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A educação para o empreendedorismo é vista como um novo paradigma para a educação,
dado que utiliza métodos inovadores para a aquisição de novos conhecimentos. Os alunos
são confrontados com a realidade e com situações que necessitam de uma solução, sendo
desenvolvidas competências empreendedoras tais como a identificação de oportunidades,
a assunção de riscos, a criatividade, a inovação, a autonomia e a resistência ao fracasso.
Esta investigação debruça-se sobre a prática de uma Educação para o Empreendedorismo
com crianças. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo é o de analisar a importância que o
empreendedorismo assume na capacitação de crianças.
No sentido de alcançar os objetivos inicialmente propostos, a escola escolhida foi a Escola
do Conservatório de Música da Covilhã, uma escola que adotou o empreendedorismo
como atividade de enriquecimento curricular para alunos do 1º ciclo de escolaridade.
Para obter estas respostas foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, sendo a recolha de
dados feita através da observação participante e da realização de entrevistas. Os principais
resultados obtidos indicam que os alunos apresentam uma elevado grau de interesse, de
participação e curiosidade em relação à temática do empreendedorismo, tendo um grande
envolvimento nas atividade desenvolvidas. Estas crianças têm a capacidade de aplicar os
conhecimentos adquiridos nesta atividade nas restantes disciplinas, tendo a plena noção
da importância que estes conteúdos terão ao longo do seu crescimento, não só a nível
pessoal como profissional.
Entrepreneurship education is seen as a new paradigm for education, as it uses innovative methods for acquiring new knowledge. Students are confronted with reality and with situations that need a solution, and entrepreneurial skills are developed, such as identifying opportunities, taking risks, creativity, innovation, autonomy and resistance to failure. This investigation focuses on the practice of an Education for Entrepreneurship with children. In this sense, the objective of this study is to analyze the importance that entrepreneurship assumes in the empowerment of children. In order to achieve the objectives initially proposed, the school chosen was the Escola do Conservatório de Música da Covilhã, a school that adopted entrepreneurship as a curriculum enrichment activity for students in the 1st cycle of schooling. In order to obtain these answers, a qualitative methodology was used, and data collection was carried out through participant observation and interviews. The main results obtained indicate that students show a high degree of interest, participation and curiosity in relation to the subject of entrepreneurship, having a great involvement in the activities developed. These children have the ability to apply the knowledge acquired in this activity in the other subjects, having a full notion of the importance that these contents will have throughout their growth, not only at a personal but professional level.
Entrepreneurship education is seen as a new paradigm for education, as it uses innovative methods for acquiring new knowledge. Students are confronted with reality and with situations that need a solution, and entrepreneurial skills are developed, such as identifying opportunities, taking risks, creativity, innovation, autonomy and resistance to failure. This investigation focuses on the practice of an Education for Entrepreneurship with children. In this sense, the objective of this study is to analyze the importance that entrepreneurship assumes in the empowerment of children. In order to achieve the objectives initially proposed, the school chosen was the Escola do Conservatório de Música da Covilhã, a school that adopted entrepreneurship as a curriculum enrichment activity for students in the 1st cycle of schooling. In order to obtain these answers, a qualitative methodology was used, and data collection was carried out through participant observation and interviews. The main results obtained indicate that students show a high degree of interest, participation and curiosity in relation to the subject of entrepreneurship, having a great involvement in the activities developed. These children have the ability to apply the knowledge acquired in this activity in the other subjects, having a full notion of the importance that these contents will have throughout their growth, not only at a personal but professional level.
Empreendedoras Crianças Educação para o Empreendedorismo