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A presente investigação procura contribuir para a compreensão dos modos como uma situação de desemprego impacta nas perceções de bem-estar dos desempregados, bem como para a análise das estratégias e alternativas que se constroem na procura de soluções para a situação que vivenciam. Apesar do desemprego ser um problema social e uma situação estrutural que não está imediatamente ao seu alcance resolver, o modo como o experienciam pessoalmente é resultado não apenas desses contextos mais amplos, mas também de aspetos individuais e caraterísticas pessoais que é importante convocar para a análise do fenómeno.
Partindo da centralidade que o emprego representa na vida das sociedades e na estruturação da vida dos indivíduos, bem como do adverso cenário socioeconómico atual, procura-se, a partir da análise de entrevistas realizadas a desempregados de longa duração, interpretar os modos como percecionam e constroem significados em torno da sua situação, nomeadamente no que respeita aos impactos nas suas perceções de saúde e bem-estar e nos seus relacionamentos sociais. Ainda no âmbito dos impactos e das repercussões percebidas relativamente à situação de desemprego de longa duração, analisa-se os efeitos da mesma ao nível da biografia, da autoidentidade e da autoestima dos entrevistados.
This research attempts to contribute to a better understanding about how an unemployment situation can impact on perceptions of the well-being of the unemployed, as well as for the analysis of strategies and alternatives that are build on demand for solutions to the situation they experience. Although unemployment is a social problem and a structural situation which solution is not immediate, the way how it is personal experienced is a result not only of these wider contexts, but also of individual aspects and personal characteristics which are important to convene for the analysis of the phenomenon. Starting from the central role that employment represents in societies life and in organization of individuals life, as well as the adverse current socioeconomic scenario, through the analysis of performed interviews with long-term unemployed, we pretend to interpret the way how unemployed people perceive and construct meanings around their situation, particularly with regard to the impacts on their perceptions of health and well-being and their social relationships. Also under the impact and repercussions regarding to long-term unemployment, we analyze the effects of that situation at biography level, at self-identity and self-esteem of the interviewees.
This research attempts to contribute to a better understanding about how an unemployment situation can impact on perceptions of the well-being of the unemployed, as well as for the analysis of strategies and alternatives that are build on demand for solutions to the situation they experience. Although unemployment is a social problem and a structural situation which solution is not immediate, the way how it is personal experienced is a result not only of these wider contexts, but also of individual aspects and personal characteristics which are important to convene for the analysis of the phenomenon. Starting from the central role that employment represents in societies life and in organization of individuals life, as well as the adverse current socioeconomic scenario, through the analysis of performed interviews with long-term unemployed, we pretend to interpret the way how unemployed people perceive and construct meanings around their situation, particularly with regard to the impacts on their perceptions of health and well-being and their social relationships. Also under the impact and repercussions regarding to long-term unemployment, we analyze the effects of that situation at biography level, at self-identity and self-esteem of the interviewees.
Desemprego de longa duração Bem estar