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As rotinas são importantes para o desenvolvimento e bem-estar de crianças em idade pré-escolar. No
entanto, dos instrumentos que avaliam rotinas infantis poucos se focam exclusivamente nas rotinas
da hora de dormir. Esta investigação tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de um primeiro
estudo exploratório de validação da versão portuguesa do Bedtime Routines Questionnaire (BRQ;
Henderson & Jordan, 2010). Participaram neste estudo 110 pais e mães de crianças com idades
compreendidas entre os 3 e os 6 anos, que preencheram as versões portuguesas do BRQ e do Child
Routines Questionnaire: Preschool Version (CRQ:P; Wittig, 2005). Os estudos de análise fatorial
exploratória apontaram para quatro fatores, correspondentes com os da versão original do BRQ. Os
resultados para a consistência interna evidenciaram valores de .66 a .91 para o coeficiente de alfa de
Cronbach. Foram obtidas correlações positivas e estatisticamente significativas entre as escalas de
Consistência e Atividades Adaptativas do BRQ-PT e os resultados do CRQ:P. É discutida a relevância
do estudo e avaliação das rotinas da hora de dormir em crianças em idade pré-escolar.
Routines are essential for the development and well-being of preschool-aged children. However, few instruments assessing children’s routines are exclusively focused on bedtime routines. The main goal of this research is to develop a first exploratory study of validation of the Portuguese version of the Bedtime Routines Questionnaire (BRQ; Henderson & Jordan, 2010). The participants of this study included 110 parents of children aged 3-6 years old, who filled the Portuguese versions of the BRQ and the Child Routines Questionnaire: Preschool Version (CRQ:P; Wittig, 2005). The exploratory factor analysis confirmed the existence of four factors, corresponding to the original version of BRQ. The results for internal consistency showed Cronbach Alpha values ranging from .66 to .91. Positive and significant correlations between Consistency and Adaptive Activities scales from the BRQ-PT and the results of the CRQ:P were obtained. The importance of studying and assessing bedtime routines in preschool children is discussed.
Routines are essential for the development and well-being of preschool-aged children. However, few instruments assessing children’s routines are exclusively focused on bedtime routines. The main goal of this research is to develop a first exploratory study of validation of the Portuguese version of the Bedtime Routines Questionnaire (BRQ; Henderson & Jordan, 2010). The participants of this study included 110 parents of children aged 3-6 years old, who filled the Portuguese versions of the BRQ and the Child Routines Questionnaire: Preschool Version (CRQ:P; Wittig, 2005). The exploratory factor analysis confirmed the existence of four factors, corresponding to the original version of BRQ. The results for internal consistency showed Cronbach Alpha values ranging from .66 to .91. Positive and significant correlations between Consistency and Adaptive Activities scales from the BRQ-PT and the results of the CRQ:P were obtained. The importance of studying and assessing bedtime routines in preschool children is discussed.
Bedtime Routines Questionnaire Hora de Dormir Pré-Escolar Rotinas da Criança Validação