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A presente Dissertação põe em evidencia o papel dos Senhores da Guerra (SGs) durante a
mais longa guerra americana. Com recurso ao enquadramento das teorias do conflito
analisa-se a presença destes homens num país cuja incompatibilidade com o modelo
governativo ocidental é a sua principal característica. Concretamente, é concedida atenção
especial a quatro SGs: Ahmad Shah Massoud, Abdul Rashid Dostum, Ismail Khan e Atta
Mohammad Noor. Sendo estes homens encarados como agentes relevantes das Relações
Internacionais explica-se a sua sobrevivência sob os governos pró-ocidentais que
caracterizaram a Républica Islâmica do Afeganistão. Neste sentido, com recurso à analisase do seu papel multifacetado em diferentes esferas de influência da política, economia e
diplomacia afegãs conclui-se que a sua autoridade e autonomia continuam bastante
presentes na sociedade. Adicionalmente, e de maneira a enquadrar a derrota dos aliados e
a consequente vitória dos Talibã são também considerados outros autores relevantes no
conflito, entre os quais se destacam o Paquistão e as administrações americanas. Por fim,
com o presente trabalho pretende-se colmatar a ausência de investigações académicas a
Senhores da Guerra afegãos na literatura lusitana em comparação com a doutros contextos,
entre as quais a anglo-saxónica se destaca.
This Dissertation highlights the role of Warlords during the longest American war. Through conflict theories’ framework the main objective is to analyse the presence of these men in a country incompatible with western governance’s model. In it, special attention is given to four Warlords: Ahmad Shah Massoud, Abdul Rashid Dostum, Ismail Khan and Atta Mohammad Noor. Since these men are seen as relevant agents of International Relations, its focus is on their survival under the pro-Western governments during the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. As such, with the study of its multifaceted role in Afghan politics different spheres of influence, economy and diplomacy it’s concluded that both their authority and autonomy remain constant in society. Additionally, and in order to frame the allies defeat and the consequent victory of the Taliban other relevant actors in the conflict are considered. Among these Pakistan and the American administrations stand out. Finally, the present work intends to help fill in the absence of academic investigations on Afghan Warlords in Lusitanian literature compared to other contexts, among which Anglo-Saxon takes lead.
This Dissertation highlights the role of Warlords during the longest American war. Through conflict theories’ framework the main objective is to analyse the presence of these men in a country incompatible with western governance’s model. In it, special attention is given to four Warlords: Ahmad Shah Massoud, Abdul Rashid Dostum, Ismail Khan and Atta Mohammad Noor. Since these men are seen as relevant agents of International Relations, its focus is on their survival under the pro-Western governments during the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. As such, with the study of its multifaceted role in Afghan politics different spheres of influence, economy and diplomacy it’s concluded that both their authority and autonomy remain constant in society. Additionally, and in order to frame the allies defeat and the consequent victory of the Taliban other relevant actors in the conflict are considered. Among these Pakistan and the American administrations stand out. Finally, the present work intends to help fill in the absence of academic investigations on Afghan Warlords in Lusitanian literature compared to other contexts, among which Anglo-Saxon takes lead.
Afeganistão Diplomacia Processo de Retirada Relações Internacionais Senhores da Guerra Talibã Terrorismo