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O presente Relatório de Estágio apresenta todo o processo de ensino aprendizagem
experienciado ao longo do segundo ano do 2º ciclo de estudos do mestrado em Ensino
de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário da Universidade da Beira Interior.
O Estágio Pedagógico foi realizado no ano letivo 2020/2021 na Escola Secundária
Campos Melo na Covilhã. Consta neste Relatório a descrição de todos os processos de
aprendizagem desenvolvidos assim como as suas reflexões críticas. Foi também
desenvolvido um projeto de investigação com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos da
aplicação de um programa de treino de força nos índices de força máxima, resistência
muscular e potência muscular dos membros superiores, num grupo de estudantes do
sexo feminino da Escola Secundária Campos Melo. Participaram no estudo 42 alunas do
10º ano de escolaridade. O programa de treino, constituído por 3 circuitos base, foi
aplicado durante 8 semanas, foi aplicado duas vezes por semana durante a aula de
Educação Física. O grupo experimental realizou o programa de treino e aulas de
Educação Física segundo o planeamento anual definido pelo Grupo de Educação Física.
O grupo de controlo apenas realizou o planeado pelo Grupo de Educação Física. A força
máxima, força resistência e força explosiva foram avaliadas através do teste de preensão
manual, extensões de braços (FITescola) e lançamento da bola medicinal
respetivamente. Foi concluído que a implementação de um programa de treino aplicado
ao membros superiores provocou diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os
valores de pré-teste e pós-teste do grupo experimental, e verificando-se melhorias muito
mais significativas do grupo experimental comparativamente ao grupo controlo
principalmente nos índices de força resistência e força máxima, pelo que parece
relevante a realização deste tipo de programas para a melhoria destas capacidades em
estudantes do sexo feminino.
This following Report presents the entire teaching-learning process experienced during the second year of the 2nd cycle of studies of the Master's Degree in Physical Education Teaching in Basic and Secondary Education at the University of Beira Interior. The Pedagogical Internship was held in the 2020/2021 school year at Escola Secundária Campos Melo in Covilhã. This Report contains a description of all the learning processes developed as well as their critical reflections. A research project was also developed with the objective of verifying the effects of the application of a strength training program in the indexes of maximum strength, muscular endurance and muscular power of the upper limbs, in a group of female students from Escola Secundária Campos Melo . Forty-two 10th grade students participated in the study. The training program, consisting of 3 base circuits, was applied for 8 weeks, was applied twice a week during the Physical Education class. The experimental group carried out the training program and Physical Education classes according to the annual plan defined by the Physical Education Group. The control group only performed as planned by the Physical Education Group. The maximum strength, endurance strength and explosive strength were evaluated through the handgrip test, push ups (FITschool) and medicine ball throwing, respectively. It was concluded that the implementation of a training program applied to the upper limbs caused statistically significant differences between the pre-test and post-test values of the experimental group, and there was much more significant improvement in the experimental group compared to the control group, especially in the indices of strength endurance and maximum strength, so it seems relevant to carry out this type of programs to improve these abilities in female students.
This following Report presents the entire teaching-learning process experienced during the second year of the 2nd cycle of studies of the Master's Degree in Physical Education Teaching in Basic and Secondary Education at the University of Beira Interior. The Pedagogical Internship was held in the 2020/2021 school year at Escola Secundária Campos Melo in Covilhã. This Report contains a description of all the learning processes developed as well as their critical reflections. A research project was also developed with the objective of verifying the effects of the application of a strength training program in the indexes of maximum strength, muscular endurance and muscular power of the upper limbs, in a group of female students from Escola Secundária Campos Melo . Forty-two 10th grade students participated in the study. The training program, consisting of 3 base circuits, was applied for 8 weeks, was applied twice a week during the Physical Education class. The experimental group carried out the training program and Physical Education classes according to the annual plan defined by the Physical Education Group. The control group only performed as planned by the Physical Education Group. The maximum strength, endurance strength and explosive strength were evaluated through the handgrip test, push ups (FITschool) and medicine ball throwing, respectively. It was concluded that the implementation of a training program applied to the upper limbs caused statistically significant differences between the pre-test and post-test values of the experimental group, and there was much more significant improvement in the experimental group compared to the control group, especially in the indices of strength endurance and maximum strength, so it seems relevant to carry out this type of programs to improve these abilities in female students.
Educação Física Estágio Pedagógico Membros Superiores Treino de Força