjustments more efficiently. Biomarkers are a really important tool of diagnosis, staging and prognosis of heart failure. Using Saliva as a microfluid in Point-Of-Care Testing (POCT) easies this task, since this fluid is easy to obtain, store and does not require specialized professionals for its collection. In outpatient clinics, primary health care and home consultation, POCT brings the possibility of measuring biomarkers in different places, which until now, was only possible be requested in a hospital laboratory. These reasons made us believe that it is of highest importance to consider these new diagnostic tools in order to achieve earlier diagnostic and therapeutic interventions at all levels of health care and increase the quality of life of these patients.
Biomarcadores Diagnóstico Insuficiência Cardíaca Point-of-Care Testing Saliva