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O Estado, qualquer que seja, necessita de se relacionar com outros atores das Relações Internacionais a bem da sua integridade e interesses. Desenvolvem, por isso, relações económicas, políticas, sociais e outras, pois isolados não subsistiriam. Compete à Embaixada a promoção de relações amistosas entre o Estado acreditado e o Estado acreditante, e a representação do seu Estado em assuntos de cariz político, diplomático, económico, cultural e de defesa, num plano bilateral. Cabe-lhe ainda a função de informar não só o Estado português como todas as Embaixadas e Representações portuguesas, de todos os desenvolvimentos políticos, económicos ou sociais que sejam pertinentes. De facto, a Embaixada de Portugal em Paris, representada pelo Sr. Embaixador Moraes Cabral, torna-se num intermediário do Estado português em França. Apesar do papel fundamental da Embaixada na defesa dos interesses do Estado Português, esta fornece ainda apoio administrativo e social à comunidade Portuguesa – não descurando das competências e obrigações dos Consulados a este nível. O Estágio Curricular na Embaixada de Portugal em Paris resultou do interesse de presenciar a representação e promoção do Estado português através da Missão Diplomática, por esta estar diretamente relacionada com o sucesso ou insucesso da política externa. Este relatório é, desta forma, produto de três meses de experiência e de conhecimento profissional, que permite terminar o Mestrado de Relações Internacionais na Universidade da Beira Interior.
Any State needs to develop relations with other with other actors in International Relations, to improve and maintain their integrity and interests. Economic, political, social and other kinds of relationships are created, since isolated nations aren’t able to subsist. It is the Embassy’s responsibility to promote friendly relations between the receiving state and the sending state, as well as representing the nation in political, diplomatic, economic, cultural and military matters, bilaterally. It is also responsible of informing, not only the Portuguese State, but also all the embassies and Portuguese representations, about political, economic or social developments considered relevant. In fact, the Embassy of Portugal in Paris, represented by Mr. Ambassador Moares Cabral, becomes an intermediary of the Portuguese State in France. Despite the fundamental role of the Embassy in defending the interests of the Portugal State State, it also supports, both administratively and socially, the Portuguese community, without putting aside the Consulate’s competences and obligations. The curricular internship in the Portuguese Embassy in Paris appears from the interest to witness the representation and promotion of the Portuguese State through the Diplomatic Mission, for its relation with the success, or failure, of external politics. This report consists in experience and professional knowledge of three months, awarding the Masters in International Relations at the University of Beira Interior.
Any State needs to develop relations with other with other actors in International Relations, to improve and maintain their integrity and interests. Economic, political, social and other kinds of relationships are created, since isolated nations aren’t able to subsist. It is the Embassy’s responsibility to promote friendly relations between the receiving state and the sending state, as well as representing the nation in political, diplomatic, economic, cultural and military matters, bilaterally. It is also responsible of informing, not only the Portuguese State, but also all the embassies and Portuguese representations, about political, economic or social developments considered relevant. In fact, the Embassy of Portugal in Paris, represented by Mr. Ambassador Moares Cabral, becomes an intermediary of the Portuguese State in France. Despite the fundamental role of the Embassy in defending the interests of the Portugal State State, it also supports, both administratively and socially, the Portuguese community, without putting aside the Consulate’s competences and obligations. The curricular internship in the Portuguese Embassy in Paris appears from the interest to witness the representation and promotion of the Portuguese State through the Diplomatic Mission, for its relation with the success, or failure, of external politics. This report consists in experience and professional knowledge of three months, awarding the Masters in International Relations at the University of Beira Interior.
Cooperação Diplomacia Embaixada Paris Portugal Relações Bilaterais