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O tema central desta dissertação são as Políticas de Reinserção Social que são levadas a cabo no tratamento penitenciário de reclusos, que se encontram a cumprir medidas privativas da liberdade. Espera-se por um lado, que ao abordar esta temática se ajude a compreender o fenómeno da reincidência criminal, que de acordo com o Relatório sobre o Sistema Prisional da Provedoria da Justiça (2003) apresenta uma taxa de reincidência de 51%. Considera-se importante compreender de que formas as atuais políticas de reinserção social de reclusos contribuem para uma melhor integração / inclusão dos mesmos na sociedade. Por outro lado, importa entender se a prisão (que exclui os reclusos da sociedade durante o cumprimento da sua pena) lhes dá as ferramentas/competências necessárias para que estes se integrem novamente na sociedade.
The central theme of this thesis are Social Welfare policies that are carried out in the prison treatment of prisoners who are serving in custody. It is expected on the one hand, that addressing this issue help to understand the phenomenon of recidivism, which according to the Report on the Prison System of the Office of Justice (2003) presents a recurrence rate of 51%. It is considered important to understand the ways in which current social reintegration of prisoners policies contribute to a better integration / inclusion thereof in society. On the other hand, it is understood that the prison (which excludes inmates of the society during the term of their sentence) gives them the tools / skills needed to enable them to integrate back into society.
The central theme of this thesis are Social Welfare policies that are carried out in the prison treatment of prisoners who are serving in custody. It is expected on the one hand, that addressing this issue help to understand the phenomenon of recidivism, which according to the Report on the Prison System of the Office of Justice (2003) presents a recurrence rate of 51%. It is considered important to understand the ways in which current social reintegration of prisoners policies contribute to a better integration / inclusion thereof in society. On the other hand, it is understood that the prison (which excludes inmates of the society during the term of their sentence) gives them the tools / skills needed to enable them to integrate back into society.
Inclusão/Integração Social Políticas de Reinserção Social Reclusos Reincidência Tratamento Penitenciário