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Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina

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  • Undoing gender inequalities: insights from the Portuguese perspective
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    In Portugal and elsewhere in the world, the movement promoting gender equality has known advances and setbacks over the past century. While acknowledging and outlining the major favourable developments, this paper discusses mainly some tendencies in the opposite direction, in particular those that highlight and encourage, from an early age, differences between men and women, usually to the detriment of the latter. Examples in Portugal include the growing genderization of children’s toys and books (which in one case has triggered a widely-mediatized polemic in September 2017) and the importance of the colours pink and blue. After childhood, differences persist regarding choice of study, professional activities, salary and domestic responsibilities. In this respect, sociological research in Portugal has observed a backlash in the position of women, in particular as an effect of the financial and economic crisis in the period 2010-2014.
  • The economic crisis – some consequences for fertility behaviour: the cases of Portugal and Latvia
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina; Boronenko, Vera
    Several European countries are, or have recently been, confronted with a series of crises which mutually affect each other. In this paper the economic crisis but especially the demographic crisis, caused by a sharp decline in birth rate, will be discussed. This tendency in fertility behaviour has been going on for some decades, in part because of the high requirements of children as to economic costs, time and energy of the parents, in particular the mothers. The decrease of births has been aggravated by deteriorating economic conditions. The authors will focus the interrelation between recent economic and demographic developments with regard to two countries, Portugal and Latvia, and with special attention to underprivileged, peripheral, regions. Relevant demographic data will be presented, and in discussing the fertility behaviour, economic conditions and also cultural factors will be considered, in particular the role attributed to women as mothers, and the value attached to children in the family.
  • Review of: Monika Schlicher, Portugal in Ost-Timor, Eine kritische Untersuchung zur portugiesischen Kolonialgeschichte in Ost-Timor 1850 bis 1912.
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Review of book on history of eastern Timor in the period of implementation of the Portuguese colonial regime. With attention for the political history of Portugal in that period.
  • Antropologia e colonialismo em Timor português
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Artigo, baseado em documentos escritos, relativamente à prática da antropologia (física e cultural) em Timor Português, nos séculos XIX e XX, indicando como o «saber» é influenciado pelo «poder» (neste caso, colonial).
  • Desfazendo desigualdades de género: um caminho sinuoso
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Nas últimas cinco décadas, a área de «género» conquistou um lugar importante em estudos académicos no mundo inteiro; no mesmo período, a redução de desigualdades baseadas em género tem sido uma preocupação genuína ou, pelo menos, assim declarada por diversas entidades. Na verdade, o processo de mudança social e de atitudes favorecendo igualdade de género tem decorrido num ritmo relativamente lento e tem sido raramente linear. O «caminho sinuoso» do processo de redução de desigualdades de género em Portugal é ilustrado neste texto a partir dos desenvolvimentos na vida familiar, e da representação política e cultura juvenil. São apresentados ainda obstáculos diversos a este processo, assim como os movimentos de retrocesso, ou seja, o surgimento de maior desigualdade ou diferenciação entre os sexos, às vezes sob a bandeira de «tradição».
  • Parenthood and everyday mobilities in Portugal: a gender approach
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina; Las Heras, Soledad
    The spatial transition of individuals and their families between the different contexts of home, work/school, and leisure activities, as well as the time spent during this «interface», are attracting growing attention from sociologists. The main subject of the present study relates to the transportation of children to and from day-care, school or extracurricular activities, and the strategies mothers and fathers apply to managing this routine form of mobility. In an analysis of the various dimensions of this parental task, attention is paid to the central place children occupy in today’s families, strengthening parents’ protective instincts. The data presented come from a study of households in two zones in Portugal with diverse geographical and demographic characteristics. The quantitative and qualitative data indicate differences between men and women in types and patterns of mobility, and also in the access to and use of means of transport. The daily school run, in its broadest sense, can be taken as an activity pertaining to the domain of «caring» and to a certain extent this is reflected in its gendered character.
  • A Sociology of Gender
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Brief discussion of the history of gender studies in Portugal, on the occasion of the publication of the book.
  • Career paths of young mothers in Latvia and Portugal
    Publication . Boronenko, Vera; Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    The article examines the factors that influence women’s options for motherhood, whether or not in combination with a professional career, in respectively Latvia and Portugal. The central question ties in with major concerns among policymakers in Europe, such as the low fertility rate in all of Europe and the ambition to attain a higher educational qualification for all the citizens. In view of these considerations and of the goal of providing equality of opportunities, the social and family policies have recently undergone changes to facilitate an articulation between family life and work. In the present paper the tendencies in this respect in Latvia and Portugal will be assessed, taking into account the general attitudes in society regarding the social role of mothers of young children.
  • Translators and interpreters, translation and interpretation
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Discussion of the processes of communication in Southeast Asia, in the 16th-18th centuries, between the Portuguese seafarers and the local population, mainly traders and political rulers. Central is the role of the interpreters, as intermediaries ad as translators not just of language but also of customs and etiquette. In addition, the special position and features of Malay and lateron Portuguese as a contact language in the archipelago are major subjects.
  • Undoing gender inequalities in Portugal: a long and winding road
    Publication . Schouten, Maria Johanna Christina
    Over the past one hundred years, the movement towards gender equality has known advances and setbacks, in Portugal and all over the world. While acknowledging and outlining the major favourable developments, this paper discusses mainly some tendencies in the opposite direction, in particular those that increasingly emphasize and encourage, from an early age, differences between men and women, usually to the detriment of the latter. Examples in Portugal include the growing genderization of children’s toys and books (which in one case has triggered a widely-mediatized polemic in September 2017) and the importance of the colours pink and blue. After childhood, differences persist regarding choice of study, professional activities, salary and domestic responsibilities. In this respect, sociological research in Portugal has observed a backlash in the position of women, in particular as an effect of the 2010-2014 financial and economic crisis.