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Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina

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  • Heads for force: on the headhunting complex in Southeast Asia and Melanésia
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Cross-cultural exploration of the practice of headhunting in various tribal societies in insular Southeast Asia and in South Melanesia, as described by ethnographers since the nineteenth century. Various motives for this practice, as well as beliefs and rituals attached to it nd the gende role involved, are discussed. With data from fieldwork among the inhabitants of Minahasa in northern Sulawesi.
  • Undoing gender inequalities: insights from the Portuguese perspective
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    In Portugal and elsewhere in the world, the movement promoting gender equality has known advances and setbacks over the past century. While acknowledging and outlining the major favourable developments, this paper discusses mainly some tendencies in the opposite direction, in particular those that highlight and encourage, from an early age, differences between men and women, usually to the detriment of the latter. Examples in Portugal include the growing genderization of children’s toys and books (which in one case has triggered a widely-mediatized polemic in September 2017) and the importance of the colours pink and blue. After childhood, differences persist regarding choice of study, professional activities, salary and domestic responsibilities. In this respect, sociological research in Portugal has observed a backlash in the position of women, in particular as an effect of the financial and economic crisis in the period 2010-2014.
  • Géneros e espaços: um percurso antropológico
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Com base em obras etnográficas de diversas zonas da Europa, problematiza-se a associação generalizada das mulheres com o espaço privado e dos homens com o espaço público.
  • A antropologia em Timor Português: os constrangimentos do colonialismo
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Texto sobre a prática etnográfica e antropológica em Timor-Leste, demonstrando a sua interligação com o poder colonial,
  • Stress e uso do tempo no espaço doméstico
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Time-related stress is a biomedical condition with potentially serious consequences for the health of a person. As stated in this chapter, which is based on an overview of relevant literature, this stress, or the feeling of being rushed, derives from a shortage of time available for the activities which should be carried out. However, the inverse situation, a superabundance of time, may also cause stress. Social and cultural circumstances are crucial for the way an individual uses and perceives the time at his or her disposal. The articulation between a paid job and responsibilities in the private or domestic sphere may lead to specific forms of stress, but sometimes have positive effects. Since the requirements of household and care tasks in general are much heavier for women than for men, they take their toll especially on the physical and mental health of women.
  • Tempo a ganhar, tempo a perder: diversidade em arranjos temporais
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Capítulo sobre a diversidade de perceção e uso do tempo, conforme a cultura e o género. Tema central é o dilema de conciliação entre exigências e projetos profissionais por um lado, e interesses familiares e pessoais por outro lado. Sugerem-se novas políticas sociais, aduzindo como exemplo certas iniciativas na cidade da Covilhã.
  • PREFACE - To the book by Nono Sumampouw, Menjadi Manado: Torang Samua Basudara, Sabla Aer, dan Pembentukan Identitas Sosial
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Preface to an anthropological study about the city of Manado (Indonesia). Attention is paid to its geostrategic location and the diversity of its population, in a historical perspective. Includes reflections on anthropological practices and analysis.
  • Introdução
    Publication . Matos, Alice Delerue; Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Introdução ao livro Saúde: sistemas, mediações e comportamentos, indicando diversos tópicos de investigação na Sociologia da Saúde em Portugal. Contém breves introduções aos diversos capítulos do livro.
  • Minahasa: the «success story» of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    The Minahasans of northern Sulawesi underwent in the nineteenth century a rapid metamorphosis from a people that was considered as violent and savage into what seemed pious and orderly subjects of the Dutch colonal state. The texts proposes several motives for Minahasans’ conversion to Christianity and their enthusiasm for school education. Attention is also paid to the harsh economic exploitation under colonial rule, as well as to actions of resistance. A general outline of the colonial history of Indonesia provides the framework of the text.
  • Antropólogos neerlandeses e portugueses em terras de Timor
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Análise e contextualização da antropologia praticada em Timor no período 1860‐1940, principalmente por neerlandeses. Em 1859, a divisão da ilha entre portugueses e neerlandeses foi oficialmente estabelecida. Deste modo, os timorenses, conforme a sua zona de residência, foram sujeitos a influências divergentes, vindas de dois estados europeus que não se distinguiam apenas pelas suas línguas e culturas, mas também pelas suas políticas nas respetivas colónias. Estas políticas distintas refletiram-se também na antropologia praticada.