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Rojão, Graça Maria Rogeiro Pinto
Esta Tese analisa as iniciativas locais alternativas de Portugal continental à luz de duas matrizes emancipatórias: o decrescimento e a perspetiva feminista do cuidado, que em comum partilham a preocupação com a manutenção da sustentabilidade da vida no planeta, em condições de justiça social.
O decrescimento critica o crescimento económico definido como objetivo social prioritário, estimula a repolitização do debate e a reincrustação do económico no social e no político. A visão feminista do cuidado amplia as noções de economia, de trabalho e de reprodução social, numa aceção que parte do reconhecimento da interdependência entre seres humanos e da sua ecodependência face à restante natureza.
As iniciativas locais alternativas criam novas formas de organização coletiva, constituindo um campo de experimentação que enraíza estes movimentos e estabelece pontes entre utopia e prática.
Partimos de uma leitura destas experiências locais cruzando-as com as propostas feministas de cuidado, que desafiam as relações de género e de produção prevalecentes e com as preocupações ecológicas do decrescimento. Nesta Tese mapeamos iniciativas locais alternativas em Portugal continental e caracterizamos este campo; identificamos as suas conceções de decrescimento e de cuidado; procedemos a um recenseamento crítico das práticas vinculadas a estas duas noções; identificamos os referenciais de transformação social que guiam as iniciativas, com base no seu posicionamento face ao capitalismo; e, por fim, sistematizamos as aprendizagens críticas que as iniciativas identificam, a partir das suas experiências.
Concluímos que os processos de transformação social que integram as noções de decrescimento e de cuidado, veem o seu potencial emancipatório reforçado pela centralidade que concedem à criação de condições de sustentabilidade da vida. Ainda que o potencial destas experiências possa ser incerto ou limitado, elas abrem brechas de esperança face aos cenários muito prováveis de colapso, que ensombram o nosso horizonte.
This thesis analyzes alternative local initiatives in mainland Portugal under two emancipatory matrices: degrowth and the feminist perspective of care, which share a common concern with maintaining the sustainability of life on the planet, in conditions of social justice. Degrowth criticizes economic growth defined as a priority social objective, stimulates the re-politicization of debate and the embedment of the economy in the social and political dimensions. The feminist vision of care broadens the notions of economy, work and social reproduction, in an understanding that starts from the recognition of the interdependence between human beings and their ecodependence whith the rest of nature. Alternative local initiatives create new forms of collective organization, constituting a field of experimentation that roots these movements and builds bridges between utopia and practice. We start from crossing these local experiences with feminist proposals of care, which challenge the prevailing gender and production relations and the ecological concerns of degrowth. In this thesis we map alternative local initiatives in Portugal and characterize this field; we identify their conceptions of degrowth and care; proceeded to a critical setting-up of the practices linked to these two notions; identify the social transformation notions that guide these initiatives, based on their position before capitalism; and, finally, we systematize the critical learning that the initiatives identify, based on their experiences. We conclude that the processes of social transformation that integrate the notions of degrowth and care see their emancipatory potential reinforced by the centrality they grant to the creation of conditions for the sustainability of life. While the potential of these experiences may be uncertain or limited, they open glimmers of hope in the face of very likely collapse scenarios that cloud our horizon.
This thesis analyzes alternative local initiatives in mainland Portugal under two emancipatory matrices: degrowth and the feminist perspective of care, which share a common concern with maintaining the sustainability of life on the planet, in conditions of social justice. Degrowth criticizes economic growth defined as a priority social objective, stimulates the re-politicization of debate and the embedment of the economy in the social and political dimensions. The feminist vision of care broadens the notions of economy, work and social reproduction, in an understanding that starts from the recognition of the interdependence between human beings and their ecodependence whith the rest of nature. Alternative local initiatives create new forms of collective organization, constituting a field of experimentation that roots these movements and builds bridges between utopia and practice. We start from crossing these local experiences with feminist proposals of care, which challenge the prevailing gender and production relations and the ecological concerns of degrowth. In this thesis we map alternative local initiatives in Portugal and characterize this field; we identify their conceptions of degrowth and care; proceeded to a critical setting-up of the practices linked to these two notions; identify the social transformation notions that guide these initiatives, based on their position before capitalism; and, finally, we systematize the critical learning that the initiatives identify, based on their experiences. We conclude that the processes of social transformation that integrate the notions of degrowth and care see their emancipatory potential reinforced by the centrality they grant to the creation of conditions for the sustainability of life. While the potential of these experiences may be uncertain or limited, they open glimmers of hope in the face of very likely collapse scenarios that cloud our horizon.
Decrescimento Cuidado Economias Feministas Economia Solidária Iniciativas Locais Alternativas