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O presente relatório está dividido em dois capítulos e pretende expor o trabalho efetuado
ao longo do estágio pedagógico, que se desenvolveu na Escola Secundária Quinta das
Palmeiras (ESQP) e no Agrupamento de Escolas a Lã e a Neve, no ano letivo 2020/2021.
No primeiro capítulo são apresentadas as tarefas que contribuíram para a minha
formação como futura docente, e o conjunto de competências que adquiri serão
expressas no decorrer do relatório. Consta no mesmo, a contextualização das
instituições, os objetivos inerentes a este processo, a caracterização das turmas, bem
como aspetos operacionais vivenciados. Apresenta também reflexões acerca da minha
participação nas atividades de desporto escolar, direção de turma e outras atividades
realizadas na escola.
No segundo capítulo, dá-se destaque ao projeto de investigação, com o objetivo de
desenvolver estratégias de intervenção na promoção de AF, na dimensão da comunidade
escolar na ESQP. Este estudo foi realizado com os alunos, docentes e funcionários, com
a participação de 140 inquiridos e pelos docentes e coordenadora de Educação Física. Os
valores demonstram que os alunos são mais ativos (65,9%) do que os professores e
funcionários, isto porque, as atividades realizadas na escola estão direcionadas para os
mesmos. No entanto, não cumprem as recomendações da OMS, evidenciando uma
reflexão relativamente à qualidade das aulas de educação física, o tempo que estes estão
em atividades sedentárias na escola, a adesão no desporto escolar e na divulgação das
atividades realizadas. Relativamente aos professores e docentes estes devem de ser
inseridos nas atividades, mantendo-se ativos e incentivando os alunos à prática de
atividade física regular, para isso devem de ser criadas estratégias de intervenção.
This report is divided into two chapters and aims to present the work carried out during the pedagogical internship that took place at Quinta das Palmeiras Secondary School (ESQP) and at the Lã and Neve School Association during the 2020/2021 school year. The first chapter presents the tasks that contributed to my education as a future teacher, and the skills I acquired will be reflected throughout the report. It includes the contextualization of the institutions, the objectives inherent in this process, the characterization of the classes, and the operational aspects experienced. It also includes reflections on my participation in the school's sports activities, class management and other activities I have undertaken in the school. The second chapter highlights the research project on developing PA support intervention strategies in the school community dimension in ESQP. This study was conducted with students, teachers, and staff and included 140 respondents as well as the teachers and physical education coordinator. The results show that students are more active (65.9%) than teachers and staff because the activities carried out at the school are directed towards them. However, they do not meet the recommendations of WHO, in terms of quality of physical education, time spent in sedentary activities at school, participation in school sports and the spread of activities carried out. As for teachers and lecturers, they must be involved in the activities, remain active and encourage students to engage in regular physical activity, for which intervention strategies must be developed.
This report is divided into two chapters and aims to present the work carried out during the pedagogical internship that took place at Quinta das Palmeiras Secondary School (ESQP) and at the Lã and Neve School Association during the 2020/2021 school year. The first chapter presents the tasks that contributed to my education as a future teacher, and the skills I acquired will be reflected throughout the report. It includes the contextualization of the institutions, the objectives inherent in this process, the characterization of the classes, and the operational aspects experienced. It also includes reflections on my participation in the school's sports activities, class management and other activities I have undertaken in the school. The second chapter highlights the research project on developing PA support intervention strategies in the school community dimension in ESQP. This study was conducted with students, teachers, and staff and included 140 respondents as well as the teachers and physical education coordinator. The results show that students are more active (65.9%) than teachers and staff because the activities carried out at the school are directed towards them. However, they do not meet the recommendations of WHO, in terms of quality of physical education, time spent in sedentary activities at school, participation in school sports and the spread of activities carried out. As for teachers and lecturers, they must be involved in the activities, remain active and encourage students to engage in regular physical activity, for which intervention strategies must be developed.
Atividade Física Comunidade Escolar Educação Física Estágio Pedagógico.