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Nos últimos anos, muito se tem falado através de estudos e pesquisas publicadas a respeito de diabetes e hipoglicemia, sendo relacionadas com atividade física. Este trabalho tem por objetivo definir o que é hipoglicemia, seus sintomas e ajudar no seu controlo e tratamento durante a prática de atividades físicas, possibilitando aos portadores de diabetes mais segurança na prática de exercícios. Foi realizada um pesquisa na base de dados Pubmed e também foram pesquisadas algumas organizações internacionais. A hipoglicemia é causada pela falta de glicose na corrente sanguínea, os sintomas da hipoglicemia são: Sintomas neuroglicopênicos, que são causados pela concentração reduzida de glicose no sistema nervoso central: sensações estranhas, irritabilidade, confusão mental, dificuldade de raciocínio, dificuldade da fala, visão turva, ataxia, parestesias, dor de cabeça, convulsão e coma. E os sintomas Neuro autonômicos: falta de estabilidade, tremor, ansiedade, nervosismo, palpitações, sudorese, pele pegajosa, boca seca, fome, palidez, dilatação da pupila. Durante a prática de atividades físicas pelo portador de diabetes é importante que haja um controle permanente da glicemia, sugere-se que o controle seja feito pelo menos três vezes durante a prática, indicando que seja observado no início, no meio e no final do treino através do teste de glicemia capilar. Na incidência de hipoglicemia durante a atividade física, sugere-se que seja consumido 15g de hidratos de carbono e no caso de não haver melhora, repetir o procedimento 15 minutos depois. A ingestão de suplementos de hidratos de carbono antes da prática de atividades físicas também é uma sugestão para o controle mas embora seja muito utilizada, é de difícil controle, pois, pelo fato de não ser possível saber exatamente o consumo calórico que será despendido durante o treino este método pode levar o indivíduo a ter uma hiperglicemia. De acordo com os artigos analisados a intensidade ideal da atividade física deve ser moderada,. sendo realizada de acordo com a capacidade de cada portador de diabetes mellitus. E os exercícios aeróbicos em conjunto com os resistidos são os que possibilitam um melhor controle glicémico.
In recent years, much has been said through studies and published research about diabetes and hypoglycemia, being related to physical activity. This work aims to define what is hypoglycemia, its symptoms and help in its control and treatment during physical activity, enabling people with diabetes more security exercise. We performed a search in the Pubmed database were also searched and some international organizations. Hypoglycemia is caused by lack of glucose in the bloodstream, symptoms of hypoglycemia are: neuroglycopenic symptoms, which are caused by the reduced concentration of glucose in the central nervous system: strange sensations, irritability, confusion, impaired judgment, impaired speech, blurred vision, ataxia, paresthesia, headache, convulsion and coma. And Neuro autonomic symptoms: lack of stability, tremor, anxiety, nervousness, palpitations, sweating, clammy skin, dry mouth, hunger, pallor, pupil dilation. During physical activity by patients with diabetes is important that there is ongoing monitoring of blood glucose, it is suggested that the control is done at least three times during practice, indicating that it is observed at the beginning, middle and end of practice by testing blood glucose. In incidence of hypoglycemia during exercise suggests that it be consumed 15g of carbohydrates and in case there is no improvement, repeat the procedure after 15 minutes. The intake of carbohydrate supplements before physical activity is also a suggestion for control but although it is widely used, it is difficult to control, because the fact that you can not know exactly the calorie intake that will be spent during the practice this method may lead the individual to have an hyperglycemia. According to the articles analyzed the optimal intensity of physical activity should be moderate. being performed according to the capacity of each person with diabetes mellitus. And aerobic exercise in conjunction with the resistance are enabling a better glycemic control.
In recent years, much has been said through studies and published research about diabetes and hypoglycemia, being related to physical activity. This work aims to define what is hypoglycemia, its symptoms and help in its control and treatment during physical activity, enabling people with diabetes more security exercise. We performed a search in the Pubmed database were also searched and some international organizations. Hypoglycemia is caused by lack of glucose in the bloodstream, symptoms of hypoglycemia are: neuroglycopenic symptoms, which are caused by the reduced concentration of glucose in the central nervous system: strange sensations, irritability, confusion, impaired judgment, impaired speech, blurred vision, ataxia, paresthesia, headache, convulsion and coma. And Neuro autonomic symptoms: lack of stability, tremor, anxiety, nervousness, palpitations, sweating, clammy skin, dry mouth, hunger, pallor, pupil dilation. During physical activity by patients with diabetes is important that there is ongoing monitoring of blood glucose, it is suggested that the control is done at least three times during practice, indicating that it is observed at the beginning, middle and end of practice by testing blood glucose. In incidence of hypoglycemia during exercise suggests that it be consumed 15g of carbohydrates and in case there is no improvement, repeat the procedure after 15 minutes. The intake of carbohydrate supplements before physical activity is also a suggestion for control but although it is widely used, it is difficult to control, because the fact that you can not know exactly the calorie intake that will be spent during the practice this method may lead the individual to have an hyperglycemia. According to the articles analyzed the optimal intensity of physical activity should be moderate. being performed according to the capacity of each person with diabetes mellitus. And aerobic exercise in conjunction with the resistance are enabling a better glycemic control.
Actividade física - Hipoglicemia Actividade física - Diabetes