21 results
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- Between Equality and the Right to Be Different—The Politicization of Concepts in the Fight against Discrimination Due to Sexual OrientationPublication . Costa, BrunoThe debate around the principle of equality and the theme of discrimination around sexual orientation has been one of the most relevant in the process of ensuring the spread of human rights. After ensuring a set of civil and political rights, several groups and social movements have warned political actors of the need to look at each citizen’s individuality and guarantee through legislation and daily practices, respect for that individuality. This process is being conducted around the dichotomy between the concepts of equality and difference. It is from this analysis of the two concepts that we come across the theme of the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite, transexual and transgender (LGBTQ+) community. With a qualitative approach, and while referring to the historical path of this theme, we review the central concepts in the promotion of equality and analyze the dichotomy between equality and difference. We ask, in an increasingly globalized world, does it make sense to point out difference as a mechanism for the defense of equality? Using semiotics, we approach the two central concepts and the political effort to normalize this theme to the public, using the Portuguese case (law and Non-Governmental organizations action) to characterize the central debate on equality and difference.
- O papel do General Ramalho Eanes na consolidação da democracia portuguesaPublication . Albernaz, V. B.; Costa, BrunoO presente artigo centra-se em discutir e analisar o contributo do General Ramalho Eanes para a consolidação da democracia em Portugal, tendo presente o período pósrevolução de abril e os seus mandatos como presidente da república. A análise assenta no recurso a uma profunda revisão bibliográfica, num estudo com uma dimensão descritiva e qualitativa, facto justificado pela temática e pelos objetivos da investigação. O material recolhido tem por base a trajetória política de Ramalho Eanes, sendo que o período em estudo foi marcado por instabilidade política, económica e social, o que merece uma cuidada análise tendo em conta a influência do contexto no processo de tomada de decisão. Os resultados apresentados revelam que o general Ramalho Eanes desempenhou um papel fundamental na estabilização e consolidação do regime, sendo ator fundamental no processo negocial entre militares, partidos políticos e forças sociais que emergiram da revolução de abril.
- O Estudo da Política em tempos de IncertezaPublication . Costa, BrunoA investigação científica constitui um dos alicerces fundamentais para o estudo do funcionamento da sociedade. Numa altura em que os desafios da sustentabilidade, da segurança e da promoção da igualdade correspondem a eixos de ação de qualquer organização política ou social, importa refletir sobre as relações de poder e os caminhos possíveis para a afirmação do estudo dos fenómenos políticos. [...]
- From European unity to the challenges of the 21st centuryPublication . Costa, BrunoThe European project is marked by decades of achievements and successes, in a path that has seen advances and setbacks regarding the debate between institutional deepening and the enlargement of the EU to new Member States. This is a debate that has been fueled by different political options and changes in the institutional framework of the European Union, namely at the level of «informal decision-making directories» that condition and write the history of the European project. The path of success adopted by European leaders is undeniable, in a project started with 6 founding countries and which today brings together 27 Member States, with several countries following the path of accession. This path is fueled by the sharing of a common identity and the pursuit of improving living conditions, in a message that has been disseminated over decades and implemented by a spirit of solidarity between peoples.
- O desencontro institucional: a crise entre Belém e São BentoPublication . Costa, BrunoO ano de 2023 ficou, do ponto de vista político, marcado por uma acentuada crispação entre o presidente da República e o Governo, num ambiente caracterizado por sucessivas declarações públicas e posicionamentos políticos adotados por Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa e por António Costa, que constituíram passos para o agudizar da relação entre estes dois atores políticos. [...]
- Serbia: Between Doubt and Conviction – Paths of an Integration ProcessPublication . Costa, BrunoThe accession of the Balkan countries to the European Union is a desire and objective of several politi cal leaders and a commitment of the European institutions themselves. This path represents one of the objectives of the Republic of Serbia, and negotiations are currently taking place regarding compliance with the different accession chapters. Serbia’s integration entails several challenges, being a decisive instrument to heal the wounds of the Balkan War and an opportunity to rebuild political, social, diplomatic, and economic relations across the region. This chapter sets out to discover these challenges and seeks to analyze the current moment of negotiation, outlining the possible paths for the country’s integration into the European Union and the respective impact on subsequent negotiations with other Balkan States. Among the remaining doubts regarding the integration of the Serbian State and the conviction that the path of the European Union inevitably passes through this integration, what challenges will the negotiation face in the coming years?
