Browsing by Author "Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina"
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- Antropologia de TimorPublication . Schouten, Maria Johanna ChristinaBreve apresentação das principais caraterísticas da população de Timor-Leste, nos aspetos culturais, linguísticos e fisiológicos.
- Antropologia e colonialismo em Timor portuguêsPublication . Schouten, Maria Johanna ChristinaArtigo, baseado em documentos escritos, relativamente à prática da antropologia (física e cultural) em Timor Português, nos séculos XIX e XX, indicando como o «saber» é influenciado pelo «poder» (neste caso, colonial).
- Antropologia e SociologiaPublication . Schouten, Maria Johanna ChristinaLivro didático, com resumos da matéria, excertos de textos e questões para debate, utilizado na Unidade Curricular Antropologia e Sociologia no Mestrado Integrado em Medicina na Universidade da Beira Interior.
- A antropologia em Timor Português: os constrangimentos do colonialismoPublication . Schouten, Maria Johanna ChristinaTexto sobre a prática etnográfica e antropológica em Timor-Leste, demonstrando a sua interligação com o poder colonial,
- Antropólogos neerlandeses e portugueses em terras de TimorPublication . Schouten, Maria Johanna ChristinaAnálise e contextualização da antropologia praticada em Timor no período 1860‐1940, principalmente por neerlandeses. Em 1859, a divisão da ilha entre portugueses e neerlandeses foi oficialmente estabelecida. Deste modo, os timorenses, conforme a sua zona de residência, foram sujeitos a influências divergentes, vindas de dois estados europeus que não se distinguiam apenas pelas suas línguas e culturas, mas também pelas suas políticas nas respetivas colónias. Estas políticas distintas refletiram-se também na antropologia praticada.
- Apart and together: the Portuguese and the Dutch as neighbours in and around Timor in the nineteenth centuryPublication . Schouten, Maria Johanna ChristinaThe Dutch and the Portuguese, who claimed the suzerainty over diverse zones on the island of Timor, in 1859 divided the island between them in an official agreement, which subsequently underwent several adaptations. Portuguese Timor was far away from the rest of the Portuguese-controlled territories in Asia and Africa, and so it was very dependent on the Dutch East Indies, in the economical, communicational, and other respects. Influence of Dutch policy on Portuguese projects was also noticeable, such as during the term of office of Governor Afonso de Castro (1858-1863) and his projects to develop coffee cultivation. In the colonial ideologies of the Netherlands as well as the Portuguese the well-being of the natives was emphasized, though in reality the interests of the mother country were pre-eminent.
- Career paths of young mothers in Latvia and PortugalPublication . Boronenko, Vera; Schouten, Maria Johanna ChristinaThe article examines the factors that influence women’s options for motherhood, whether or not in combination with a professional career, in respectively Latvia and Portugal. The central question ties in with major concerns among policymakers in Europe, such as the low fertility rate in all of Europe and the ambition to attain a higher educational qualification for all the citizens. In view of these considerations and of the goal of providing equality of opportunities, the social and family policies have recently undergone changes to facilitate an articulation between family life and work. In the present paper the tendencies in this respect in Latvia and Portugal will be assessed, taking into account the general attitudes in society regarding the social role of mothers of young children.
- Chauffeuring parenthood: the everyday travel times of familiesPublication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina; Las Heras, SoledadThe time parents dedicate to the routine transport of their children has increased significantly since the second half of the twentieth century. This change was triggered by various developments, including new forms of parenthood, the central place the car has come to occupy in society and the tendency to urban dispersion. The article addresses the coordination efforts made by families to provide transport for their children to and from schools, nurseries or extracurricular activities. It focuses on the meaning parents attribute to the time spent on this transport, and on gender differences in this type of time allocation. To illustrate this point, analyses have been made of qualitative and quantitative data obtained in the context of a research on the use of time and technology in families, in the Portuguese districts of Castelo Branco and Braga, during the period 2010‐12. The principal revelations of this research are the diversities but also general trends in representations and practices regarding temporalities and transport shown in interviews and focus group discussions. It was found that parents interviewed considered time devoted to routine transport of their children a care task; and, linked to this, mothers bore the brunt of this fragmented and time-consuming activity
- Constructing a national identity in Timor-Leste: ReflectionsPublication . Schouten, Maria Johanna ChristinaIn May 2002, when its independence was formally established, Timor-Leste became the latest of the former Portuguese colonies that had to come to terms with its colonial heritage. But this was not its only challenge, as this territory had been occupied by its neighbour Indonesia in the period 1975-1999, entailing misery for the population and an ‘Indonesiazation’ of their cultural expressions and institutions. The new state of Timor-Leste needed to conquer respect on the world stage – on the map it is a dwarf between the giants of Indonesia and Australia – and also legitimacy among its citizens, where problems triggered in particular by the Indonesian occupation still lingered. Therefore, the closely-connected processes of state-building, nation-building and identity-building have been going on until now. The state and several linked organizations such as the educational institutions are highly involved in the promotion of the ‘feeling of belonging’ to Timor-Leste among the citizens. Factors which complicate this identity-construction include internal rivalries, the cultural influence of Indonesia, and the great heterogeneity of the population, which counts about twenty ethnolinguistic groups. In the paper several dimensions and symbolic objects and events that are created and activated for the construction of a national identity are examined. These are the flag and anthem, language, religion, monuments, the cult of national heroes, and national celebrations. In most of these dimensions elements of perceived national culture as well as of Portuguese legacy are interwoven. The paper is based on documental research and interviews and observations in Timor-Leste during November 2016. PowerPoint, not the written texto, available.
- Desfazendo desigualdades de género: um caminho sinuosoPublication . Schouten, Maria Johanna ChristinaNas últimas cinco décadas, a área de «género» conquistou um lugar importante em estudos académicos no mundo inteiro; no mesmo período, a redução de desigualdades baseadas em género tem sido uma preocupação genuína ou, pelo menos, assim declarada por diversas entidades. Na verdade, o processo de mudança social e de atitudes favorecendo igualdade de género tem decorrido num ritmo relativamente lento e tem sido raramente linear. O «caminho sinuoso» do processo de redução de desigualdades de género em Portugal é ilustrado neste texto a partir dos desenvolvimentos na vida familiar, e da representação política e cultura juvenil. São apresentados ainda obstáculos diversos a este processo, assim como os movimentos de retrocesso, ou seja, o surgimento de maior desigualdade ou diferenciação entre os sexos, às vezes sob a bandeira de «tradição».