O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo contribuir para a caracterização e
avaliação do Funcionamento Psicológico Positivo durante a adolescência, analisar os
níveis de Funcionamento Psicológico Positivo, a sua variação em função das variáveis
sexo, idade e ciclo de estudos, bem como a sua relação com os níveis de Satisfação com
a Vida.
A amostra foi composta por 589 adolescentes com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e
18 anos. Foram administrados um Questionário Sociodemográfico, a Escala de
Funcionamento Psicológico Positivo (EFPP) e a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida (ESV).
A EFPP avalia os níveis de Funcionamento Psicológico Positivo através de 11 dimensões
– Autonomia, Resiliência, Curiosidade, Otimismo, Autoestima, Vitalidade, Domínio do
Meio, Propósito na Vida, Humor, Desfrute e Criatividade.
Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a EFPP apresenta boas propriedades
psicométricas, quer ao nível da fiabilidade, como da validade. Constatou-se uma
tendência para uma autoavaliação mais positiva no sexo masculino, relativamente ao
Funcionamento Psicológico Positivo, bem como uma propensão para seu decréscimo
com o aumento da idade. Verificou-se, ainda, uma relação positiva entre o
Funcionamento Psicológico Positivo e a Satisfação com a Vida, assim como a
capacidade preditiva do Funcionamento Psicológico Positivo na Satisfação com a Vida.
A posse de Recursos Psicológicos Positivos, que permite a gestão eficaz de situações do
quotidiano por parte dos adolescentes, parece predizer níveis elevados de Satisfação
com a Vida.
The main goal of the present study was to contribute to the characterization and evaluation of Positive Psychological Functioning during adolescence, analyzing the levels of Positive Psychological Functioning, its variation depending on the variables sex, age and cycle of studies, as well as their relationship with levels of Life Satisfaction. The sample consisted of 589 adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years old. The Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Positive Psychological Functioning Scale (PPFS) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) were administered. The PPFS assesses levels of Positive Psychological Functioning through 11 dimensions – Autonomy, Resilience, Curiosity, Optimism, Self-esteem, Vitality, Environment Mastery, Purpose in Life, Humor, Enjoyment and Creativity. The results obtained indicate that the PPFS has good psychometric properties, both in terms of reliability and validity. A tendency for a more positive self-assessment in males was found in relation to Positive Psychological Functioning, as well as a tendency for it to decrease with increasing age. There was also a positive relationship between Positive Psychological Functioning and Life Satisfaction, as well as the predictive capacity of Positive Psychological Functioning in Life Satisfaction. The possession of Positive Psychological Resources, which allow the efficient management of everyday situations by adolescents, seem to predict high levels of Satisfaction with Life.
The main goal of the present study was to contribute to the characterization and evaluation of Positive Psychological Functioning during adolescence, analyzing the levels of Positive Psychological Functioning, its variation depending on the variables sex, age and cycle of studies, as well as their relationship with levels of Life Satisfaction. The sample consisted of 589 adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years old. The Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Positive Psychological Functioning Scale (PPFS) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) were administered. The PPFS assesses levels of Positive Psychological Functioning through 11 dimensions – Autonomy, Resilience, Curiosity, Optimism, Self-esteem, Vitality, Environment Mastery, Purpose in Life, Humor, Enjoyment and Creativity. The results obtained indicate that the PPFS has good psychometric properties, both in terms of reliability and validity. A tendency for a more positive self-assessment in males was found in relation to Positive Psychological Functioning, as well as a tendency for it to decrease with increasing age. There was also a positive relationship between Positive Psychological Functioning and Life Satisfaction, as well as the predictive capacity of Positive Psychological Functioning in Life Satisfaction. The possession of Positive Psychological Resources, which allow the efficient management of everyday situations by adolescents, seem to predict high levels of Satisfaction with Life.
Adolescência Bem-Estar Funcionamento Psicológico Positivo