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Numa situação de emergência sanitária, o grau de cumprimento público das ordens governamentais das autoridades de saúde pode afetar grandemente o curso da pandemia. Partindo do pressuposto que o (in)cumprimento das recomendações das autoridades está diretamente ligado à confiança nas fontes de informação, neste artigo, discutimos o caso concreto da comunicação governamental de Portugal durante o início da segunda vaga da doença. No contexto de uma investigação internacional da rede European Public Relations Education and Research Association Com-Covid, foi aplicado um inquérito online a 460 cidadãos portugueses entre 7 de outubro e 11 de novembro de 2020. Para este trabalho analisamos uma secção do inquérito com questões relativas às fontes de informação que inspiram maior confiança junto da população portuguesa e à opinião dos portugueses sobre a gestão da comunicação do governo. Os inquéritos foram codificados e inseridos no software estatístico SPSS. O estudo concluiu que sobressai uma perceção positiva sobre a comunicação governamental entre os inquiridos, mas que os portugueses consideram os atores do campo da saúde fontes de informação mais confiáveis do que os media ou as autoridades governamentais. Em relação à questão de género, concluiu-se que as mulheres confiam mais no governo e que têm também melhor opinião sobre a comunicação das autoridades. No que concerne à idade, verificou-se serem os jovens quem mais confia nas autoridades e nos media, ao mesmo tempo que são os mais críticos do desempenho do governo na gestão comunicacional da crise. De maneira geral, os inquiridos demonstraram pouca confiança nas redes sociais digitais e nos influenciadores digitais como fonte de informação sobre a covid-19, sendo que quanto maior é o grau académico menor é a confiança dos inquiridos nos influencers e nas redes sociais digitais.
Who Do the Portuguese Trust? Government Communication Management in the Covid-19 Pandemic Gisela Gonçalves LabCom – Comunicação e Artes, Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal Valeriano Piñeiro-Naval Observatorio de los Contenidos Audiovisuales, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain Bianca Persici Toniolo LabCom – Comunicação e Artes, Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal Abstract In a health emergency situation, the degree of public compliance with orders from health authorities and governments can significantly affect the course of the pandemic. Based on the assumption that (non-)compliance with the authorities’ recommendations is directly linked to trust in the sources of information, in this article, we discuss the concrete case of the Portuguese government communication during the beginning of the second wave of the disease. In the con- text of an international investigation of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association Com-Covid network, an online survey was applied to 460 Portuguese citizens be- tween October 7 and November 11, 2020. For this paper, we analyzed a section of the survey with questions regarding the sources of information that inspire greater confidence among the Por- tuguese population and their opinion on the management of government communication. The surveys were coded and entered in the SPSS statistical software. The study concluded a positive perception of government communication among respondents but that the Portuguese consider healthcare personnel to be more reliable sources of information than the media or government authorities. Regarding the gender issue, it was concluded that women trust the government more and have a better opinion about the authorities’ communication. Regarding age, it was found that young people are the ones who trust more the authorities and the media, while at the same time being the most critical of the government’s performance in managing the crisis. In gen- eral, respondents showed little confidence in digital social networks and digital influencers as a source of information about covid-19, and the higher the academic degree, the lesser confidence respondents have in influencers and digital social networks.
Who Do the Portuguese Trust? Government Communication Management in the Covid-19 Pandemic Gisela Gonçalves LabCom – Comunicação e Artes, Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal Valeriano Piñeiro-Naval Observatorio de los Contenidos Audiovisuales, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain Bianca Persici Toniolo LabCom – Comunicação e Artes, Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal Abstract In a health emergency situation, the degree of public compliance with orders from health authorities and governments can significantly affect the course of the pandemic. Based on the assumption that (non-)compliance with the authorities’ recommendations is directly linked to trust in the sources of information, in this article, we discuss the concrete case of the Portuguese government communication during the beginning of the second wave of the disease. In the con- text of an international investigation of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association Com-Covid network, an online survey was applied to 460 Portuguese citizens be- tween October 7 and November 11, 2020. For this paper, we analyzed a section of the survey with questions regarding the sources of information that inspire greater confidence among the Por- tuguese population and their opinion on the management of government communication. The surveys were coded and entered in the SPSS statistical software. The study concluded a positive perception of government communication among respondents but that the Portuguese consider healthcare personnel to be more reliable sources of information than the media or government authorities. Regarding the gender issue, it was concluded that women trust the government more and have a better opinion about the authorities’ communication. Regarding age, it was found that young people are the ones who trust more the authorities and the media, while at the same time being the most critical of the government’s performance in managing the crisis. In gen- eral, respondents showed little confidence in digital social networks and digital influencers as a source of information about covid-19, and the higher the academic degree, the lesser confidence respondents have in influencers and digital social networks.
Comunicação Confiança Comunicação - Covid-19 Fontes de informação Comunicação - Portugal