O ponto de partida deste estudo reside na constatação de que o declínio da mobilização partidária e socialização política é de grande importância para entender melhor a democracia e como ela pode sobreviver. A nível nacional, a atividade dos membros dos partidos tem características significativas, que estão profundamente assentes na cultura política do país. A nível individual, o ativismo partidário é uma missão específica para cada pessoa. A filiação partidária não é apenas parte de sua história de vida única, mas também serve como um elo de ligação na cadeia de sustentabilidade do partido. O estudo da mobilização partidária e a socialização política carecem de maior desenvolvimento no contexto português, particularmente o estudo da escolha da atividade dos membros do partido. O principal objetivo deste artigo é o de identificar, numa perspetiva comparada, os traços sociodemográficos básicos assim como um conjunto de atitudes político-ideológicas essenciais distintivos de membros partidários de três partidos Portugueses principais com assento parlamentar (Partido Socialista – PS, Partido Social Democrata Militantes; partidos; filiados partidários; democracia; socialização PSD e Centro Democrático e Social/Partido Popular – CDS/PP). A metodologia deste estudo baseia-se na técnica da sondagem, validada na pesquisa do projeto MAPP (Working group on Members and Activists of Political Parties). Este é um objeto escassamente analisado em Portugal (Stock et al. 1985; Lisi & Espírito Santo, 2017), sendo que os resultados esperados serão os de contribuir para identificar causalidades no que se refere à diminuição e à falta de interesse pela participação partidária, mas também política em geral, por um lado. Por outro, pretende-se contribuir para conhecer melhor, por dentro dos partidos, quem são os filiados partidários e como poderão distinguir-se dos militantes.
Our starting point is that the decline of party mobilisation and political socialisation is of great importance to better understand both how democracy works and how it may survive. At national level, party member activity has significant features that are deeply seated in the nation’s political culture. At an individual level, party activism is a mission particular to each person. It is not only part of his or her unique life story but serves also as a link in the chain of party sustainability. Party mobilisation and political socialisation warrant further development in the Portuguese context, particularly the study of the choice of party members’ activity upstream. The main objective of this article is to identify, in a comparative perspective, sociodemographic basic traits, and a set of essential political and ideological attitudes of party members of three main Portuguese parties with parliamentary representation (Socialist Party – PS, Social Democratic Party – PSD, and Centro Democrático Social / Partido Popular – CDS/PP). The methodology of this study is based on the survey technique validated in the MAPP project (Working group on Members and Activists of Political Parties). This is an object scarcely analyzed in Portugal (Stock et al., 1985; Lisi & Espírito Santo, 2017), and its expected results will be those of contributing to identify causalities regarding the decrease and lack of interest for parties’ activities in politics in general, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is intended to contribute to getting to know better, in an inside party perspective, who are the party affiliates and how they can distinguish themselves from the activists.
Our starting point is that the decline of party mobilisation and political socialisation is of great importance to better understand both how democracy works and how it may survive. At national level, party member activity has significant features that are deeply seated in the nation’s political culture. At an individual level, party activism is a mission particular to each person. It is not only part of his or her unique life story but serves also as a link in the chain of party sustainability. Party mobilisation and political socialisation warrant further development in the Portuguese context, particularly the study of the choice of party members’ activity upstream. The main objective of this article is to identify, in a comparative perspective, sociodemographic basic traits, and a set of essential political and ideological attitudes of party members of three main Portuguese parties with parliamentary representation (Socialist Party – PS, Social Democratic Party – PSD, and Centro Democrático Social / Partido Popular – CDS/PP). The methodology of this study is based on the survey technique validated in the MAPP project (Working group on Members and Activists of Political Parties). This is an object scarcely analyzed in Portugal (Stock et al., 1985; Lisi & Espírito Santo, 2017), and its expected results will be those of contributing to identify causalities regarding the decrease and lack of interest for parties’ activities in politics in general, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is intended to contribute to getting to know better, in an inside party perspective, who are the party affiliates and how they can distinguish themselves from the activists.
Militantes Partidos Filiados partidários Democracia Socialização
Espírito Santo, P., & Costa, B. F. (2017). Filiados e militantes partidários: perfis da filiação partidária numa perspetiva comparada. Revista Lusófona De Estudos Culturais, 4(2), 109-129.
Revista Lusófona De Estudos Culturais