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A Saúde é um pilar indiscutível de uma sociedade, pelo que deve ser um foco central nas
políticas governamentais de cada país, existindo, na atualidade uma emergência em
proteger e promover a Saúde dos cidadãos, simultaneamente com o melhor balanço
económico possível. Neste sentido foram implementados recentemente em Portugal os
Planos Locais de Saúde (PLS) que, segundo a Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS), vêm ajustar
as estratégias de Promoção da Saúde nacionais àquelas que são as reais necessidades das
comunidades, no sentido de melhorar os seus níveis de Saúde, com um melhor controlo
de gastos. Neste sentido o ACeS Cova da Beira implementou, há cerca de 6 anos, o seu
primeiro PLS, recentemente atualizado. Assim no sentido de se perceber a sua
importância, funcionalidade e resultados potencialmente já obtidos, realizou-se um
estudo com uma abordagem qualitativa, descritiva, dedutiva e do tipo estudo de caso,
que recorreu a entrevistas a 3 gestores do referido ACeS. De forma geral, no final deste
estudo foi possível perceber que apesar de se prever que investir na Promoção da Saúde
pode gerar mais e melhores ganhos em Saúde e simultaneamente promover a
sustentabilidade do SNS a verdade é que o percurso na sua valorização e investimento
feito em Portugal ainda é muito recente, pelo que carece de tempo para que efetivamente
se reconheçam resultados atribuídos à aplicação dos PLS e das premissas a eles
Health is an undisputed pillar of a society, so it must be a central focus in the governmental policies of each country, currently, there is an emergency to protect and promote the health of citizens, simultaneously with the best possible economic balance. In this sense, Local Health Plans (LHP) were recently implemented in Portugal, which, according to General Directorate of Health, come to adjust national Health Promotion strategies to those that are the real needs of communities, in order to improve their Health levels, with better spending control. In this sense, ACeS Cova da Beira implemented, about 6 years ago, its first LHP, recently updated. Thus, in order to understand its importance, functionality and results already obtained, a study was carried out with a qualitative, descriptive, deductive and case study approach, which used interviews with 3 managers of the referred ACeS. In general, at the end of this study it was possible to realize that although it is predicted that investing in health promotion can generate more and better health gains and simultaneously promote the sustainability of the National Health Service, the truth is that the path in its valorization and investment made in Portugal is still very recent, so it lacks time for the results attributed to the application of LHP and the associated premises to be effectively recognized.
Health is an undisputed pillar of a society, so it must be a central focus in the governmental policies of each country, currently, there is an emergency to protect and promote the health of citizens, simultaneously with the best possible economic balance. In this sense, Local Health Plans (LHP) were recently implemented in Portugal, which, according to General Directorate of Health, come to adjust national Health Promotion strategies to those that are the real needs of communities, in order to improve their Health levels, with better spending control. In this sense, ACeS Cova da Beira implemented, about 6 years ago, its first LHP, recently updated. Thus, in order to understand its importance, functionality and results already obtained, a study was carried out with a qualitative, descriptive, deductive and case study approach, which used interviews with 3 managers of the referred ACeS. In general, at the end of this study it was possible to realize that although it is predicted that investing in health promotion can generate more and better health gains and simultaneously promote the sustainability of the National Health Service, the truth is that the path in its valorization and investment made in Portugal is still very recent, so it lacks time for the results attributed to the application of LHP and the associated premises to be effectively recognized.
Planos Locais de Saúde Promoção da Saúde Saúde Sustentabilidade