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A presente investigação tem como objetivo analisar a existência da educação para o
empreendedorismo na organização curricular dos cursos de licenciatura em educação social.
Paralelamente importa identificar as instituições do ensino superior que lecionam este tipo de curso e analisar a perceção dos seus coordenadores relativamente à incorporação do
empreendedorismo nos respetivos planos de estudos. Dada a atual conjuntura nacional e europeia o estudo do empreendedorismo assume um papel relevante no âmbito da economia social. Por outro lado não se verifica qualquer estudo no que respeita à educação para o empreendedorismo na educação social, o que vem acrescentar valor à investigação. Deste modo releva-se para o contributo que adiciona originalidade mas também limitações no que
respeita ao acesso de material bibliográfico. Ao nível metodológico foi necessário verificar, através dos sítios na internet das instituições de ensino superior, se integram unidades
curriculares ou conteúdos programáticos ligados ao empreendedorismo. Na fase posterior foram selecionadas para a realização de uma entrevista quatro instituições de ensino superior
das quais duas integram unidades curriculares ou conteúdos programáticos relacionados com o empreendedorismo e outras duas que não integram. Esta investigação analisa vários conceitos, como a educação social e o seu surgimento como licenciatura em Portugal, o
empreendedorismo social, o intrapreendedorismo e a educação para o empreendedorismo, demonstrando a sua relação com o tema da investigação. Os resultados demonstram que existe por parte das instituições de ensino superior que não integram o empreendedorismo na
sua organização curricular uma preocupação evidente em fazê-lo. Relativamente às
instituições de ensino superior que lecionam o curso referido e que integram conteúdos programáticos ou unidades curriculares ligadas ao empreendedorismo manifestam uma opinião muito positiva no que respeita ao impacto no futuro dos seus diplomados, uma vez que pode favorecer a sua integração no mercado de trabalho, bem como potenciar a autonomização das suas populações alvo das suas intervenções.
This research aims to analyze the existence of entrepreneurship education in the curricular organization of degree courses in social education. Alongside important to identify the institutions of higher education who teach this type of course and analyze the perception of their coordinators with regard to the incorporation of entrepreneurship in their respective curricula. Given the current national situation and the study of European entrepreneurship plays an important role in the social economy. On the other hand there is no any study with regard to entrepreneurship education in social education, which adds value to the research. Thus falls to the contribution that adds originality but also limitations on access to library materials. At the methodological level was necessary to check through the internet websites of higher education institutions, integrate courses or syllabus linked to entrepreneurship. In the later stage were selected to conduct an interview four institutions of higher learning which integrate two courses or syllabus related to entrepreneurship and two others who are not members. This research examines various concepts such as social education and its emergence as a degree in Portugal, social entrepreneurship, and the intrapreendedorismo entrepreneurship education, demonstrating its relationship to the subject of the investigation. The results show that there is on the part of institutions of higher education that do not integrate entrepreneurship in their curriculum organization a concern evident in doing so. For institutions of higher education who teach the course and said that integrate syllabuses or courses related to entrepreneurship show a very positive opinion regarding the future impact of their graduates, since they can promote their integration in the labor market as well as enhance the empowerment of their target populations of their interventions.
This research aims to analyze the existence of entrepreneurship education in the curricular organization of degree courses in social education. Alongside important to identify the institutions of higher education who teach this type of course and analyze the perception of their coordinators with regard to the incorporation of entrepreneurship in their respective curricula. Given the current national situation and the study of European entrepreneurship plays an important role in the social economy. On the other hand there is no any study with regard to entrepreneurship education in social education, which adds value to the research. Thus falls to the contribution that adds originality but also limitations on access to library materials. At the methodological level was necessary to check through the internet websites of higher education institutions, integrate courses or syllabus linked to entrepreneurship. In the later stage were selected to conduct an interview four institutions of higher learning which integrate two courses or syllabus related to entrepreneurship and two others who are not members. This research examines various concepts such as social education and its emergence as a degree in Portugal, social entrepreneurship, and the intrapreendedorismo entrepreneurship education, demonstrating its relationship to the subject of the investigation. The results show that there is on the part of institutions of higher education that do not integrate entrepreneurship in their curriculum organization a concern evident in doing so. For institutions of higher education who teach the course and said that integrate syllabuses or courses related to entrepreneurship show a very positive opinion regarding the future impact of their graduates, since they can promote their integration in the labor market as well as enhance the empowerment of their target populations of their interventions.
Empreendedorismo Educação social