- Donald Trump's political communication on facebook - an analysis of the pre-election period (2020)Publication . Costa, Bruno FerreiraThe media coverage of electoral campaigns has been reinforced by the massive use of social networks. The impact and dynamics associated with these contents are a unique object of study in the analysis of the political message transmitted by the candidates and in the study of its effectiveness. The digitization of politics and the transformation of traditional electoral campaigns implies the need to reinforce studies on the impact of social media during an election campaign. Using content analysis, in a qualitative and quantitative study, this article aims to address the presence of Donald Trump on Facebook in the last month of the 2020 presidential election campaign. Considering the proliferation of online information, it is important to study the content expressed by the Republican candidate and its impact on his followers. According to the purposes of the research, the expected results will allow us to understand the discursive dynamics and the communication adopted by Donald Trump in this social media, as well as to gauge the reactions to each publication, in a path that mixes the contributions of electoral and political communication studies.
- Populismo e Autoritarismo – entre o caminho democrático e a atração pelo abismoPublication . Costa, BrunoO século XXI tem sido marcado por um reaparecimento de soluções populistas em diversos espaços/pontos geográficos do mundo. Este fenómeno não adota um modelo único, sendo caracterizado por uma diversidade de medidas, regras, intensidades e caminhos, quanto à implementação de modelos de governação assentes em valores e ideias populistas. O atual contexto de medição da qualidade das democracias impele-nos a aprofundar o estudo em tomo dos sistemas políticos e dos diversos elementos utilizados para aferir os regimes democráticos no contexto global, com o crescente espaço do populismo nas cúpulas políticas internacionais. No seio da literatura existente podemos encontrar diversos contributos sobre a evolução dos regimes políticos e sobre a análise do exercício do poder político, num processo interligado com perspetivas e explicações associadas ao nível de desenvolvimento dos países e à situação económica e social das populações. Ou seja, encontramos espaço para identificar causas e estímulos para as mudanças na estrutura e no funcionamento dos regimes políticos. O presente contributo centra-se em três tópicos: discussão sobre o conceito de "populismo" no quadro das democracias contemporâneas; enquadramento do populismo na dimensão plural de funcionamento das democracias; progressivo espaço que o populismo tem conquistado no quadro de regimes políticos mais instáveis. O caminho aqui traçado vai ao encontro de uma perspetiva de estudo e compreensão da mudança dos regimes e sistemas políticos, num quadro de alta volatilidade política e maior aceitação do populismo por parte de diversas comunidades políticas.
- Party Newspapers Perspectives and ChoicesPublication . Espírito Santo, Paula do; Costa, BrunoThe focus of this article is on how different parties use its party newspapers as instruments of political communication, in the current political context, particularly in Portuguese press. As is to be expected, the newspapers reproduce the party’s vision and help disseminate their leaders’ political ideals and proposals. There are, however, significant differences in the history and format of each publication, in terms of the way the political message is put across and the scope of the subjects addressed. This article is based on a content analysis technique, through a categorical qualitative and quantitative systematization. The expected results are centered on the discussion about the communication strategies of ideologically different party newspapers which are visible in front pages. Moreover, this study is expected to contribute to the discussion about personalization in politics, focusing and considering in particular party newspapers. This is a subject that has been scarcely investigated in communication studies and in political science, despite the presence and ideological place of party newspapers in the past and at present. The aim of this article is to make a contribution toward demonstrating and boosting the interest of this important support to party life and politics.
- The relevance of public speech in the presidency of Donald Trump – the US elections in analysisPublication . Costa, Bruno; Khudoliy, AnatoliyThe importance of the US presidential elections results from the analysis of several factors, both at the systemic level and their impact on the international political order. In the middle term of the Donald Trump’s presidency, it is important to analyze the discourse model used and its impact on election results. In fact, many studies have focused on the characteristics of the voters that led to Trump’s victory, leading a short discussion about the importance and the role of public speech in the electoral battle of 2016. The campaign discourse and the way Donald Trump keep the communication strategy during the mandate is a key element to understand the US political system and could represent a new model to analyze the different concepts of leadership at a global level. A close insight into it can illustrate many facets and facts about discourse as an instrument in electoral campaign and how it is perceived by voters. The study investigates D. Trump’s speeches during the 2016 presidential elections in order to identify his sentiments, discourse themes and strategies. We used the technique of content analysis and eventanalysis, along with the descriptive approach, with the aim of outlining the impact of Donald Trump’s public speeches during this period. The study revealed that Trump’s speeches were topic oriented. The study allowed us to deepen the knowledge about the role of political public speeches and the new strategy adopted by Donald Trump to keep a significant average of supporters.
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