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Uma população cada vez mais envelhecida, bem como a crescente falta de
respostas direcionadas a esta faixa etária, têm vindo a ser alvo de preocupação nos
tempos atuais. Se há uns anos atrás a esperança média de vida rondava os sessenta e
cinco anos, hoje em dia esta encontra-se acima dos oitenta, pelo que temos cada vez
mais idosos e cada vez menos soluções disponíveis para que estes obtenham uma
qualidade de vida digna nesta fase das suas vidas.
Embora o terceiro setor possa oferecer um vasto leque de resposta a estes
indivíduos, considera-se ainda que as mesmas não têm em atenção o tipo de
necessidades de cada idoso enquanto ser individual, pelo que apresentam soluções
padronizadas e pouco atentas aos problemas de cada um deles. Foi neste sentido que
procurei investigar aquilo que tem vindo a ser feito de forma responder de forma
diferente e inovadora aos principais problemas desta faixa etária, bem como o seu
impacto e eficácia na resolução, ou amenização dos mesmos. Para tal, inquiri os
responsáveis dos projetos “Rugas de Sorrisos”, “QuintAAL”, “Social +”, “100 Solidão” e
“Estima-Te” e elaborei uma posterior análise documental de um relatório de
informações do projeto “Rugas de Sorrisos”, do Programa de Parcerias para o Impacto
do projeto “QuintAAL” e de um relatório de apresentação de resultados do projeto
Os resultados obtidos indicaram essencialmente que a inovação social deve ser o
princípio basilar de qualquer projeto social para este possa ter impactos consideráveis
para o seu público-alvo e se possa tornar sustentável ao longo do tempo. Para além
disso, é fundamental o apoio de entidades parceiras na sua implementação, uma vez
que a falta de financiamento pode constituir um dos principais entraves à sua taxa de
An increasingly ageing population, as well as the growing lack of responses aimed at this age group, has been a matter of concern in current times. If a few years ago the average life expectancy was around sixty-five years, nowadays it is above eighty, so we have more and more elderly people and fewer and fewer solutions available for them to obtain a dignified quality of life at this stage of their lives. Although the third sector may offer a wide range of responses to these individuals, it is still considered that they do not take into account the type of needs of each elderly person as an individual, and therefore present standardised solutions that do not pay much attention to the problems of each one. It was in this sense that I sought to investigate what has been done in order to respond in a different and innovative way to the main problems of this age group, as well as their impact and effectiveness in solving or alleviating them. To this end, I questioned the people responsible for the projects “Rugas de Sorrisos”, “QuintAAL”, “Social +”, “100 Solidão” and “Estima-Te” and prepared a subsequent documentary analysis of an information report of the project "Rugas de Sorrisos", the Impact Partnership Program of the project "QuintAAL" and a report of presentation of results of the project "Estima-Te". The results obtained essentially indicated that social innovation should be the basic principle of any social project so that it can have considerable impacts on its target audience and become sustainable over time. In addition, the support of partner entities in its implementation is fundamental, since the lack of funding may be one of the main barriers to its success rate.
An increasingly ageing population, as well as the growing lack of responses aimed at this age group, has been a matter of concern in current times. If a few years ago the average life expectancy was around sixty-five years, nowadays it is above eighty, so we have more and more elderly people and fewer and fewer solutions available for them to obtain a dignified quality of life at this stage of their lives. Although the third sector may offer a wide range of responses to these individuals, it is still considered that they do not take into account the type of needs of each elderly person as an individual, and therefore present standardised solutions that do not pay much attention to the problems of each one. It was in this sense that I sought to investigate what has been done in order to respond in a different and innovative way to the main problems of this age group, as well as their impact and effectiveness in solving or alleviating them. To this end, I questioned the people responsible for the projects “Rugas de Sorrisos”, “QuintAAL”, “Social +”, “100 Solidão” and “Estima-Te” and prepared a subsequent documentary analysis of an information report of the project "Rugas de Sorrisos", the Impact Partnership Program of the project "QuintAAL" and a report of presentation of results of the project "Estima-Te". The results obtained essentially indicated that social innovation should be the basic principle of any social project so that it can have considerable impacts on its target audience and become sustainable over time. In addition, the support of partner entities in its implementation is fundamental, since the lack of funding may be one of the main barriers to its success rate.
Empreendedorismo Envelhecimento Projetos
Sociais Terceiro Setor