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Atualmente, devido à constante evolução dos media, o utilizador depara-se com
múltiplas possibilidades, passando de recetor passivo a potencial criador e difusor de
conteúdos. Apesar do acesso generalizado às novas tecnologias e aos novos media, a
literacia para um uso crítico não se desenvolve de forma automática e merece uma
especial atenção devido à sua potencialidade no combate à desinformação.
Tendo estes aspetos em consideração, a presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo
analisar a forma como os futuros jornalistas estão a ser preparados para terem um papel
ativo no combate à desinformação. O facto de os profissionais de comunicação e
jornalismo dominarem práticas e terem conhecimentos, ainda que a diferentes níveis,
relacionados com o jornalismo, os media e o digital, coloca-os na linha da frente em
termos de literacia.
No entanto, perante as perceções de académicos de referência em Portugal e Espanha, a
respeito da preparação dos estudantes e tendo em conta a identificação e análise dos
planos de estudos, a literacia para os media tem estado pouco presente no ensino
superior de jornalismo.
Nas entrevistas aos responsáveis das licenciaturas e “grados” em jornalismo e similares,
damo-nos conta de que reconhecem que os estudantes chegam com apuradas
capacidades técnicas digitais. O ensino tem-se concentrado em fortalecer essas
habilidades com unidades curriculares direcionadas para a prática. Contudo, o corte nas
Humanidades e Ciências Sociais nos planos curriculares acarreta uma diminuição direta
na promoção do pensamento crítico, necessário na reflexão sobre a realidade.
As nossas conclusões tornam possível afirmar que a literacia para os media numa forte
aliança com o ensino de jornalismo e similares poderia ter um impacto significativo no
combate à desinformação. Importa ressalvar que reconhecemos que nem todos os
estudantes de licenciaturas similares a jornalismo, como Ciências da Comunicação,
pretendem vir a ser jornalistas. No entanto, todos eles devem ter conhecimentos
significativos na literacia para os media devido à sua responsabilidade como futuros
profissionais que poderão vir a trabalhar nesse contexto. Neste sentido, além de uma profunda missão social na forma de transmissão de
conhecimentos para a sociedade, fomenta-se a consolidação dos saberes adquiridos
pelos alunos. Ligam-se, assim, o objetivo de exercer o exercício da profissão em pleno
com a componente pedagógica.
Nowadays, due to the constant evolution of media, the user faces multiple possibilities, going from a passive receiver to a potential content creator and disseminator. Despite the widespread access to new technologies and media, literacy for critical use does not automatically develop itself and deserves special attention due to its potential to fight disinformation. Considering these aspects, the main objective of this dissertation is to analyse how future journalists are being prepared to have an active role in fighting disinformation. Communication and journalism professionals dominate practices and, although at different levels, have the knowledge related to journalism, media and digital, putting them at the vanguard concerning literacy. Nevertheless, based on the perceptions and conclusions of leading academics in Portugal and Spain about qualifying students and considering the identification and analysis of study plans, media literacy has been substantially absent in journalism higher education. The interviews with the graduate programs' directors in journalism and similar areas made us realise that they recognise the advanced digital technical skills students already have. Education is focused on strengthening these skills with practice-oriented curricular units. However, cutting back on Humanities and Social Sciences across the curricular plan leads to a direct decrease in the promotion of critical thinking needed for the reflection on reality. Our conclusions allow us to state that media literacy in a strong alliance with journalism education and similar ones could significantly impact battling disinformation. Despite recognising that not every student of similar degrees as journalism, such as Communication Sciences, intends to pursue a journalism career, they should have considerable knowledge in media literacy due to their responsibility as future professionals who may work in this field. Thus, besides a deep social mission in transferring knowledge to society, the consolidation of acquired insights by students is encouraged. Therefore, the objective of performing the profession is entirely linked to the pedagogical component.
Nowadays, due to the constant evolution of media, the user faces multiple possibilities, going from a passive receiver to a potential content creator and disseminator. Despite the widespread access to new technologies and media, literacy for critical use does not automatically develop itself and deserves special attention due to its potential to fight disinformation. Considering these aspects, the main objective of this dissertation is to analyse how future journalists are being prepared to have an active role in fighting disinformation. Communication and journalism professionals dominate practices and, although at different levels, have the knowledge related to journalism, media and digital, putting them at the vanguard concerning literacy. Nevertheless, based on the perceptions and conclusions of leading academics in Portugal and Spain about qualifying students and considering the identification and analysis of study plans, media literacy has been substantially absent in journalism higher education. The interviews with the graduate programs' directors in journalism and similar areas made us realise that they recognise the advanced digital technical skills students already have. Education is focused on strengthening these skills with practice-oriented curricular units. However, cutting back on Humanities and Social Sciences across the curricular plan leads to a direct decrease in the promotion of critical thinking needed for the reflection on reality. Our conclusions allow us to state that media literacy in a strong alliance with journalism education and similar ones could significantly impact battling disinformation. Despite recognising that not every student of similar degrees as journalism, such as Communication Sciences, intends to pursue a journalism career, they should have considerable knowledge in media literacy due to their responsibility as future professionals who may work in this field. Thus, besides a deep social mission in transferring knowledge to society, the consolidation of acquired insights by students is encouraged. Therefore, the objective of performing the profession is entirely linked to the pedagogical component.
Desinformação Ensino de Jornalismo. Literacia para Os Media