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As preocupações ambientais, o aumento sucessivo do preço das energias e o facto dos combustíveis fósseis serem uma fonte finita, leva ao Homem a ter uma postura de poupança das mesmas, tomando deliberadamente medidas de eficiência energética. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar todo o processamento de queijo Serra da Estrela, calcular o balanço de massa e o balanço de energia e por fim comparar o seu desempenho em relação a outras queijarias. No âmbito deste trabalho, foi realizada uma auditoria simples a uma empresa do setor dos lacticínios da região da Serra da Estrela. Nela foram estudados os processos produtivos e foram levantados todos os dados relativamente aos equipamentos utilizados pela unidade fabril. Ainda, foi ainda realizado um estudo mais aprofundado sobre os equipamentos, normalmente utilizados na indústria dos lacticínios. Por fim conclui-se que a empresa tem um valor de SEC 19,73 MJ/Kg. Apesar de se situar dentro dos valores padrão fica um pouco abaixo de valores obtidos na Holanda e nos EUA, que variam entre 2,3 e os 16,8 MJ/kg.
Em relação ao consumo total de energia da empresa, as câmaras de refrigeração têm um peso de 49%, concluindo-se através da avaliação feita, que os maiores consumidores de energia são o compressor (57%) e o evaporador (18%). Foi também verificado que através de um balanço de massa que a empresa necessita de cerca de 5,5 litros de leite de ovelha para processar 1 kg de queijo.
Environmental concerns, the successive increases in the price of energy and the fact that fossil fuels are a finite supply, leads the Man to have a posture of saving energy and resources, taking deliberately energy efficiency measures. The aim of this study is to analyze the entire processing of the Serra da Estrela cheese, calculate the mass balance and the energy balance and lastly, to compare its performance against other factories. As part of this work, a simple audit to a dairy company in Serra da Estrela region was performed. At the referred company, were studied the productive processes and all data concernig the equipment used by the plant have been collected. It was also made, a study on the typically used equipment in the dairy industry. Finally, it was concluded that the company has a value of 19.73 SEC MJ/Kg. Despite being within the default values, the values obtained are situated a little below that those obtain in the Netherlands and the USA, ranging between 2.3 and 16.8 MJ/kg. Relatively to the company's total energy consumption, refrigeration chambers have a weight of 49%, concluding through the assessment made, that the biggest energy consumers are the compressor (57%) and the evaporator (18%). It was also verified that through a mass balance the company needs about 5.5 liters of sheep's milk to process 1 kg of cheese.
Environmental concerns, the successive increases in the price of energy and the fact that fossil fuels are a finite supply, leads the Man to have a posture of saving energy and resources, taking deliberately energy efficiency measures. The aim of this study is to analyze the entire processing of the Serra da Estrela cheese, calculate the mass balance and the energy balance and lastly, to compare its performance against other factories. As part of this work, a simple audit to a dairy company in Serra da Estrela region was performed. At the referred company, were studied the productive processes and all data concernig the equipment used by the plant have been collected. It was also made, a study on the typically used equipment in the dairy industry. Finally, it was concluded that the company has a value of 19.73 SEC MJ/Kg. Despite being within the default values, the values obtained are situated a little below that those obtain in the Netherlands and the USA, ranging between 2.3 and 16.8 MJ/kg. Relatively to the company's total energy consumption, refrigeration chambers have a weight of 49%, concluding through the assessment made, that the biggest energy consumers are the compressor (57%) and the evaporator (18%). It was also verified that through a mass balance the company needs about 5.5 liters of sheep's milk to process 1 kg of cheese.
Consumo de energia Eficiência energética Sector dos lacticínios Queijo