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A Escola Inclusiva reflete um modelo educacional que visa garantir a participação,
aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de todos os alunos, independentemente das suas
características, competências, limitações ou diferenças, respeitando a diversidade e
promovendo a igualdade de oportunidades. Este modelo educacional aposta na
diferenciação do currículo para promover a equidade, suportando-se em medidas de
apoio à aprendizagem, organizadas em diferentes níveis de intervenção, de acordo com
as respostas educativas necessárias para cada aluno adquirir uma base comum de
competências, valorizando as suas potencialidades e interesses. Cada nível de
intervenção contém medidas que inferem as atitudes e medidas que inferem o
currículo, sendo estas últimas as mais desafiadoras e as que mais resistência encontram
à sua implementação. Neste trabalho de investigação desenvolveu-se uma proposta de
Adaptações Curriculares Não Significativas para o domínio “Som” da disciplina de
Físico-Química do 8º ano do 3º ciclo do ensino básico e aplicou-se essa proposta, em
contexto educativo real, para o subdomínio “Atributos do Som e sua Deteção pelo Ser
Humano e Fenómenos Acústicos”. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram uma melhoria
na aprendizagem após a implementação da atividade adaptada, demonstrando que o
desenvolvimento de Adaptações Curriculares Não Significativas com recurso a
metodologias promotoras de aprendizagens ativas, tendo por base uma situaçãoproblema ligada ao dia a dia dos alunos, é uma estratégia eficaz para mitigar as
dificuldades de aprendizagem associadas aos comportamentos diferenciados mais
Inclusive Education reflects an educational model that aims to guarantee all students' participation, learning, and development, regardless of their characteristics, abilities, limitations, or differences, respecting diversity and promoting equal opportunities. This educational model focuses on differentiating the curriculum to promote equity, relying on learning support measures, organized at different levels of intervention, according to the educational responses necessary for each student to acquire a common base of skills, valuing their potentialities and interests. Each level of intervention contains measures that infer attitudes and measures that assume the curriculum, the latter being the most challenging and the ones that face the most resistance to their implementation. In this research work, a proposal for Non-Significant Curricular Adaptations was developed for the domain “Sound” of the Physics-chemistry discipline of the 8th year of the 3rd cycle of basic education. This proposal was applied, in a real educational context, for the subdomain “Attributes of Sound and its Detection by Human Beings and Acoustic Phenomena”. The results obtained showed an improvement in learning after implementing the adapted activity, demonstrating that the development of Non-Significant Curricular Adaptations using methodologies that promote active learning, based on a problem situation linked to the student's daily lives, is an effective strategy to mitigate learning difficulties associated with the most common differentiated behaviors.
Inclusive Education reflects an educational model that aims to guarantee all students' participation, learning, and development, regardless of their characteristics, abilities, limitations, or differences, respecting diversity and promoting equal opportunities. This educational model focuses on differentiating the curriculum to promote equity, relying on learning support measures, organized at different levels of intervention, according to the educational responses necessary for each student to acquire a common base of skills, valuing their potentialities and interests. Each level of intervention contains measures that infer attitudes and measures that assume the curriculum, the latter being the most challenging and the ones that face the most resistance to their implementation. In this research work, a proposal for Non-Significant Curricular Adaptations was developed for the domain “Sound” of the Physics-chemistry discipline of the 8th year of the 3rd cycle of basic education. This proposal was applied, in a real educational context, for the subdomain “Attributes of Sound and its Detection by Human Beings and Acoustic Phenomena”. The results obtained showed an improvement in learning after implementing the adapted activity, demonstrating that the development of Non-Significant Curricular Adaptations using methodologies that promote active learning, based on a problem situation linked to the student's daily lives, is an effective strategy to mitigate learning difficulties associated with the most common differentiated behaviors.
8º Ano Adaptações Curriculares Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Escola Inclusiva Físico-
Química Som