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Com o passar dos anos, o desenvolvimento das cidades, a diminuiĆ§Ć£o da taxa de natalidade e o
consequente envelhecimento da populaĆ§Ć£o, assistimos Ć desertificaĆ§Ć£o dos respetivos centros
Atualmente, deparamo-nos com uma crescente preocupaĆ§Ć£o pela conservaĆ§Ć£o dos edifĆcios que
revelam mau estado de conservaĆ§Ć£o, com o intuito de preservar e reabilitar o patrimĆ³nio
arquitetĆ³nico, potencializando os seus valores histĆ³ricos e tornando as zonas mais antigas da
cidade novamente habitƔveis.
Neste sentido, a presente dissertaĆ§Ć£o consiste na proposta de intervenĆ§Ć£o num lote com uma
antiga habitaĆ§Ć£o unifamiliar, inserida no contexto urbano. A Ć”rea a intervir, inscrita num
perĆmetro da malha urbana com alguma expressĆ£o, serĆ” analisada no Ć¢mbito da sua
materialidade, do seu enquadramento fĆsico assim como no Ć¢mbito da exposiĆ§Ć£o solar a que Ć©
sujeita. A cidade da CovilhĆ£, mais concretamente o centro, onde se insere o objeto de estudo,
tem sido alvo de um aumento de procura e recuperaĆ§Ć£o de espaƧos devolutos, com
consequĆŖncias urbanĆsticas.
A habitaĆ§Ć£o atual Ć© composta por um Ćŗnico volume, sendo o rĆ©s-do-chĆ£o construĆdo em
alvenaria de pedra aparelhada e os restantes pisos atravĆ©s do mĆ©todo de construĆ§Ć£o em
tabique, caracterĆsticas tĆpicas da construĆ§Ć£o tradicional portuguesa. Pela
topogrƔfica/topografia local, dispƵe apenas de uma fachada livre e tem, como particularidade,
duas paredes em rochas. Em geral a habitaĆ§Ć£o apresenta problemas construtivos e
organizacionais internos que conduzem Ć decisĆ£o de aproveitamento apenas da geometria do
Iniciando pela pesquisa, recolha de informaĆ§Ć£o e trabalho de campo, propƵe-se devolver
vitalidade Ć Ć”rea de intervenĆ§Ć£o, recuperando conceptualmente o existente atravĆ©s de
mĆ©todos construtivos contemporĆ¢neos. Pretende-se ainda dar um contributo na recuperaĆ§Ć£o
da harmonia espacial e na vitalidade do centro da cidade, fazendo deste caso um objeto de
referĆŖncia para outros casos semelhantes.
As the years pass by, with the development in the cities and the aging of the population, we witness the abandonment of the historical town centers. We are now faced with a growing concern to renovate buildings in a poor state of conservation, with the aim of preserving the architectural heritage and enhancing its historical values, reopening the historical areas of the cities. In this sense the present dissertation consists of the proposal of intervention in a lot wit an old single-family dwelling, inserted in the urban context. The area to be intervened, inscribed in a perimeter of the urban mesh with some expression, from the materiality at its disposal, has limited solar exposure. The city of CovilhĆ£, more specifically the center, where the object of study is inserted, has been the target of an increase of demand and recovery of vacant spaces, with urban consequences. The current housing is composed of a single volume, the ground floor is built in masonry of fitted stone and the remaining floors through the method of construction in septum, typical features of traditional Portuguese construction. By the local topography, you only have one free facade and, as a particularity, two rock-cut walls. In general, the housing presents internal constructive and organizational problems that lead to the decision to use the geometry of the lot. Starting with research, information gathering and fieldwork, it is proposed to return vitality to the intervention area by conceptually recovering the existing building through contemporary constructive techniques. It is also intended to be a contribution to recover the spatial harmony and vitality of the center of the city, as well as a reference object to similar cases.
As the years pass by, with the development in the cities and the aging of the population, we witness the abandonment of the historical town centers. We are now faced with a growing concern to renovate buildings in a poor state of conservation, with the aim of preserving the architectural heritage and enhancing its historical values, reopening the historical areas of the cities. In this sense the present dissertation consists of the proposal of intervention in a lot wit an old single-family dwelling, inserted in the urban context. The area to be intervened, inscribed in a perimeter of the urban mesh with some expression, from the materiality at its disposal, has limited solar exposure. The city of CovilhĆ£, more specifically the center, where the object of study is inserted, has been the target of an increase of demand and recovery of vacant spaces, with urban consequences. The current housing is composed of a single volume, the ground floor is built in masonry of fitted stone and the remaining floors through the method of construction in septum, typical features of traditional Portuguese construction. By the local topography, you only have one free facade and, as a particularity, two rock-cut walls. In general, the housing presents internal constructive and organizational problems that lead to the decision to use the geometry of the lot. Starting with research, information gathering and fieldwork, it is proposed to return vitality to the intervention area by conceptually recovering the existing building through contemporary constructive techniques. It is also intended to be a contribution to recover the spatial harmony and vitality of the center of the city, as well as a reference object to similar cases.
Cidade ContemporĆ¢neo HabitaĆ§Ć£o ReabilitaĆ§Ć£o Urbana