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A Península Ibérica é hoje em dia um território com um
a vasta
e detent
ora de um
passado cultural muito
. O passado que
Portugal e Espanha
percorreram permite
lhes hoje
terem uma relação de cooperação a vários níveis, mas essencialmente uma relação que apela
à preservação de toda a sua história e o que dela resultou.
A fr
onteira que separa
ambos os
poderia ser considerada como um entrave nas relações de ambos, no entanto, existe
uma cultura de fronteira, onde se vê a fronteira como uma linha de partilha de saberes e de
vivências, um
de intercomunicação e não u
m lugar de separação e de corte de relações.
Embora a cooperação de ambos contribua positivamente em diferentes aspetos, os tempos em
que vivemos obriga a que se unam esforços para preservar a relação de cooperação e
amistosa, assim como a cultura e a ide
ntidade única que ambos possuem. Devido ao mundo
globalizado e à
integração europeia
que se tornou muito vincada, obriga a que tomem
medidas e esforços para manter presente, e ao mesmo tempo funcional, o “fundo cultural”
que se tem tentado ao longo dos an
os preservar
O Centro de Estudos Ibéricos (CEI) é uma instituição que se preocupa em preservar
a Cultura
Ibérica e refo
os laços de cooperação
e o estreitamento
das relações entre a Portugal e
Espanha, com especial incidência na região transfronteiri
. Tem o intuito de z
elar pelo
encontro e refor
ço das relações dos dois países
não deixar a identidade e cultura ibérica
desvanecer no quadro internacional
O interesse em desenvolver um Estágio Curricular no
surgiu por este se constituir como
uma d
as principais plataformas de investigação e reflexão
das questões associadas à
Cultura e Cooperação Ibérica
. O Estágio realizado é o resultado de
três meses de
experiência profissional no Instituto supramencionado. O relatório sobre o
mesmo ocorre
como obj
eto final de avaliação para a conclusão do Mestrado em Relações
Internacionais. E,
uma série de elementos diretamente ligados ao Instituto e às
desenvolvidas durante o período de Estágio.
The Iberian Peninsula is nowadays a territory with a vast history and holder of a very rich cultural past. Passed over which Portugal and Spain they tra velled that it allows them today to have a relation of cooperation at several levels, but essentially a relation that appeals to the preservation of the whole his history and what from her resulted. The frontier that separates both countries might be consi dered as one that it should hamper in the relations of both, however, there is a culture of frontier, where one sees the frontier like a line of share of knowing and of existences, a place of intercommunication and not a place of separation and of cut of r elations. Though the cooperation of both contributes positively in different aspects, the times in which we live it obliges what efforts join to preserve the relation of cooperation and friendly, as well as the culture and the only identity what both have. Due to the globalized world and the European integration, which became very much a crease, it obliges what they take steps and efforts to maintain present, and at the same functional time, the “ cultural bottom ” that has tried along the years to preserve . The Center of Iberian Studies (CEI) is an institution that worries in preserving the Iberian Culture and reinforcing the knots of cooperation and the straightening of the relations between Portugal and Spain, with special incidence in the borderland . It has the intention of looking after the meeting and reinforcement of the relations of two countries and without leaving the identity and Iberian C ulture to dispel in the international picture. The interest in taking an Internship at CEI results from the fac t it is one of the main platforms of research and reflection on issues related to Culture and Iberian Cooperation. The Internship is the result of three months of work experience in the aforementioned Institute. The report is a final phase of evaluation to conclude the Master in International Relations. And, comprises a number of elements directly linked to the Institute and to the activities undertaken by it during the Internship period.
The Iberian Peninsula is nowadays a territory with a vast history and holder of a very rich cultural past. Passed over which Portugal and Spain they tra velled that it allows them today to have a relation of cooperation at several levels, but essentially a relation that appeals to the preservation of the whole his history and what from her resulted. The frontier that separates both countries might be consi dered as one that it should hamper in the relations of both, however, there is a culture of frontier, where one sees the frontier like a line of share of knowing and of existences, a place of intercommunication and not a place of separation and of cut of r elations. Though the cooperation of both contributes positively in different aspects, the times in which we live it obliges what efforts join to preserve the relation of cooperation and friendly, as well as the culture and the only identity what both have. Due to the globalized world and the European integration, which became very much a crease, it obliges what they take steps and efforts to maintain present, and at the same functional time, the “ cultural bottom ” that has tried along the years to preserve . The Center of Iberian Studies (CEI) is an institution that worries in preserving the Iberian Culture and reinforcing the knots of cooperation and the straightening of the relations between Portugal and Spain, with special incidence in the borderland . It has the intention of looking after the meeting and reinforcement of the relations of two countries and without leaving the identity and Iberian C ulture to dispel in the international picture. The interest in taking an Internship at CEI results from the fac t it is one of the main platforms of research and reflection on issues related to Culture and Iberian Cooperation. The Internship is the result of three months of work experience in the aforementioned Institute. The report is a final phase of evaluation to conclude the Master in International Relations. And, comprises a number of elements directly linked to the Institute and to the activities undertaken by it during the Internship period.
Relações Internacionais Cultura Ibérica Identidade Ibérica Cooperação Ibérica Globalização CEI Estágio Relatório