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Os incêndios florestais em Portugal fazem parte de problema global associado às
mudanças climáticas que, nos últimos anos, têm aumentado a intensidade e a frequência
de desastres naturais em todo o mundo. A comunicação de desastres naturais, contudo,
envolve tensões entre dois propósitos distintos da comunicação das organizações
públicas: a proteção da população versus a preservação da reputação. Nesse sentido,
investigámos qual perspetiva – informativa ou política (Frandsen & Johansen, 2020d) –
prevaleceu, ao nível da mensagem, na comunicação de risco e crise das organizações
públicas nacionais portuguesas implicadas diretamente no enfrentamento aos incêndios
florestais em 2017, 2018 e 2019. Para isso, desenvolvemos um modelo original a que
denominámos Modelo Loop, composto por um loop de 12 meses com seis fases
cronologicamente delimitadas que se repetem infinitamente: (1) Prevenção; (2)
Preparação; (3) Alerta; (4) Socorro; (5) Recuperação; e (6) Avaliação.
O nosso estudo empírico adotou uma abordagem que combinou métodos quantitativos
e qualitativos na análise dos dados. Analisámos o conteúdo (Bardin, 2014) de 1.151
mensagens emitidas por 10 organizações públicas conforme 10 variáveis do Modelo
Loop. Também verificámos a presença ou a ausência dos 13 fatores que formam o
Indicador da Qualidade Informativa em Incêndios Florestais (IQI-IF), um indicador
agregado de análise multivariada que nos permitiu avaliar objetivamente a qualidade
informativa, relacionada com a perspetiva informativa da comunicação de risco e crise,
das mensagens emitidas em cada fase do Modelo Loop. A nossa principal conclusão foi
que a comunicação dos incêndios florestais oscilou entre as perspetivas informativa e
política, com marcada predominância da perspetiva informativa, exceto na fase
Prevenção, que apresentou o IQI-IF negativo nos três anos analisados.
Forest fires in Portugal are part of a global problem associated with climate change, which in recent years has intensified the frequency and severity of natural disasters worldwide. Natural disasters communication, however, involves tensions between two distinct purposes in the communication of the public organisations: protecting the public versus preserving reputation. In this regard, we investigated which perspective – informational or political (Frandsen & Johansen, 2020d) – prevailed in the messaging of risk and crisis communication by Portuguese national public organisations directly engaged in tackling forest fires in 2017, 2018, and 2019. To achieve this, we developed an original model called the Loop Model, which comprises a 12-month loop with six chronologically defined phases that repeat indefinitely: (1) Prevention; (2) Preparation; (3) Alert; (4) Rescue; (5) Recovery; and (6) Evaluation. Our empirical study adopted a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative analyses of the data. We conducted a content analysis (Bardin, 2014) of 1,151 messages issued by 10 public organisations according to 10 variables in the Loop Model. We also examined the presence or absence of the 13 factors that constitute the Informational Quality Indicator for Forest Fires (IQI-FF), a composite multivariate analysis indicator that allowed us to objectively evaluate the informational quality, related to the informational perspective in risk and crisis communication, within the messages issued at each phase of the Loop Model. Our main conclusion was that forest fires communication fluctuated between the informational and political perspectives, with a marked predominance of the informational perspective, except in the Prevention phase, which showed a negative IQI-IF across the three years analysed.
Forest fires in Portugal are part of a global problem associated with climate change, which in recent years has intensified the frequency and severity of natural disasters worldwide. Natural disasters communication, however, involves tensions between two distinct purposes in the communication of the public organisations: protecting the public versus preserving reputation. In this regard, we investigated which perspective – informational or political (Frandsen & Johansen, 2020d) – prevailed in the messaging of risk and crisis communication by Portuguese national public organisations directly engaged in tackling forest fires in 2017, 2018, and 2019. To achieve this, we developed an original model called the Loop Model, which comprises a 12-month loop with six chronologically defined phases that repeat indefinitely: (1) Prevention; (2) Preparation; (3) Alert; (4) Rescue; (5) Recovery; and (6) Evaluation. Our empirical study adopted a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative analyses of the data. We conducted a content analysis (Bardin, 2014) of 1,151 messages issued by 10 public organisations according to 10 variables in the Loop Model. We also examined the presence or absence of the 13 factors that constitute the Informational Quality Indicator for Forest Fires (IQI-FF), a composite multivariate analysis indicator that allowed us to objectively evaluate the informational quality, related to the informational perspective in risk and crisis communication, within the messages issued at each phase of the Loop Model. Our main conclusion was that forest fires communication fluctuated between the informational and political perspectives, with a marked predominance of the informational perspective, except in the Prevention phase, which showed a negative IQI-IF across the three years analysed.
Comunicação estratégica Comunicação de risco Comunicação de crise Desastres naturais Incêndios florestais Emergências Perspetiva informativa Perspetiva política Organizações públicas Governo Portugal